The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 108: Overpowered

Chapter 108: Overpowered

The three bodyguards that ran towards the white masked man had their backs drenched with cold sweat, as they saw the white masked man screaming in disbelief and agony. They were scared by the ability that Kang-Ho possessed. It was too dangerous, Kang-Ho had not only managed to cripple the white masked man, he had also managed to do so under their nose without them noticing.

I just hope he does not attack us after he is done with these assassins, if he does, we are surely dead. Thought one of the bodyguards, not just him all of the bodyguards present there had similar kinds of thoughts. Just seeing the condition white masked man was in gave everyone chills.


The three bodyguards arrived in front of the white masked man as they swung their sword towards him, unfortunately for the bodyguards the white masked man was one step ahead of them. The white masked man suddenly used his full speed to move towards the location where he had thrown his weapon earlier. Even after being in so much pain and agony, the white masked man didnt loose his mind, he was still clear on one thing that was to compete his mission and survive. This goal was the only factor that had held his brain in place, or else he would have gone man a long time ago.

EGGHHHH the white masked man gnashed his teeth as he let loose of his injured right arm which he was holding with his left arm trying to support so that the arm would not fall off. As soon as the white masked man let go oof his injured arm, it started dangling. It seemed as if white masked man had lost all the control over his right arm as it was moving on its own. The arm was only attached to his body because of some of the flesh or else it would have fell off long ago. Everything that was happening was too gory, if a normal person was present here at the moment, that person would have vomited their intestines out, but no one was vomiting as they saw this scene right now because everyone present at the scene were experienced and all of that had already taken tens if not hundreds of lives with their own hand, so it wasnt that surprising that there was no reaction coming from the people that watched the scene in silence.

As the white masked man let go of his injured arm, he had given up on the hopes of ever getting his arm to recover ever. He swiftly bended over and picked up his weapon which laid on the ground and assumed his battle stance to face the enemies. Cold sweat started flowing through the forehead of the white masked man, he was nervous. As he stood there, he knew that he had lost most of his power as he lost his right arm, he had never fought using his left arm. Right now, he only wished that he would be able to face the enemies, he started to swing his sword left and right. That was all a futile attempt to familiarize himself in using left arm. Seeing the actions of the white masked man the bodyguards snickered as they understood what he was doing, deep in their heart they knew even if the white masked man was given a whole day to practice sword, he would still not be able to handle the sword properly in left arm as someone who themselves had experience using weapons, they knew how hard it was to master the technique. On the other hand, the bodyguards were relieved as they could finally see light at the end of the tunnel.



The three bodyguards arrived in front of the white masked man and launched their attacks from three different directions, attacks from the two bodyguards were easily dodged by the white masked man using his superior speed, but the third attack that was launched towards him, he was unable to dodge that as he blocked the attack using his sword.

You think just because I lost one of my arms, I wont be able to defeat three of you? Nave, I dont even need an arm to kill you three. Said the white masked man as he faced the three bodyguards. Although the white masked man was saying that, deep in his heart he new that he knew how hard it was for him to defend against these three, right now all he was trying to do was reducing their morale.

You think we cant see what you are trying to accomplish here? asked one of the bodyguards with a mocking tone mixed in his voice.

Just dont jump like a frog and wait for us to slice the other arm of yours obediently. Said the other bodyguard, this time he was trying to provoke the white masked man into doing something stupid.

YOU.! Screamed the white masked man towards the bodyguard as he was trying to say something, but at the end he wasnt able to complete his sentence as he saw the bodyguards once again pouncing towards him.

Now enraged white masked man, didnt try to dodge the attacks from the bodyguards this time around as he closed the distance between them, he was prepared to face the three bodyguards at once and show them who was the boss.


Sounds of swords colliding started sounding out as the white masked man came into confrontation with the three of the bodyguards. The four of them started to trade sword blows as they started to fight.

Now tell me if you can still be c**cky as earlier, HAHAH.AGGHHHHKKK said the white masked man as he soon started laughing but suddenly his laughter came to an abrupt stop as he suddenly felt slight pinch coming from his heart, he felt as if his heart had suddenly missed a beat. The bodyguards that were fighting the white masked man suddenly moved back, and their face was as if they had just witnessed a ghost. The white masked man moved his gaze towards the location that the bodyguards were looking at, his face turned pale in matter of seconds as his gaze fell upon his cheat as he saw a short sword glowing with black flame pointing out of his chest as if it belonged there.

The white masked man turned towards the location where Kang-Ho was standing earlier when he noticed he had vanished from the spot once again. He opened his mouth but he didnt even have a chance to move his mouth as he felt his legs losing strength as he fell on his knees abruptly. Kang-Ho behind the white masked man suddenly pulled the short sword from his chest. After the sword was out white masked man fell completely to the ground while from his wound blood gushed out like fountain.

Kang-Ho after it was all over slashed his sword to shake off the blood that covered his short sword. after he was done killing the white masked man Kang-Ho didnt make a move as he didnt have a need to as the bodyguards were able to kill the remaining assassins themselves.

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