The Hunter of the Other World Who Is Being Misunderstood

Chapter 71:

Chapter 71:

Dont fuss over such trivial strength, Jung Haseong.  

Lets see.

First of all, I blurted out the words as a defense mechanism, but I was wondering how to continue this.


Honestly, theres not much to boast about when it comes to an F-Class physique. Therefore, since I cant show off or brag about myself, my options are narrowed. 

I have to cut down the other side.

I decided to criticize Jung Haseong. It couldnt be helped. Because now I had to force myself to look like a strong person.

Its a disaster for the world that an awakened person like you is at the highest level of the class. 

Tuk, tuk.

I casually picked at the blister on my palm and effortlessly tore into the opponent.

Actually, worrying about being treated like a monster when you cant even control half of your abilities


Isnt that a bit arrogant to worry about being treated like a monster with that level of skill?

However, as the conversation dragged on, I found myself cornered instead. In fact, the young man named Jung Haseong over there is the epitome of a blessing with not much to complain about.

For someone ranked number one, your handling skills are terrible.

Social status as well.

Innate magical power quantity too.

The only flaw of that S-class hunter, who lacked nothing in either department, was control over magic.

So, I tried to focus on Jung Haseongs immature side and emphasize them, but

Honestly, in terms of ability to use skills, there is no difference between you and the F-Class people on the street. Dont you think so? 

What does that mean? Its only natural that Haseong struggles to handle his skills. Even compared to other S-rankers, he stood out for his exceptional magic power capacity alone. Too much magical power would have made adaptation to the awakening ability several times more difficult. 

However, this weakness doesnt affect Haseongs combat power in the slightest. On the contrary, it means that those S-Class are overwhelmingly powerful to the extent that they dont need any clever tricks.

By Earths standards, hes truly a monster.

I was quietly terrified, but I didnt show it outwardly.

Dont settle for the present. Jung Haseong. 


I tightly clenched the plastic bag I had grabbed from the convenience store to conceal my nervousness.

If you keep thinking like that, you wont make any progress. Do you think just becoming an S-Class is enough?

For now, hes saying what a strong person would say. 

Instead of being pathetic, you should constantly think about becoming stronger! If you are an awakened person.

As I continued to point out the use of skills, I slowly stopped talking. Because Ive already run out of things to talk about.



I realized it a little late since I was avoiding eye contact because I was scared. Jung Haseong had been looking in this direction with a surprised face since a while ago. It seems shocking that an F-class dared talk back to an S-class.

But anyway, the real problem is that despite all the criticism, he wasnt at all discouraged. 

Damn it!

Thanks to this, this place was on fire.

I realized that my previous bravado had failed to instill any sense of caution in Haseong.

I, I didnt mean to offend you! Im just worried about you too. You have plenty of room to grow stronger, but youre so obsessed with work 

I hastily added an explanation.

I, I just meant, lets think about the future!


You will be able to easily overcome any dungeon now, but you dont know what will happen later, right? 

However, there is a problem here. Because I lived as an archmage in my past life, I have rarely tried to please others. I mostly resolved issues by force. Therefore, its somewhat natural for me to be clumsy in flattery.

You cant overdo it already. Take care of your health. For the sake of your future.

Doctors dont tell you this kind of thing, do they? Honestly, if I hadnt insisted on you taking a break back in August, your hunter career could have been cut short. Then all the relief work you love will go to waste. Just because of a momentary stubbornness. 

Is that so? 

S, so, the conclusion is, I hope you take good care of yourself and continue treatment

Im doomed. 

Does my souls algorithm think that I will look good if I worry about his health? 

I ended up ending the conversation with a similar sentence to last time. Although it starts with bold bravado, it ends up being a bit sloppy at the end. It was a moment when I was watching Jung Haseongs thoughts and contemplating how to end this conversation. 

Hunter Kim Kiryeo!

At that moment, a voice like a savior flowed into my ears.


Its Seonwoo Yeon. That B-Class awakener suddenly jumped out and stood between me and Haseong. Come to think of it, Seonwoo Yeons appearance was quite natural. The corridor we were standing in was right across from the back entrance to the emergency room. 

Did you hear my voice through the door?

It wouldnt have been difficult to find me if I went outside. But the problem is why did she come out of the emergency room?

Is the treatment already finished?

Yes, it is. They came back quicker than I expected. 

Now I see that the association employees severed index finger has been completely restored to its original state. It looks like she met a healer in the meantime.

But I was wondering why the person who was going to buy barley tea was so late.

Seonwoo Yeon took a breath and looked at me and Jung Haseong alternately. 

Why on earth are you so anxious to catch Hunter Jung Haseong whenever you see him? 


I heard everything when I came in! You were talking disrespectfully to Haseong-ssi. S, saying hes pathetic or something.

Right after that, Seonwoo Yeon grabbed my sleeve with all the blood draining from her face.

Please dont fight!


This is in front of the hospital. There are many elderly people here who are vulnerable to magic.

Personally, I think it would be better to stop that S-class human weapon than a harmless person like me.


Well, this worked out well. Ill take advantage of Seonwoo Yeons plea as an excuse to leave now. 

Thats right. We shouldnt fight. What could be worse than hitting someone?

Haseong must have felt something after hearing this.

Anyway, sorry for the delay in the errand. Heres the barley tea. Now lets all go home.

H, huh? 

Theres an empty taxi coming over there. Taxi!

Tak, tak. 

I ran out onto the street without looking back. Originally, I had planned to just run away like this.


However, it seems that the other party has no intention of ending the conversation like this. Jung Haseong, who I had left behind, suddenly called out to me. I turned my head awkwardly when I heard that voice.


But then he said something. 

Oh, thats the payment for the healing potion you gave me earlier.



Jung Haseong made an unexpected statement.

Sorry for the delayed response. Id like to pay you now. Could you please provide me with your bank account information?

I completely forgot about that. Nevertheless, I did save his life before. Its fortunate to hear that he wants to repay the favor. 

But all of a sudden?

In my mind, the question Why now? suddenly popped up. This Earthling, who previously seemed so hostile and obstructive, now wants to repay the favor as if nothing happened.

What is your intention?

Could this be some kind of evil plan? I was filled with suspicion. Thats why I couldnt easily accept the S-classs offer. 

Its fine.


I said its fine.


Soon after, the sound of the taxis back door opening was heard.

If youre really grateful, either drop the assault charges or cancel them.

Jung Haseong looked slightly surprised when he heard that, but I didnt say anything more. It was becoming clear that boasting against an S-Class had its limits 



As the taxi started to move, I slumped into the back seat and wiped the cold sweat from my forehead.

I survived!

There were some twists and turns, but I survived anyway. Moreover, this incident made it even clearer. Jung Haseong is clearly the type who cant handle bluffing!

I said some pretty unpleasant things, but in the end, he didnt go all the way.

Tsk, tsk. What a coward he turned out to be. 

I held my trembling hands together and made a promise again. Yeah, Ill definitely push forward with the image of a strong person, especially in front of those S-grades.

If I look down on him, hell probably come at me with his sword again. And theres no way someone like me could dodge an S-Classs blow twice!

Thats the only way to live. 


After Kiryeo left. 

In front of the back door of the emergency room.

Jung Haseong quietly watched as the taxi Kim Kiryeo was in moved away, and then he turned his gaze. His mind was complicated.

Work on getting stronger.

Certainly, that perspective is something he had never considered before. Since becoming an S-class hunter, he has always focused on suppressing and minimizing that power.

In reality, I cant even handle half of my awakening ability. Is that what he means

Haseong looked down at his palm and smiled weakly. Honestly, he couldnt deny it. His awakening stats were at a level that exceeded 1.5 times the average of S-class hunters, based solely on pure numbers.

This enormous power was like a fierce wild horse. Also, he has never once held the reins of this horse properly. 

Just being dragged around by the rushing flow of mana. Hang on.


Then, at some point, he began to try to suppress this flame. He never expected to hear advice from someone elses mouth telling him not to settle for the present.

Isnt that a bit arrogant to worry about being treated like a monster with that level of skill?

It was a new evaluation for him. To be called incompetent. Having effortlessly handled A-Class gates and even cleared the high-level Baekin Tower, which even other S-Class hesitated to enter, was something he took pride in. 


This is a crude criticism. Thats why it opened his eyes. 

Theres nothing wrong with what he said.

Sacrificing himself for immediate tasks is truly devouring the future, isnt it? 

As he said, he was settling for the present. It shouldnt have been like this. Driven by anxiety or pressured by the expectations of those around him, he found himself falling into strange self-torture

-Tiriririri. Tiririririri.

Soon, a familiar sound rang in his pocket, but Haseong didnt answer it.

[Association President]

Its because he checked the sender. 

Recently, the Hunter Association has been contacting him frequently. Ever since he started going to the hospital, they would subtly call him every few days. 

Where does it hurt these days?

Why are gate reservations suddenly being reduced?

Then, before taking a break, could he just go around that A-Class dungeon that he promised them in advance? 

Anyway, they are harassing people as if he has entrusted them with something

Should I stop? 


After taking a deep breath, Jung Haseong came to one conclusion. 

Lets put it down now. Driven by the fear of others eyes, he had been trying to meet their expectations at all costs, chasing away his inner fears. But now, it was time to gradually follow the right advice, even for the sake of his own life.


Jung Haseong turned off his cell phone and went out.

I guess Ill have to disconnect from the internet for a while

It was the moment when the pressure that had tormented him for years finally lost its weight.

[Jung Haseong, temporary suspension of activities The reason is poor physical condition]

[The association expresses concern over the heros statement, No certainty on the return date.]

A few days later,

Articles about the number one ranked poured in from various newspapers in Korea.


Anonymous Forum

[Title: Witness Accounts of JHS Fight]


Hey, I saw JHS on my way here earlier!!

I didnt get a close look, but he was talking to someone across the street. Anyway, its kinda cool how you can tell hes an awakener.

But I was surprised.

I was originally thinking of crossing the street and saying hi to Jung Haseong when I saw him But suddenly, I heard a scream from somewhere.

But it turns out someone was swearing at Jung Haseong

Really, there was this guy who looked like a gangster, and he was yelling and cursing angrily.

At the time, I thought they were just arguing, but when I got home and looked at the pictures I took, I noticed that the guy had burn scars on his hand.

It seems like Jung Haseong got into a fight with that guy today ;;

Well, people can end up fighting sometimes as they live, so I didnt really think much of it. 

It was a bit surprising. On the broadcast, Jung Haseong always comes off as a mature figure, but seeing him fight with another hunter was unexpected.]

[Comments (12)]

[Anonymous: Whos crazy enough to pick a fight with an S-ranker?   Next time, write something more plausible.]

[Anonymous: Can you prove it?]

[Anonymous: Clearly written by some jealous loser sitting in his basement.]

[Author: (Photo)]

[Author:  I even wrote in the post that I took a picture for evidence and forgot to attach it.]

[Anonymous: Oh, the photo looks real]

[Anonymous: Heres the proof.]

[Anonymous: What kind of idiot is fighting with the 1st ranked person?;;]

[Anonymous: Who is the hunter standing next to him?? Please tell me his name] 

[Author: Seriously, its my first time seeing him.]

[Author: No one seems to know who he is.]

[Anonymous: Arent you filming without permission? Even the faces of ordinary people are clearly visible. It would be better for the author to take down the photo.]

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