The Human Giant

Chapter 246 246: Pet Rabbit

Hearing Yamgo call it, afraid to show its face in front of the immortals, the humanoid Rabbit's face turned grim as it said slowly.

"You haven't seen my true power yet if you think that I simply rely on using physical strength to deal with my enemies. For worms like you, my physical strength is more than enough."

"As for those immortals that you spoke of, don't assume that they are at the top of the food chain. I might not be the strongest, fastest, or smartest, but I'm not silly enough to make such a bold claim to say that those immortals could defeat the strongest beings in the world." 

Noticing that the Humanoid Rabbit wasn't happy with her words and the glare in its eyes flashed with murderous intentions, Yamgo secretly swallowed her saliva with nervousness. Though she was scared of the Humanoid Rabbit, she didn't dare show it on her face as that would tell the Humanoid Rabbit that it could find another person to make this deal with. 

She could only continue to smile confidently as she spoke to change her mind.

"I know that it hurts to hear, but I am just telling the truth of what I know. Immortals are not only capable of casting powerful spells, but they can increase their physical abilities to unbelievable levels."

"I even highly believe that whatever evolutionary path that you had taken could be performed by immortals if they so chose to take that path. Now you might be right that you and the other intelligent creatures in the Endless Forest have other abilities, but are they as versatile as spells, and can they compete in terms of power."

The Humanoid Rabbit's face lightened up slightly after hearing what Yamgo had to say. She didn't know if what she had said about the Humanoid Rabbit's special ability being limited or not very versatile was true, but Yamgo didn't bother to find out and instead re-sent her offer.

"I have spoken quite a bit, so let's get down to discussing if you are interested in working together with me."

"Your offer is good, but what guarantee do I have that you won't betray me once I help you become an immortal? Or what is stopping you from using those immortal's help to get rid of me once this test of yours ends?" The Humanoid Rabbit's smooth feminine voice echoed throughout the cave as a painful piercing headache pounded Yamgo's mind.

"What was that? The Humanoid Rabbit's voice seemed to contain crystal energy behind it. Damn, is it using one of its special abilities to show me what it's capable of!" Yamgo silently gritted her teeth as she endured the headache until it passed a few seconds later.

During those few seconds, the Humanoid Rabbit's smiled in a similar manner as a human, and in Yamgo's mind, the Humanoid Rabbit's smile slowly became more and more human with time. The only thing that she could think of with her headache was that the Humanoid Rabbit must have already developed its own plan to blend in with the other rogue immortal cultivators, but it still wanted to see if she could do better.

"I'll say this, any plan that you have with blending with us humans is downright impossible and will easily be exposed in an instant."

"I don't know about that. I fully believe in my capabilities to blend in with the human race." The Humanoid Rabbit snapped back.

"Don't be a fool and let your own insecurities compromise this mission. To succeed, we need to convince the immortals that not only are you not a threat but that you are my pet." Yamgo said in a serious tone.

"Pet?" The humanoid Rabbit's voice became deeper as Yamgo could sense its killing intent rising.

"I understand that it might be humiliating, but we don't even need to try that hard. All you need to do is take up more rabbit form and allow me to carry you around."

"That way, everyone believes that I simply was able to tame you and that I treat you like my own pet rabbit. Even if everyone knows that you have crystal nerves and could evolve to incredible heights, no one would care enough to try and rip you away from my arms." 

"That includes the immortals, as they would care more about getting me, a potential immortal, on their side. And with you, that potential could be guaranteed, and we would get our first solid foundation in the immortal sect." Yamgo's eyes flashed with resolve as she used her emotions and confidence to convince the Humanoid Rabbit.

"...I'm fine with your proposal, but you must first teach me the method of absorbing crystal in the manner that you humans do it. As well as your immortal cultivation method, I want all of it upfront." The Humanoid Rabbit's voice calmed down as it slowly walked over to Yamgo, allowing her to soak in the size difference between herself and the Humanoid Rabbit.

With herself being only five feet and seven inches tall on a good day, she was considered to be the average height for a woman from the region that she came from, which wasn't much shorter compared to the male height, which was only two to three inches taller.

Yet as the Humanoid Rabbit slowly walked over to her with its silent steps, she could feel a sense of oppression just from the difference in their bodies. When the Humanoid Rabbit was only a few inches away from her, she realized that she didn't even reach its waist and could even see its face when she strained her neck to look up.

The difference between her and the ten feet tall Rabbit that was covered in muscles made her feel like she was a small infant looking up at a giant. She could truly understand how easily she could be crushed and defeated even if she was in her peak condition and able to use her strongest spells.

The difference between a monster's physical abilities and its potential special abilities made it nearly on the same level as hellish as demons. It just lacked the same level of broken regenerative ability and insurmountable capabilities.

Briefly absorbing the strength of her new ally, Yamgo took a deep breath and smiled as she lifted one of her hands to pat the Humanoid Rabbit's stomach, to its own dissatisfaction, and said.

"Of course, partner, as long as you assist me in becoming immortal, I'll fulfill all your requests and much more." 

As Yamgo and the Humanoid Rabbit were discussing their plans for the future, in another part of the Endless Forest, another rogue immortal was busy looking for more cores. As one of the youngest rogue immortals that had decided to join the third trial and also barely made it through the second trial, Bubbles looked around his surroundings with anxiety gripping his heart.

As someone who was in his thirties but only looked to be in his twenties and had stalled his advancement numerous times to fix his appearance, Bubbles knew that his chances of getting into the top ten were slim to none.

The only way he could reasonably survive this trial was if he could survive the entire week-long period and just collect one core. As long as he collected at least one core, that would mean that he had at least participated in the trial, and if enough people died, there was a chance he could, by default, make it into the top ten.

Though he knew that the chances of that were slim, Bubbles had confidence in himself that he could at least survive this trial and get into the Immortal Sect. Unfortunately, he knew clearly that with his current cultivation level and talent being at the bottom of the barrel, he would, at most, be able to reach the Crystal Skull realm faster.

"As long as I survive and get into the immortal sect, I can use my immense beauty to charm a lady or two to help me become immortal. I don't care if they treat me like a pet as long as I'm loved and can live for eternity. That is all worth it." Bubbles tried to do his most handsome smile as he used some of his crystal energy to cast a mirror spell.

As he opened his fist, a tiny circular crystal mirror hovered in his hands. As Bubbles cast his spell, the crystal mirror grew and grew until it was the perfect size to reflect every inch of his head and neck. As he stared at the handsome blonde young man with his hair slicked back, Bubbles's eyes twitched as he noticed that some dust had gotten on his perfect skin.

"No, no, no, that simply won't do. I can't allow myself to be dirty for even a second, or else I might lose my chance to become immortal."

"As my mother had always said, life is easy for those with beauty and hard for those that look like ghouls. If not, why the hell would I marry your incompetent father?" 

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