The Human Giant

Chapter 239 239: Encountering A Monster

The pleasant smell of flowers paired with the golden rays of light passing through the petals of all the flowers was amazing. The soft green grassy fields of the forest lightly swayed in the wind turning the forest floor into a green ocean.

"So beautiful. Is this really a forest that exists in this world." Leah took a deep breath of the scent of the Flower Forest and looked at the land's beauty.

He could feel his mind being soothed as if a lullaby was being sung by mother nature herself. He couldn't help but think that Jewel has underestimated the beauty of this forest. 

"I can understand why you want to live here. In such a beautiful forest, I wouldn't be surprised to see a bear sleeping peacefully with a deer." Yoze said to Leah.

After the two of them soaked in the beauty, they continued to walk through the forest and explored the forest. They saw a wide variety of flowers that grew in this forest to a massive size, with each seeming to be perfectly adapted to replace the functions of trees.

Many of the flowers that Yoze saw had hundreds of petals that were incredibly large, but he noticed that all of them also had small petals on their stems that numbered in the tens of thousands. These petals not only added to the beauty of the flowers and the forest as a whole, but he even saw numerous animals eating the small petals.

There were also flowers whose small petals seemed to be lightly soaked in a similar sap that trees had, which from his predictions, could be used to replace the tree sap of some trees and be turned into maple syrup.

There were also flowers whose sap could be turned into rubber, replacing the need for rubber trees. The most surprising of all was that Yoze and Leah saw a ten feet tall brown bear peacefully walking through the forest.

The brown bear's brown fur looked as though it had been shampooed and cleaned repeatedly until it was perfect. Not a single stain could be found on the bear, and even its teeth were perfectly white as if it had been brushing its teeth every day of its life.


The brown bear also noticed Yoze and Leah walking around and didn't bother them at all. Instead, it softly roared as if to greet them before walking to a flower that was more than 300 feet tall and 30 feet thick.

Unlike the flowers surrounding it, this giant flower's stem was full of color and resembled as if someone had randomly splashed buckets of paint all over it and let it dry. While its appearance was still beautiful, it was a stark contrast to the green stems that many of the other flowers had.

Interested in why this bear was approaching this flower, Yoze and Leah followed behind it to see what it was up to. What they saw was surprising as the bear opened its wide mouth that was filled with sharp teeth and bit the stem of the flower.

With the powerful strength of its jaw, the bear ripped out a chunk of the flower and swallowed it before licking the transparent blue liquid coming out of the flower. After enjoying the liquid, the bear took a few more bits of the flower and drank the transparent blue liquid until it was full. The bear took a nap right next to the flower.

"I know bears are omnivores, but I didn't think they had the capability of eating flowers, or at least they didn't like the taste of flowers."

After seeing this scene, Leah couldn't help but walk over to the giant flower and lick the transparent blue liquid. After licking it, his eyes widened with shock as the liquid tasted like sugar water with a hint of watermelon.

"This tastes really good. No wonder the bear liked to drink this." Leah said to Yoze.

As Yoze watched Leah lick the transparent blue liquid, he couldn't help but feel that everything in this forest seemed to be perfectly compatible. It was as if everything had been perfectly engineered to be able to replace everything that trees provided and much more.

Not only did the forest seem to be engineered, but even the animals seemed to be modified somewhat. Even though Yoze wasn't an animal expert, he was able to recognize that all the animals in this forest seemed to have had their aggression drastically reduced.

Whether it was the deer, bears, giant bees, wolves, insects, and rodents, none of them even bothered to take interest or guard against him and Leah. Some of them, like the deer, were even friendly as they walked up to Leah and him and tried to offer them a petal.

"Could it be that an immortal had created this forest? Or maybe it was the people in the town nearby that had developed this forest bit by bit throughout the generations." Yoze softly shook his head and removed the thought that regular people could have done this.

He couldn't imagine regular humans having such high capabilities to genetically engineer an entire forest worth of plants and animals and not using their abilities to modify themselves. And if they were truly capable of achieving such a feat, this technique would have been widespread and used by other towns and cities to produce perfect farms, animals, and powerful super soldiers.

Only two valid entities could have the power to transform an entire forest in Yoze's head. The first were immortals, as they seemed powerful enough to do so and intelligent enough to make everything work in harmony with one another.

The other option could be that this entire forest was either a breeding ground or food farm for a family of demons. It would make sense if the demons needed a sufficiently large food source, so they created this forest to serve their needs. 

"Either option should mean that Leah shouldn't be in too much danger in this forest as long as he remained discreet. But I'll help him find a good place to stay before I leave. It's the least I could do." Yoze's eyes flashed with colorful sparkles as he raised his guard in case whatever creature created this forest returned.

"Yoze, what about this hill? If you could hollow it out, it would be a pretty good place for me to live." 

A few hours had passed since they began exploring the Flower Forest, and they still were finding extremely interesting flowers in their search for a place for Leah to make his new home. At this moment, Yoze and Leah were looking at a small hill covered in a thick layer of grass with numerous unique flowers that could act as easy food sources.

"This is pretty good, but with all this food, it might attract animals or people, so unless you want to make the entrance and exit camouflage, this isn't the best place," Yoze said casually.

"You're right, but this is the best place so far. Even if people and animals show up occasionally, I'll just hide or pretend to be a crazy old man living in the forest to scare them off."

"Of course, the most important reason is that I just love this place. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else." Leah explained to Yoze as he felt as if there was a special connection between the hill and him.

"Alright, if you really like this place, I'll make it a home for you." Seeing that Leah was interested in this hill, Yoze didn't deny his request and stretched his shoulders in preparation for a long period of digging.

After finishing his stretch, Yoze made his blood pour out of his body to form a large sharp blood shovel and began digging. With his immense strength, stamina, and excellent ability to create tools out of his blood, the project of creating Leah's new home progressed quickly.

After only an hour, Yoze had hollowed out the entire hill and added reinforcements to ensure that the hill wouldn't collapse no matter how much weight was on top of it. Once Yoze felt that the hill was sufficiently ready to be designed from the inside, he walked outside to see Leah standing on a literal small hill of dirt and stone.

"Your new home is ready to be designed." 



Just as Yoze called out to Leah about designing his new home, he heard a soft buzzing noise rapidly approaching them. Recognizing that the buzzing sound was too loud to simply be a bee, Yoze couldn't help but look into the distance to see if he could see the creature's spiritual energy.

Unfortunately, by the time he could recognize that the sound was coming from a rapidly approaching gathering of purple spiritual energy in the shape of a star, the creature was only a few feet away from them.

"A monster!" 

Noticing that Yoze was looking at the sky above him with curiosity, Leah couldn't help but look up as well and felt his heart stop. Above him was a giant monster that had a faint resemblance to a wasp but was ugly to the extreme.

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