The Human Giant

Chapter 181 181: Stealing White Tiger

Yoze looked at the helpless white tiger with interest in his eyes. He looked at its white fur and could see specks of blue tattoos similar to the bald young man's tattoos.

"You two must have been close."

After examining the white tiger's body Yoze began his experiment of attempting to establish a connection with the Blood Beast. Even though just a few minutes ago he had killed the White Tiger's master, Yoze still felt he had a good chance at being able to succeed.

The reason for his confidence is that the Beast Human body cultivation method never mentioned that there was a limit to how many animals or beasts someone could tame nor did it mention anything about not being able to tame Blood Beast. It only mentioned that the stronger the animal the harder it would be to tame.

But for Yoze the difficulty of taming a Blood Beast shouldn't be that much harder than taming a regular animal like the giant serpent. And as long as he was persistent he should be able to form a connection with the white tiger.

"Let's get started."

After he completed his examination Yoze began to poke the white tiger's body rapidly and with perfect form. It didn't take long before Yoze sensed the white tiger's body begin to relax so he lifted some of his spiritual energy suppressing the white tiger allowing it to start to think.

The white tiger's body continued to relax as Yoze continued his poking but by the time he completed the entire poking massage the Beast Human body cultivation had he still didn't sense that a connection had been formed between him and the white tiger.

Seeing that one massage sensation wasn't enough Yoze tried again and again and again while at the same time lifting the spiritual suppression on the white tiger bit by bit until he completely removed it. Even though the white tiger was no longer being suppressed spiritually or under any physical suppression that prevented it from moving away from Yoze it found that its body refused to listen to it.

It was too comfortable.

Under the perfect and fluid massage, the white tiger felt as if the hidden strength in its body was surfacing and making it stronger. The pleasure of getting stronger from a simple massage was so comforting that its mind began to wander by the time the bald young man tamed it.

Back then it was not the powerful and noble white tiger that it currently transformed into. Back then it was just an ordinary tiger with orange and black stripes that roamed around the forest not knowing what its next meal was going to be or if it would survive past the next day.

That was until it saw the bald young man walking towards it with his mesmerizing blue tattoos. Even though the bald young man simply sat down and waited for it to walk over on its own, it could sense deep down in its bones that if it wanted to rule over the forest it needed to walk towards the bald young man.

When it walked over to the bald young man he just smiled and began to massage its body in a similar manner as Yoze. At that time, it felt like it was magical, and could feel its body growing stronger by the hour and its mind slowly becoming clearer with time.

Several years later, it suddenly felt a weak connection with the bald young man and one that it had made the right decision that day. With time its pride at being chosen to be the bald young man's beast grew and as it became stronger it felt that nothing could defeat its master.

But today it found that the world has been flipped upside down. Not only has its connection with its master been cut but now this large human was doing the same massage that its master did back then.

The problem was that even though they were the same massage, they weren't the same. If a comparison was made between its master and this human then it was like drinking a sip of warm water every day versus having a whole lake of cold refreshing water that one could partake in.

They were just two different magnitudes of comfort and even though it wanted to stay loyal to its master it found that its body had already betrayed it. The only thing stopping it from falling completely under this human's rein was its mind which was subconsciously relaxing its guard.

"Finally a connection had been formed."

Suddenly the white tiger felt that a new connection had been formed and to its sadness, it was to the human right next to him. But at the same time, it felt that becoming the beast of the human next to it wasn't as bad as it initially thought.

After Yoze felt the same connection with the white tiger that he had with the giant serpent he felt that he was going in the right direction. So he didn't stop after forming, reaching the first level of the Beast Human body cultivation method with the white tiger and tried to push it as far as he could.

Unlike the giant serpent who he had to help produce inner vigor, the white tiger already had an abundance of inner vigor in its body. So Yoze found out that the vast majority of the produced inner vigor went into his body instead of staying inside the white tiger's body.

As the stands of inner vigor went into his body Yoze found that they radiated a sharpness that seemed capable of cutting through anything. And as more inner vigor went into his body he felt that he could gather sharp inner vigor inside his hand to cut steel as if he was a thousand-degree knife and the steel was butter.

"It was a good decision to tame this white tiger. Now I can increase my offensive ability to a whole different level."

"Especially the weapons that I can create using my blood. They all will now have an increased ability to cut down anything standing in my way." Yoze smiled as he patted the white tiger that had now become his beast.

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