The Human Giant

Chapter 156 156: Blood Breaker Fist

The dark blood vapor rose in the air to form a dark red mist that covered every inch of Blood Master Steel, concealing his expanding body. The sound of cracking bones and ripping muscles and skin rang out from the dark blood mist.

"Crack crack crack!"


With the final sound of bones cracking and bones healing completed, the dark blood vapor quickly reentered Blood Master Steel's body. Exposing his body that had gone through massive and monstrous changes.

Blood Master Steel had grown to be more than 7 feet and 10 inches from his original height of 6 feet. His skin seemed to have become a dark red leather that gave out a demonic feeling to everyone. 

Even the Blood Master's hair and eyes transformed into a demonic bloody red color that made him seem like he transformed into a rage-filled monster. If it wasn't for the fact he maintained his human form and had torn his clothes, no one would have been able to associate this giant blood monster with Blood Master Steel.

Seeing Blood Master Steel's transformation, Yoze's eyes widened with shock. He almost couldn't believe that someone practicing martial arts could transform to such an extent.

Yoze licked his lips in anticipation as he could only imagine the amount of power that Blood Master Steel could hit him with. He was even contemplating if he should activate his Blood Weapon Handler Armor to better tank the blow.


Not bothering to speak further, Blood Master Steel stomped the ground hard causing the ground to sink in several feet, and propelled him so fast that he disappeared in Blood Master Scarlett's eyes.

Yoze on the other hand saw Blood Master Steel charging towards him like a missile as he cocked his arm to throw a punch. Yoze immediately recognized that the punch had similar elements to the Blood Fist as it expanded to three times its size in less than a blink of an eye.

With how much power was inside that single punch, Yoze predicted it could have killed if not gravely injured a Martial Grandmaster. Even though Yoze knew eating Blood Master Steel's punch was going to hurt as hell, he still didn't activate his Blood Armor and took it.

Just when Blood Master Steel was a few centimeters away from Yoze his arm grew one more size and was covered in thick dark-red veins that gave out a feeling of pure power. With his Blood Breaker Fist at full power, Blood Master Steel threw his punch straight at Yoze's heart.

The moment his punch landed on Yoze's chest, Blood Master Steel felt as if he had just punched a steel wall. The pain that came from his fist was so unbearable that he knew that he had broken a few bones.

But to him, that was all worth it as he heard a deep powerful thud come from Yoze's body before he sent it flying. 

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" 

The force of Blood Master Steel's punch was so powerful that Yoze's flying body smashed into the ground three times before being able to stop.

"Did you win?"

Noticing that Blood Master Steel was now standing where Yoze was previously standing alongside the body that was sent flying, Blood Master Scarlett couldn't help but assume that the fight was over.

"Unless he has better defenses than a Martial Grandmaster, he should be dead if not too injured to continue fighting." Blood Master Steel took a brief look at his fist and saw he had broken three finger bones from that one attack.

But looking at the dust cloud that covered Yoze's body and seeing that there was no movement, Blood Master Steel felt a bit disappointed. He had a feeling that if Yoze had gone full power at the start they would have been more even.

There was even a good chance to get closer to breaking through his limit and becoming a Martial Grandmaster. He even thought that the sound of Martial Grandmaster Steel had a good sound to it.

"Badum! Badum! Badum!!"

Just as he was about to leave he and Blood Master Scarlett suddenly heard a sound come from the dust cloud. It was similar to his war drum-like heartbeat but was significantly slower.

Even still it quickly grew louder as they began to see movement in the dust cloud.

"That hurt like hell, luckily it probably only fractured a few of my ribs, nothing that can't be healed in a day or two." 

Hearing Yoze's clear voice coming out of the dust cloud and saw his giant figure standing up. Blood Master Steel smiled as he knew he had finally found a worthy opponent.

Yoze stepped out of the dust cloud with his pants a bit torn and dusty but no visible damage was done to his skin and muscles. Feeling that was enough testing of his defensive capabilities, he decided to end this fight quickly.

After reorienting himself, Yoze activated his Big Golem Inner Vigor and quickly regained his weight of 7 thousand pounds. What made him happy was that he didn't feel sluggish doing so, meaning that it wasn't affecting his speed any longer.

After slightly adjusting himself, Yoze immediately hopped toward Blood Master Steel, disappearing in Blood Master Scarlett's eyes. Before she could understand what happened saw Blood Master Steel's tall figure get sent flying tens of feet into the air like a rag doll.

"Boom! Crunch!" 

When Blood Master Steel's body crashed into the ground she heard a sickening crunching of bones. And unlike Yoze who was able to easily shake off the hit, Blood Master Steel's body began to shrink and revert to his regular human form.

"Grave!" Scarlett looked at Blood Master Steel's bloody body and ran up to him to see if he was alive.

Meanwhile, Yoze nodded his head with pride as he looked at his fingers. After using the finger version of Bull Fist again after so long, Yoze realized that he liked battling with his hands the most.

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