The Hero Took Everything from Me, So I Partied with the Hero's Mother!

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Current Dhamar Kingdom's King's POV

 What happened...? The God Dragon Ceres-sama should had brought peace to the world for hundreds of years.

 The world should have remained peaceful regardless of the race, with only minor scuffles occurring.

 However, what is this?

 Even after listening to the story, I couldn't believe it.

 Before this, the legendary great sage, Mel, appeared at the Royal Academy and accused them of corruption, causing the academy to disappear entirely from this world.

 That alone was a nightmare, but now...

 "The immortal king Skull King and an army of tens of thousands of undead are advancing toward us."

 "What kind of joke is that?"

 "It's not a joke... Apparently, the demon king Luciferd is behind them."

 Is this the end of our country?

 Is in my time the Kingdom of Dhamar will end?

 The four professions no longer be born into this world because this world is at peace... Except for the sage called Mel.

 She is the only one who may be able to do something about this situation as she is known as 'the strongest in humanity', but she accused the Royal Academy of corruption and blew it away before leaving.

 She can't help us.

 Even if there were any other professions, the lack of their existence suggests that we probably won't be able to defeat the demon king army.

 There are no means of resistance.

 Surrender seems to be the only option... Or maybe...

 "we can pray to Goddess Istash and ask the priest for help."

 "That seems... to be useless too."

 "What do you mean!?"

 "I will convey it as it is. The Goddess said, 'The fault of this incident lies with the Kingdom... Therefore, I will not give any assistance.'"

 It's over... Our only option is complete surrender.

 At worst, I may have to sacrifice my life to ensure the safety of our citizens.

* * *

 Immortal King, Skull King's POV

 "We have come to negotiate... if you don't obstruct our march, you won't face any harm... but if you do, we'll attack without delay... and you'll learn how terrifying our undead army can be... So, open the path and the gateeee!"

 It's unthinkable to degrade the son of the great Ceres-sama, the Great Demon King.

 He treated me, the Skull King, as if I was one of his own and called me 'Grandpa'.

 But now, his smile has clouded over.

 To be honest, killing them all would be too merciful, but the merciful Ceres-sama doesn't want that and neither does Serena.

 This level of threat should suffice...

 "Why... haven't the demon race and the human race been getting along until now?"

 Is he a member of the royal family or something?

 Perfect timing...

 "We haven't come to cause trouble... my acquaintance, Demon King Lucifer-sama and I recommended someone to enroll in the Royal Academy... and we wrote a recommendation letter... the Demon King-sama and I, as well as the great sage Mel, vouched for him... so we came to ask why he was rejected... there doesn't seem to have been any injustice involved, does there?"

 "...Is that all there is to it? And you sent an army of undead just for that?"

 Let's scare them a bit...

 "That's all there is to it... that person is a 'Beloved Child of the Goddess'... even with his current abilities, he already possesses Hero-level power that will go down in history... and if he grows stronger, he could become a bridge between the demon race, dragon race, and even the goddess. Yet he wasn't accepted into the academy! It's too absurd! We came to ask for the reason... that's all there is to it... of course, if there's evidence that proves us wrong, we'll turn back! Whether the king comes here or we march to the palace is of no consequence."

 "I-I'll inform the king immediately... please wait a moment..."

 It's pointless to say anything more to him.

* * *

 Current Dhamar Kingdom's King's POV

 "Is this... the cause?" King growled, his voice laced with frustration.

 "Yeah, it was shining while everything else has vanished." His subordinate replied, his tone edged with worry.

 "I'm sorry..." Principal sighed, her voice heavy with regret and sadness.

 "I really didn't think it was real..." the chairman stammered, his voice trembling with fear and disbelief.

 The principal and the chairman are apologizing, but it's too late.

 It is certainly a strange application form, but instead of the demon king or the immortal king, we should have asked Mel-sama.

 No, it's no use blaming her now...

 I mean, who would believe that this is genuine based on this application?

 It's ridiculous that Mel-sama, who has never taken on an apprentice before, would become a guarantor.

 It's cruel to blame the person responsible.

 "My king, the opponent is the demon king... Through the Holy Kingdom, we should ask the goddess Ishtas..."

 "It was useless. Before we could contact the Holy Kingdom, the goddess herself appeared in the Central Church and said that she wouldn't help us because it was our fault. That's what we were told."

 "Is that true?"

 "Yeah, that's not all. She also appeared to the Pope and told him the Kingdom must not be forgiven. The Holy Kingdom sent a message saying they would close their borders if we don't settle this issue properly."

 "Is Serena a person of that caliber?"

 "When a nobleman who is close to Mel-sama asked her, she said, 'That child is amazing! He can fight me seriously for two hours... although he was still a child at this time. And because of that, he got tired and fell asleep... His sleeping face was also amazing...' That's what he said."

 "Two hours against a serious great sage..."

 "Not only that... but they say he can use it..."

 "What do you mean?"

 "I heard from the adventurer's guild that he used the skill 'Slashing Iron (Zantetsu)', which only the Sword Saint should be able to use."

 "Isn't that a really bad thing?"

 "Yes, it is... The four jobs (Hero, Saint, Sword Saint, Great Sage) will never appear again in this world... Mel-sama is the last Great Sage... If there is someone who can use the Sword Saint's skill..."

 "What do you mean?"

 "According to the theological scholars of the church, it could be the 'Beloved Child of the Goddess'."

 "Beloved Child?"

 "Sometimes people other than the four jobs are born, loved by the goddess and possessing many talents. They are called the 'Beloved Child of the Goddess' and are said to bear some kind of mission..."

 "What do you mean?"

 "For example, in the distant past, when an epidemic was prevalent in this country and many people died, a great healer appeared and treated them. In the Empire, there was a hospital called 'Miracle Treatment Institute', which healed illnesses and injuries that even the Saint couldn't heal... In any case, they saved the country from a crisis."

 "That means that the academy expelled the person who could potentially save this country from a crisis... that kind of thing?"

 "It's just a hypothesis, but... it's not entirely untrue."


* * *

 After that, towards one of the four heavenly kings, Skull King and the Demon King Luciferd who had come to the gate of the capital city...

 I gathered all the royal and aristocratic families in the city and prostrated ourselves before them.

 There was no way we could defeat the army of the dead that surrounded the capital.

 And even if we were to miraculously defeat them, the Demon King would still be there.

 He would end up killing us all.

 "'s fine," the Demon King grumbled, his voice low and menacing.

 When I heard these words, tears streamed down my face.

 'We're saved,' I thought, relief swelling within me.

 "What a foolish man...if only you had taken Serena in, you wouldn't be so afraid of all this..." the Demon King mused, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

 "..." I remained silent, unsure of how to respond.

 "Well, if it's Serena, he can defeat these undead creatures with ease..." the Skull King chimed in, his voice cracking with amusement.

 "How nostalgic...beating 50,000 undead creatures with just one blow..." the Demon King reminisced, his voice wistful.

 "And without hurting them too. I can't believe it," the Skull King added, his voice filled with wonder.

 "Uh, who is Serena—Serena-sama?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

 "I forgive you for rejecting him, but I won't tell you anything. You have insulted the Demon King's dignity, so it's only natural," the Demon King spat, his voice cold and unforgiving.

 "I won't tell you either, but it's possible that in a year's time. After all, Serena will become stronger than Mel. Hahaha!" the Skull King cackled, his voice ringing with amusement.

 As they spoke, the Demon King and his entourage departed.

 Our lives were spared.

 However...Serena-sama is probably the beloved child of a goddess...

 And now that we've rejected him away, I, as a king, can't help but feel uneasy.

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