The Hero Took Everything from Me, So I Partied with the Hero’s Mother!

Chapter 210: Goddess' Jealousy

Chapter 210: Goddess' Jealousy

Main character's POV

I will talk to Shizuko and the others later, but for now I need to wrap up the discussion here.

It's good that all parties involved are present.

We're currently traveling on a flying dragon ship, so we have plenty of time.

"As I mentioned earlier, what do you think we should do?" I ask.

"Well, if my dear little sister is having a wedding ceremony, as the first princess, I can't simply ignore it and not have one myself," replied Princess Mariane.

"Yeah, it might be a little weird for me, as a princess of the kingdom, not to have a ceremony when your little sister is having one," said Princess Frey.

"I agree... Since Maria, the former saint, is having a ceremony, I might get some criticism from the church if I don't have one as well, but I don't think there is anyone in the world who would complain about Ceres-sama. Should I ask the church what the proper form is?" added Saint Cecilia.

"""Proper Form?"""

What does she mean?

"Yes, the highest honor for a wedding ceremony in the church is to be conducted by Pope Romalis. But since Ceres-sama is already God, it might be difficult to follow the traditional way. The same goes for Zect-sama's ceremony... Normally, Pope Romalis, the noblest man in the world, should perform the ceremony, but since he is Ceres-sama's friend, it would be more honourable if Ceres-sama performs it," explained Saint Cecilia.

That sounds quite complicated

"I agree... So, how should we conduct the wedding of the most important person in the world?" said Princess Mariane.

"What if we just make an announcement?" suggested Princess Frey.

"Although you're right, Frey, people wouldn't be satisfied with just that. Even royal weddings are celebrated for a couple of weeks. We can't make it less than that," said Saint Cecilia.

"That's true, and the guests will be difficult to manage. It's a given that all the royalty and Pope Romalis will be there, but Ceres-sama is also the Gread Demon King and there will be powerful member of the Demon Tribe, and there's also the matter of the Dragon Tribe... Cecilia, is it okay for you to have a church ceremony?" said Princess Mariane.

"I don't think a church ceremony is suitable for the Demon Tribe... This might be bad if we don't discuss it with the demon tribe through Pope Romalis... In some cases, we might need to ask the Goddess Ishtas to give me an oracle. And there are greater beings in the Dragon Tribe than Goddess Ishtas, so... what should we do?" replied Saint Cecilia.

I may need to ask Bauer-sama too.

"Well then, Cecilia can handle matters related to the church, Marianna and Frey can handle matters related to the royal family, and I'll discuss matters related to the dragons," I suggested. "Is that alright?"

"That sounds good to me," Princess Mariane replied.

"That seems to be the only option," Princess Frey agreed.

"I think that's a good idea... but it will take quite a bit of time to gather everything together," Saint Cecilia cautioned.

"Cecilia, long are we talking about?" I asked.

"Normally, preparations for a royal marriage can take years, so I think we'll need even more time than that," Saint Cecilia replied.

That's true. However, if it too long, Zect and Lida would suffer needlessly. But then, if they had stayed in the village normally, they would have been married and living there long ago.

'What should I do?' I thought.

I couldn't let this chance slip by. Zect had made up his mind, and he couldn't afford to waver now.

I thought back to my previous life, where there was a way to get married without religion, but it's hard in this world, isn't it?

As I was thinking about that... my mind suddenly went blank.

* * *

"It's been a while, Yellow Dragon Ceres," said Bauer the Underworld Dragon.

"Long time no see, Ceres-sama," replied Goddess Ishtas.

Once again, it's sudden... In front of me is the underworld dragon Bauer-sama, and the goddess Ishtar-sama.

"Um, did something urgent come up this time?" I asked.

"No, this time it's not me but Ishtas who has something to do with it... sorry...," Buer the Underworld Dragon apologized.

For some reason, the always divine Bauer-sama looks weak.

While we're at it, maybe I should ask him.

"Do dragons get married?" I ask.

"Dragons don't get married... It would be an incredible pain for us who live infinitely to pledge eternity... it's not in our nature... well, I've heard of some of them marrying other people on a whim, but it's only for a hundred years or so, it's a joke... But you can do what you like... the problem is over there," Bauer-sama explained.

Goddess Ishtas, huh?

"You're really terrible! Even though it's 500 years later, we're still engaged! When I peeked down from heaven, you were doing things that made me envious... or rather, things that were really free," Goddess Ishtas exclaimed.

Was she watching me...? That's embarrassing.

"I'm sorry," I apologize.

"Cough, oh, no, that's fine. But Ceres-sama, what about your promise of love to me, who is also your fiancé? And because it makes me feel uncomfortable... That's why I've made up my mind," Goddess Ishtas said, trying to change the subject.

Made up her mind about what?

And why won't you make eye contact with me, Bauer-sama?

And why does he look down...

"Made up your mind? About what?"

"Yes, I've decided to push back the timeline by 500 years, to the time when I'll be your wife," Goddess Ishtas said firmly.

"Wait a minute... can you at least give me a hundred years to wait?" I pleaded.

"No, don't people say that haste makes waste? That's why I've already issued an oracle," Goddess Ishtas said.

"An oracle?" I repeated.

"Yes, an oracle that officially declares Ceres-sama my husband in the church! Of course, I've also given my blessing to the other marriages," Goddess Ishtas declared proudly.

"Oh no, why didn't you wait for me?" I asked, frustrated.

"Because seeing you and the others being lovey-dovey made me mad," Goddess Ishtas admitted.

'Because of that, huh?' I thought.

Alright, there's no choice but to accept this reality.

Zect had already decides, and so had I...

"So, I'm going to attend the joint wedding with Hero (Yuusha) as Ceres-sama's bride, so please treat this unworthy person kindly," Goddess Ishtas continued.

"Well..." I said toward Bauer-sama.

"Don't even look at me..." Bauer-sama replied.

"Um, okay," I replied quietly at Goddess Ishtas's words.

She said she'd wait 500 years...

But if Bauer-sama can't do anything, I'll just have to accept it.

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