The Gamer's System

Chapter 189: The Two Targets

Chapter 189: The Two Targets

[Requirements have been met. The conjures Samael and Kezel have been unlocked!]

[Requirements have been met. The Blessing of the Fire God is now unlocked]

[Information: Skills connected to the fire god can now be used with a lesser backlash. The aftereffects can be avoided altogether if the user reaches the attribute level of the original wielder of the flames.]

[Information: The gamer is immune to all fire related skills.]

[Information: Success rate of forging has gone up by 10%]

[Information: Flame attributed spells and equipment are boosted by 50% in effectivity when used by the gamer or his summons]

[Requirements have been met. In connection to the blessing unlocked, the Conjures are automatically evolved to Infernal Conjures]

[Information: All conjures now have linings that seem to bathe in the color of sunset. All their armor are turned black. Upon reaching 10% of their health points, they will begin blazing with flames that could burn nearby enemies down.]

[Information: At one percent they get turned to Infernals. Rabidly destroying all that has been marked as opponents of the gamer. Their attribute points are also doubled during this interval.]

[Information: The skills: "Undying Loyalty" and "Undying Fury" stack up with this skill.]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[The System Feature: "Gamer's Mind" has upgraded!]

[Information: A total immunity from all negative effects on the mind of the gamer has been unlocked.]

[Due to the feature upgrading; "Intelligent Auto Pilot" is now unlocked.]

[Information: Should the even arise that there is danger and the gamer is unconscious, his body will move on its own and fight based on the logical course of action.]

[The System Feature Minimap has been upgraded.]

[Information: Skills casted on the gamer's location can now be fired on the designated area. The skill is limited to the area targeted and does not have pinpoint accuracy.]

These were only some of the number of notifications that popped up. Zeke himself was unconscious throughout the course of all this happening as his body floated on the sky. Of course he was awake in his [Sub Conscious] so he internalized everything which the [System] was providing him.

On the other hand, Allesiah could feel Zeke's power level increasing even further. Her eyes were still shut but this didn't interfere with her ability to sense mana. Especially on the level that Zeke was emitting. In fact, it wasn't any normal powering up but an abnormal spike in power that she herself could not explain.

Apart from all this, she felt a warmth coming from Zeke. Something that seemed divine. This was not the only change in mana because, Allesiah could also feel every bit of mana around them going haywire. The wind was blowing violently and the she thought that she was hearing the [Conjures] of Zeke. Like they were cheering and shouting from the top of their lungs. Greeting their master who was breaking through another barrier in strength. Transcending the limits even further.

Notifications popped up one after the other; with the data being synchronized with Zeke's [System]. Yet this event ended as quickly as it began. The atmosphere suddenly quieted down and, Allesiah heard Zeke finally speak.

"Man, I didn't expect it to be something like a VIP reward." He gamer began. Moving his body which felt even lighter than it already was.

[Congratulations Gamer! Due to all the accumulated experience points adding up, you have reached Level 150!]

[All data has been synched with the System.]

These were the final notifications shown to Zeke. He dismissed them right away; closing the tabs and putting his attention to Allesiah whom, he realized, still had a problem with her eyes.

"Ahh that's right I need to do something for you Allesiah. Just wait there okay?" Zeke opened the skill window which contained all the skills of Calitha the former Fire God.

"Uhmm sure?" Allesiah said, wondering what it was that the gamer was about to do. Hearing Zeke's step slowly close in.

Zeke then began chanting, activating a spell that was born together with the god who used it. A flame that was not destructive but life giving. One which coats the almighty phoenixes that could revive from their own ashes.

"I'm going to burn your eyes." Zeke casually declared.

"You'll WHAT?!?" Allesiah said in panic. Backing away from Zeke and tripping over her own foot.

"Relax." Zeke simply said.

"Oh sure. I bet people would normally relax when they are told something as stupid as that right?" Allesiah continued, crawling away from Zeke.

"Just feel the mana I'm using. That should be enough to calm you down right?" Zeke said, releasing some of the mana just for Allesiah to feel it.

"YouI felt this earlier but now I'm sure. This is divine flame right? How on earth did you get your hands on a spell that uses the flames of the Fire God?"

"Let's talk about that later okay? For now I need to treat those eyes of yours."

"Do you even know how to use that properly?" Allesiah was finally calm. Sitting still and waiting for Zeke to begin.

"Of course I do." It was a lie of course.

That was the first time Zeke as making use of the skill and he just wanted to know how potent it really was. Allesiah and the condition of her eyes was the perfect opportunity for testing the waters. And so, before the elf could even catch on, Zeke finally casted it.

"Flames of the Phoenix." The mana was warm and gentle. Like the sun gently touching one's skin after a cold and dark night.

The spell showed nothing of the usual destructive nature of fire. In fact, Allesiah felt the only thing burning on her eyes were the impurities present. Restoring everything to normal bit by bit. It was bright of course. Too much for her liking but it wasn't painful nor was it unbearable.

"Okay I think it's done. You can open your eyes now." Zeke said, with Allesiah slowly doing so. Her eyes devoid of any feeling of pain.

"Oh my." She said immediately. Caught in a disbelief from how strong the effects were.

"Well?" Zeke said, waiting for the comments of the elf.

"It feels good as new?" Allesiah said, thinking that it was what Zeke wanted to hear.

"New as in you can't see the mana flow anymore or just new as in entirely healed?"

"What? There was a chance of that happening?"

"I asked first." Zeke said. He was worried that the former may be the case and, if it was, then Allesiah would need years of training again just to acquire the same skill level that she already had.

"Uhmm new as in entirely healed." Zeke held her shoulders at this saying "Thank god." Which made Allesiah more unsettled by the operation performed.

"Anyway, about that skill. Weren't you going to tell me about it?

"Oh yean. The skill uses my own life force as sacrifice. Since I'm a mortal using divine healing, it was the natural exchange."

"Aren't you even worried about that?"

"Why would I be? I have enough skills to keep me alive for generations to come." Zeke said and Allesiah knew that this was true.

"What about the divine flames itself?" Allesiah asked further. Wanting to know more about it.

"Oh yeah. I'll tell you once we get back to base. Your sister is waiting there after all and she must be missing her youngest sister. Plus I've got kids to attend to." The last part of Zeke's statement was all that was left on Allesiah's head. Repeating the word like a cursed idea that must never be explored.

"K-kids?" She said, shuddering as the thoughts began running wild on her head.

She was gone for a long time. Zeke might've lied when he mentioned the year when he saved Sylph. In fact, he might've saved her even earlier and, the reason why he wasn't able to save her was because he was too busy tending to his children with Sylph. Also preparing a reasonable alibi that would get him out of trouble.

"Z-Zeke did you?" The gamer read her expression quite clearly. Sighing in disbelief from how Allesiah's mind worked.

"Honestly do you think I even have time for the things that run in that head of yours? They're from my world. Humans who've been gifted by the gods just like me. I'm old enough to be their father so that's why I refer to them as kids." He said, without a trace of lying from his voice.

"Oh I see." Allesiah said in reply, breathing ever so calmly after being served with the facts.

"Anyway, we're done with all the continents." Zeke said, snapping his fingers and creating two [Teleportation Scrolls].

"The cleanup will come soon after so don't worry about the two continents we've conquered."

"It's not like I have any say with your plans right?" Allesiah said as she smiled at Zeke who let out a bit of chuckle.

"Yeah sorry about that. We need to make the preparations for the next phase of the operation because we have two main targets now."

"Two?" Allesiah repeated. Thinking of anyone aside from Glade. Again, Zeke was able to read her expression so he mentioned their names in order to avoid any confusion.

"Glade and Quinn."

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