The Full-level Daughter, She is Back

Chapter 49: Purpose

Chapter 49: Purpose

Chapter 49 Purpose

She clearly remembered that the person she was looking for should be at least thirty years old. However, although the man in front of him is somewhat disabled, he is about twenty years old no matter how you look at it.

"Are you old?" Huangfu Ruiling asked with a half-smile, "Do I look very old?"

"No, no, absolutely not." Ye Leng'an shook his head again and again, "You are so young, how could I think of you! This is just a respectful title, a respectful title."

To be honest, when she first saw the other party, she only felt wary. However, after knowing who the other party was, she was left with a guilty conscience. In the final analysis, this matter was indeed her fault. She put her name in other people's household registration without their consent. Although it didn't have any impact on the other party, it felt like being a thief discovered by the owner.

"Oh, it seems that I feel wronged!" Huangfu Ruiling raised his eyebrows.

"I am indeed wrong about this matter." Ye Leng'an took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, "It is my fault for letting you become my guardian without your permission. No matter what the reason is, a mistake is a mistake, I admit it. Don't worry, I will remove the household registration from your household registration book in a moment."

"As for my mistake, regardless of whether it caused you any losses, you can make reasonable compensation, and I will consider it."

Yes, she will only consider the compensation if it is reasonable. She won't talk too hard, after all, if the other party speaks loudly, there is no way for her to agree.

Huangfu Ruiling in front of her doesn't look like an easy person to provoke, she doesn't want to have any contact with him at all. If I had known that when choosing a guardian, I would not have chosen randomly, or had done a good job of investigating, and things like today would not have happened.

However, the evil spirit of the other party is really powerful. This kind of evil spirit can be devoured by even a strong man in the tribulation stage, but this Huangfu Ruiling seems to have nothing to do, and he didn't even let the evil spirit hurt the people around him. If it wasn't for the wrong position, she really wanted to study it carefully.

"I don't have anything to ask you to compensate." Huangfu Ruiling said, "As for the household registration, there is no need for you to move out. I don't mind if there is one more person on the household registration."

Huangfu Ruiling's answer did not reassure Ye Leng'an, but made her more vigilant, "What do you mean?"

She didn't believe that the other party came to the door today, just to see who was on the household registration book. However, no matter what the other party's purpose is, she will not sit still.

"I mean, I don't need any compensation from you." Huangfu Ruiling looked at Ye Leng'an, "As for the household registration, you don't need to move out, and you can't."

It is easy to come in, but not so easy to leave.

"What do you want from me?" Ye Leng'an calmed down, and looked at Huangfu Ruiling, "Or, what is your purpose for coming here today?"

The other party must have a purpose for coming here today. Now that it has reached this point, there is no need to continue to hide it, it is better to open the skylight and speak out. Moreover, she is not easy to mess with. If he really annoyed her, it would be a big deal.

"You don't need to be so nervous." Huangfu Ruiling looked at Ye Leng'an and asked, "You should be a cultivator!"

"You" Ye Leng'an seemed to suddenly think of something, "When you were in the sales department, you were there too!"

This is an affirmative tone, not a question. When I saw Huangfu Ruiling's evil spirit before, because I was vigilant, I didn't remember it. When she was in the sales department before, she felt a strong evil spirit. Thinking about it now, it should be Huangfu Ruiling's evil spirit.

"That's right." Huangfu Ruiling nodded, "Do you know that all practitioners must register in the Hidden World? This is also for the convenience of management."

"Hidden world?" Ye Leng'an frowned slightly, "I don't know about that."

Although she has heard of the hidden world, she is still not clear about some rules and regulations. In the previous life, she never had the opportunity to touch these things.

"Cultivators are much stronger than ordinary people. If there is no restriction, the world will be in chaos." Huangfu Ruiling explained, "So all practitioners must accept the rules and regulations formulated by the hidden world law enforcement team. If they violate it, they will be hunted down by the law enforcement team."

"You didn't come here today just to tell me these things, did you?" Ye Leng'an still had a vigilant expression on his face, "You might as well just tell me your purpose."

"Very well, since you are honest, then I will cover up." Huangfu Ruiling said directly, "You are an alchemist, and you should also be a doctor. I came today to ask you to help me save someone."

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