The Full-level Daughter, She is Back

Chapter 45: Do it directly

Chapter 45: Do it directly

Chapter 45 Direct hands-on

Ye Xiyuan's body froze, and she didn't know how to react for a while.

She knows about the 50 million. At that time, she was shocked that Ye Leng'an could get 50 million yuan. At the same time, I also felt a little uneasy, because even the system couldn't find out where Ye Leng'an's money came from. She always felt that some things were beyond her control.

Moreover, Ye Leng'an looks almost completely different from his previous life. If it wasn't for the existence of the system, she felt that everything that happened in her previous life was just a dream she had.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Qian Gumeng subconsciously retorted, "Ye Leng'an, if you're lying, make a draft! Just you, you can get 50 million."

"Will I be able to get 50 million? Just ask Ye Xiyuan next to you and you will know!" Ye Leng'an raised an eyebrow, "Why, Ye Xiyuan, do you dare to open your eyes and talk nonsense?"

For a while, Ye Xiyuan was in a difficult position, in a dilemma. If she was to lie in public, her image would definitely be greatly affected if she was exposed. It is not easy for her to have such a good image in front of everyone, she must not give up. But if the truth is told, the Ye family's reputation will definitely be greatly affected, and it will also affect her at that time.

"Bitch, did you cheat your money from my dad?"

Ye Xiyuan hasn't answered yet, and Chen Hailan is about to jump up.

Ye Leng'an didn't say a word, stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and slapped Chen Hailan.

Suddenly, the people watching the theater around were stunned. Who would have thought that Ye Leng'an, a delicate-looking little girl, would get started right away.

Chen Hailan was also frightened by this sudden change, she never thought that she would be beaten. In other words, no one has touched a single finger of her since she was born until now. However, now she was slapped, and she was still under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Ye Leng'an, I'm going to kill you." Chen Hailan's eyes were red, and she looked extremely fierce, and she was about to pounce on Ye Leng'an.

Ye Leng'an didn't spoil her either, and kicked Chen Hailan a few meters away with one kick.

Chen Hailan fell to the ground, covering her stomach with her hands, only feeling a burst of pain. She wanted to curse, but the pain in her stomach made it almost impossible for her to speak. She thought she might be bleeding internally.

"Sister, how can you hit someone!" Ye Xiyuan woke up like a dream, with a flash of excitement in her eyes, but her face was full of reproach, "Can't you speak well? Now that you have hurt someone, if they are investigated, you will not be able to escape."

Originally, she didn't expect Ye Leng'an to strike at the slightest disagreement. After all, there are still so many people watching. This woman who came to find fault, she was definitely not an ordinary person, judging by her attire. As long as she bites Ye Leng'an to death, Ye Leng'an will lose a layer of skin this time if she doesn't die.

"Ye Xiyuan, today's matter has nothing to do with you, you'd better not get involved." Ye Leng'an sneered, "If you continue to talk nonsense here, then I don't mind letting you suffer the same pain as her."

Ye Xiyuan shut her mouth immediately, because from Ye Leng'an's expression, she couldn't see the slightest sign of joking. Obviously, the other party was telling the truth, if she continued, Ye Leng'an would really hit her. It's not worth it to bear the consequences for a stranger.

Looking around, the people around are afraid to say anything.

Ye Leng'an directly took out his mobile phone and made a call to Chen Kang, "Sheng'an Middle School, come and pick up people now, or the agreement between us will be cancelled."

The agreement in her mouth is to treat Chen Kang's illness.

Chen Kang on the other end of the phone was still puzzled when he received Ye Leng'an's call. But before he could ask for clarification, the other party had already hung up the phone first.

However, no matter what happened, he still heard it at the location of St. Ann's Middle School.

Chen Kang quickly set off towards Sheng'an Middle School.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Leng'an on the other side walked up to Chen Hailan, squatted down, with a nasty smile on his face, "You can sue me, if the forensic doctor can find a little injury on your body, then I deserve it."

As a doctor and an alchemist, if she makes a move, as long as she doesn't want to leave traces, no one will be able to find out.

I don't know why, but when she saw the smile on Ye Leng'an's face and heard the words spoken, Chen Hailan felt a chill welling up from the bottom of her heart.

Obviously she could feel that she was in pain, but she had a premonition in her heart. Just like what the other party said, even if she really went for the injury test, she couldn't find anything.

"Scatter all, let me scatter all."

Before Chen Kang came, Sun Kai, the director of the school's Academic Affairs Office, arrived.

Just now, some students were afraid of accidents, so they went to the director of the Academic Affairs Office.

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