The Fox Goddess

Chapter 408 Alfina Part 3 Last

"Hahaha… I thought I was already fine talking about such things, but it looks like it is still more painful than I thought. I think that is all for me today, is that alright? I want to be alone for now and think about things. I think that I'm the only one who can get through this hurdle in my life. Isn't that right, Mother? Do you think I can pass this challenge in my life?" Yumie asked a bit teary as she looks at her Mother seemingly unconfident with her question. That is exactly what she was feeling, for the first time in her life when she met Yuki, she was not confident about breaking through this hurdle in her life, but she also knows that this is what she needs to do to further advance her life, though the path is going to be roughest one she is going to walk on. She was hoping to get a hopeful answer from her Mother because she is more knowledgeable than her, so if she doesn't know if she is going to pass this hurdle in her life, her Mother might. But the answer that she got was something she never expected.

"You stupid little girl." Yuki flicked her forehead which immediately awoken her from her thoughts. And just as she was about to ask her Mother why she did it, Yuki has already spoken which brought a different light under Yumie's mind.

"If you don't ever believe or have confidence in yourself in doing something, never expect that you will achieve something. If you don't believe in yourself, don't even try to do something you want because you are bound to fail no matter how hard you try to do it, you spend all your life trying to achieve your dreams, but you failed… because you never believed and had the confidence in yourself. But because all of you are my daughter, I will give you another piece of advice… Though it is good to have confidence in yourself, never have too much confidence in yourself because it is more painful when you lost. Believing in yourself is an entirely different matter from having confidence in yourself. Even if you think you can win in a fight with your lives on the line, never let your guard down even for a second, you never know when your enemy is hiding something." Yuki smiled as she patted each one of their head with a slight smile on her face, and just as they expected that she was already done, they were wrong.

"If you don't believe in yourself, who would? Your friends, family, and classmates? Utter useless. Don't trust the quote that you have been taught, Believe in Us who Believe in You. Though can't blame you if you did because it was a quote that came from the Royal Beast Academy. This is the Quote that they are so proud of, believe in the Academy who believes in you… I stick to my words, never believe in someone if you don't even believe in yourself in the first place because that would only result in something I call false hope. No matter how hard it is, always try, TRY! To believe in yourself because even if it seems a little thing, you won't realize how much it can help you." Yuki said with a deep sigh, when she heard the quote for the first time, she felt that it was really stupid at least that's what she thinks because no one can change how she thinks and her way of thinking. As for the reason why she thinks it is a stupid and useless quote, it was simple. You will only be given a streak of false hope that will only hurt them more.

"I… I do believe in myself, Mother. It is just I feel like at this moment in my life, it is very hard to believe or even have the confidence in myself to overcome this challenge that I'm currently facing. I feel weak and useless every time I think that I wouldn't be able to pass this." Yumie said in a sad tone as her body went limp and soft as if she has no more powers left inside of her.

"Is that what you think of yourself? Useless and weak?" Yuki simply asked as she took a more serious look at her face, she then took a quick pause to look outside of the window to see what is the situation outside and when she noticed that the sun was already starting to rise, she sighed. Yuki would have never thought that it was already morning, probably no one expected the night to quickly end. And noticing that it was morning now, she devised a plan to help Yumie that will boost her confidence, she is more than confident that this plan would work, and if not, she would listen to one of Serene's orders for her.

"Noir, make a portal outside my garden." Just as those words left Yuki's mouth, a black portal appeared in front of all of them, and without saying a word, Yuki threw all three of them inside forcefully without even caring if they get hurt or not shocking all of them. But what Yuki didn't know was that Noir made a mistake in creating a portal, he accidentally made a portal also in the whole Villa teleporting everyone who was inside of it including all of the Gods.

"What the hell happened, why are we suddenly outside-," Ayame didn't manage to finish her words when a body flew across them hitting a barrier that was placed by Yuki beforehand.

Ayame and the rest looked back to see who was the person who just flew away, and to their shock, they saw Yumie lying on the ground. Her head already started to bleed because of the impact, and whoever did that to her was strong because Yumie was different. She was strong, very strong enough for Mirel to be knocked down by her. Even if her two Sisters work together to beat her, they can't. Out of the three sisters, Yumie was the one who was taught more by Yuki, not like the two who were taught more by Rory, Aria, and Mirel.

"Yumie? What happened to you, wait… Who did this to you?" Ayame asked, but it didn't take long for all of them to know who just sent Yumie flying, if the person was still sane they would have already run away for their dear life, or much better if they accepted their death. Because no matter where you are, you will be hunted down. But to their absolute shock, they saw someone rush to Yumie and kicked her toward one of the trees which got obliterated when it got hit.

"Why are you hurting your daughter!?" Ayame yelled as she got in front of Yuki and stopped her from doing anything more to Yumie who was already beaten up. She doesn't know what was happening, but what she knows is that what Yuki is doing is bad. She was hurting Yumie to the point that she could end up dying because of all the injuries that she took from her.

"You little fuck… Noir, get ready for some punishment later… I know what I'm doing, I'm just teaching my daughter a little lesson. It looks like she has forgotten something important. Don't worry, I'm just helping her to remember something that I have taught her for a very long time, I know her limits, and I won't use too much power. So just stay out of it for now." Yuki spoke in a cold tone as she looks at her Mother for a second before focusing back on Yumie who was still on the ground.

"Get up, I know that you can still fight. I didn't teach you to be weak." Yuki's voice resonated in Yumie's head, but when she heard the word weak and the clear disappointment in her voice it made her ponder. And as if a switch clicked inside of Yumie, a burst of flames and lightning came out of her body destroying everything that was around her. But before the destruction could spread, Yuki flicked her fingers instantly making a barrier of Ice that protected everything.

"That's it… Let me see what you got." Yuki smiled as she then took out a pistol from her Spatial Ring. It was the same pistol that she made back from the earth, though it was just a regular pistol but more powerful, it was at least as powerful as the strongest Sniper ever created. Aiming it at Yumie's knee, she shot her gun, but the results were not shocking to her, it didn't even pierce her body it just merely scraped her knee, but it was still enough for Yumie to lose her balance as she fell back to the ground.

Without saying anything, Yumie covered herself with flames and lightning that instantly melted the bullets that comes her way. Yuki who was looking at the current state of Yumie felt that what she is doing is already showing some good progress, just from what she has done, Yumie has already accidentally upgraded her Old Skill.

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