The Fox Goddess

Chapter 361 Archangel

Yuki then released both Fumiko and Kurokami's bodies from her System Space and slowly place them in her bed from the Villa that she made. After placing them she started to think of ideas on how to make Fumiko better as her current condition was way worse than Kurokami, if not for her staying at the System, she wouldn't be alive right now as she is only a Human with no powers. Kurokami's condition on the other hand is also serious, but she can still survive a few months, but Fumiko's situation is dire so she wanted to heal her first.

"Can I make her a cultivator now?" Yuki mumbles as she looks at Fumiko who was sleeping peacefully, if not for the blood on her clothes one would think that she was not injured and was only sleeping. Yuki then emptied her Spatial Ring to see if she has any suitable Soul Realm to place inside of Fumiko as it was her best option, she would not want a lack-luster Soul Realm to be placed in her as she wants to best, but by putting a stronger Soul Realm would be dangerous as Fumiko's body might not stand the power of it. Just as she was about to grab a Soul Realm that belongs to an Essence Gathering that she has killed months ago, she remembered something, quickly dismissing the idea she went for her System Inventory and pulled out a Golden Pill that was brimming with power.

"Yuki, is that a Rebirth Pill? It is! And it even belongs to the Angel Race!" Lucifer's eyes widened when she saw what was in Yuki's eyes, all of them already know what was the current situation on Earth, but none of them said anything as Yuki is their God and they are in no position to say anything. Yuki has made preparations that once all of them are released they will know their situation and their System ready except for the Demon Army, Demon Sins, Amaterasu, Kannon, and Inari. As all of them were already strong and they don't need it. She has also boosted her Mafia Clan "Gods Worst Nightmare" with a much better Soul Realm, and even much better for Cindy, Diana, Aira, and her family so that they would survive longer as she was planning to take them to the Immortal Realm in a few years after all of them got strong enough.

"Yes it is, I have acquired this in one of my journeys. I even managed to get two of them." Yuki answered nonchalantly as she eyes the Golden Pill in her hands, but before she does anything she wants to make sure that this was safe.

"Is it safe for me to feed this to her? I want her to have the best resources possible." Yuki asked Lucifer and waited for an answer. Lucifer quickly got back from her daze and answered excitedly.

"Absolutely! The Pill in your hands is the best one to feed to a Mortal as there would be no consequences. Not only it has a 100% Success Rate, and there would be no backlash, but the best part is that the Angel Pill in your hands belongs to an Archangel which is the purest bloodline of an Angel!" Lucifer's answer eased her quite a bit, but when she heard Fubuki's voice all of the doubts that she was heaving were thoroughly erased.


[The host doesn't need to worry. As the Demon Goddess Lucifer has said, the Pill that was given to you is one of the Purest, it is safe for the host's Wife to consume. Once the Pill is swallowed, the Pill will erase all of the Genetic Parts of a Human and replace them with the Body of an Archangel.] Fubuki gave Yuki an explanation. She didn't hesitate anymore as she went forward towards Fumiko and gave her the Pill with a gentle expression on her face that still made some people uncomfortable as it was a child's body holding into a body of an adult.

Once the Pill entered Fumiko's mouth down to her throat, her body was encased in a blinding Gold Light that made Yuki back away for a second. All of them could still barely see what was happening inside the Golden Light. Inside the Light, they can see the hole in Fumiko's chest closing at insane speed, even though all of them knew what was going to be Fumiko's change going to be, they were still amazed.

Golden Feather Wings sprout out her back, but instead of only two Wings behind her back, 6 Wings grew with 3 on each Side. But this is one of the Characteristics of an Arcangel, they are the highest Bloodline in the Angel Race and they can have the authority to command the lower Angel. Her once long wavy Black long hair that drops down at her back begins to have a tint of Gold in them, but soon it turned into a Golden Blonde color that would shine under the Night. All of them then saw her Sapphire Blue Eyes which looked pure and enchanting.


[The host has successfully saved her Wife from a near death experience by making her an Archangel. Because of that, Fumiko is now connected to the user's System and she can now see her current Stats.] Fubuki announced on Yuki's head which puts a smile on her face.

Name - Gin Fumiko

Race - Archangel

HP - 20,000

Qi - 50,000

Spiritual Power - 7,500

Rank - Essence Gathering

Element -

NanoTech Creation (Diamond) - 0%/300%

[An Element that hasn't existed before, but now does. It existed because of the user's desire to create everything she wants, and with the help of this Element, her dreams will come true. She will be able to make everything from using NanoTech, from clothes, weapons, everything. But once it is stronger, the user can be strong enough to make a Star out of pure NanoTech.]

Cultivation - N/A

Martial Arts - N/A

Passives - NanoTech Manipulation

Active - NanoTech Corruption - Once this is activated, a surge of NanoTech will burst out in the command of the user to attack the enemy. Thousands of NanoTech will begin to eat their way into the flesh of the enemy, and once they are inside they will continue to eat their way until they reach the enemy's heart and brain. Once they reach, they will be under the control of the user.

A few more minutes have passed since the transformation of Fumiko, the Golden Light has disappeared and everyone can now see her body. As for her hair, eyes, and the Golden Wings that grew behind her back, nothing has changed much, she is now just even more beautiful other women feel inferior towards her. But from the looks of it, it would still take some time for her to wake up, but it was fine. As long as she was out of danger, she can still until the Sun rose on the horizon.

"Look like she has already a Soul Realm, then I won't need to give her one." Yuki chuckled softly as she approaches Fumiko and sat beside the bed to look at her for a second before finally speaking.

"Sleep well, I'm waiting for you to come back." Yuki kissed Fumiko's forehead which puts a smile on her face. As if she knew what Yuki was doing, her body felt more relaxed as she goes back into her slumber. After the short sweet moment, she turned back to Kurokami, now she needs to be more focused on this as it would not be as easy as swallowing a Pill to make Kurokami all better.

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