The Fox Goddess

Chapter 354 The Truth

(Note: If you guys want to see a Side Chapter where it would show, how the Demon Sins have defeated their Pantheon of Enemy Gods. Just let me know and I'll make it :D )

Yuki had now traveled back to Earth, back to her house where Fumiko was patiently waiting. It was still the same as when she came back, nothing particularly important happened while she was gone. Earth was affected by the Battle that happened in the Solar System because of the barrier that has been placed, Lucifer also went on ahead on put on an illusion so that none of them can see what was happening as their attacks will surely be visible in the naked eye even if they are Lightyears away from them.

"Yuki! I missed you!" Just as Yuki opened the door, a small woman came crashing towards her almost making her stumble backward, but it didn't happen as she quickly embraced the woman in front of her.

"I was only gone for a few days, and you already missed me this much?" Yuki chuckled and teased Fumiko, their interaction eased Yuki's heart which was burning with anger and rage toward God, as she felt that their punishment was nowhere near as painful as she wanted it to be. But it would do for now, as she has more important matters in hand than punishing them and that is to introduce Kurokami to Fumiko and begin to start the healing progress of Kurokami to make her better.

"Yes, I was sad because I couldn't see you for a few days. But while you were gone, I was the one who managed the Leaders, they were making a fuss because you didn't show up when they held a meeting to know what will happen to the world after all of them submitted to you." Fumiko answered with a slight blush on her face as she buries her face in Yuki's chest feeling the warmth that she has lost, but now that it was back she felt at ease once again.

"Is that so? Thank you for managing them." Yuki smiled as she patted Fumiko's head and went inside, there was no one inside the Villa except for Fumiko who was staying, as for her guards Diana, and Cindy was currently out running the Underground Business. But there were still some Guards inside of the Villa that was secretly guarding Fumiko, as well as an Ice Dragon that has taken the form of a statue outside, it will only move if it detects malice towards Fumiko.

"Umm… Yuki? Do you have something you want to tell me? I can see that you are tense, if you have something to say just say it." Fumiko flashed a smile at Yuki as she held her hands together, she has long realized that she was acting strange, it was just a feeling though, but she didn't think that she was right.

"Ah… You are more observant, I forgot about that." Yuki sighed in defeat, she didn't think that she would be found by Fumiko. She then reached out for her System interface and released Kurokami inside which shocked Fumiko.

"I guess it's time for you to know the truth. This is Kurokami, she came from the same world as me, she is also my… Wife." Yuki dropped the bomb as she then gently placed Kurokami on top of her bed, she then quickly grabbed Fumiko's hands as she was extremely nervous that she would leave her after knowing that she has another woman.

"I have already mentioned it to you before, this is my first woman Kurokami. Though it doesn't mean that I love her more than you, I want you to know that I both love you equally and I don't know what I will do if one of you leaves my side. You might think of me as a player for having two women at the same time, but I will love both of you, I will never leave your side unless you are the one who is separate from me." Yuki told her the truth and begins to plead for Fumiko.

"If you can't accept me because of what I have done, then- you can leave." Yuki choked on her last words as it was the thing that she doesn't want to happen. The whole Immortal Realm can be destroyed, she doesn't care, but what she doesn't want to happen is for her to be separated from one of her wives. They are the most precious thing to her.

After seeing that Fumiko was quiet, she grew extremely nervous. The pain that she felt was even incomparable to the wound that she received from the recent battle, it was even more painful. She then loosened her grip slightly and was about to take a breather outside, when she felt Fumiko grasp her hand tightly.

"Yuki… Before I answer your question, can I ask you something first? Does this woman know or have permitted you to have another woman beside her?" Fumiko asked in a soft but serious tone. She was shocked to the core when she heard Yuki's explanation, but she didn't hate her because she felt that it was normal for people to have many wives/husbands as long as they have power, plus it was already common in the past, and because of Yuki's background coming from another world she has already expected the fact that she can marry more woman in her life. She just didn't expect Yuki to already have a Wife before her.

"No, she doesn't know that I have another woman, and yes she has permitted me to have another woman. At first, I was against that she was letting me have another woman beside her, but I didn't expect this turn of events. For me to fall for you as hard as I did for her." Yuki smiled bitterly as she explained. Fumiko was smart and knew that this was the reason why Yuki couldn't accept her at first which was half true as Yuki was not reincarnated yet, and the only reason that she doesn't see Fumiko as a Wife is that she only treats her as a Little Sister at first.

"I see…" Fumiko suddenly went quiet when she heard Yuki's answer. Her quietness didn't make things any better for her, she was extremely nervous that Fumiko wouldn't accept the such relationship.

"You don't have to worry about anything, Yuki. Even if you have other women, I'm fine with it, my only wish is for you not to forget me after you bring many women inside." Fumiko smiled beautifully as she embraced Yuki and buried her head in her breast. She thought about all of it, and finally, she came up with this answer, she would accept this kind of relationship.

"Never, I'm not going to do that. Thank you for accepting me and her." Yuki promised, as there is no way for her to do something like that. She would rather die than forget the two most important people in her life. She then silently patted Fumiko's back for self-comfort, a few minutes have passed since then and the two have finally calmed down.

"I'm going to be busy for a bit. You can watch if you want, I will just heal Kurokami because her body is full of wounds." Yuki said as she then pointed towards Kurokami who was sleeping peacefully, and from the looks of it, she was not going to wake up any time soon.

"What happened to her? Her body is full of injuries, how can someone be so evil to do this?" Fumiko asked as she now only realized how bad of a conduction Kurokami is currently in, she closed her mouth to not the gasp escape her lips.

"Evil? Pfft! Ask your Wife my Lady, her way of suffering is much worse." Satan cursed under her breath as she watched how innocent was Fumiko in front of Yuki. All of the Demon Sins as well as Lucifer and Amaterasu was currently inside Yuki's Villa to maybe help with their Master's Misstress condition.

"Yeah, this is the reason why I was away. My enemies have captured her and tortured her for months. You got the news that I was injured right? Well, that is because of my enemies, they were the cause." Yuki lied as she doesn't want to tell the truth just yet as the time was not suitable.

"That's cruel, I taught that you only got caught in an accident. I'm glad that you are okay. But can I ask who were your enemies? Did they come from your World?" Fumiko asked as she looked at Yuki before taking a look at Kurokami. She found that she was really beautiful if not for the wounds that covered her whole body, with her looks and body it was enough for her to make Millions just being a model or an actress. Somehow she began to get envious, but soon shook that thought off since she was confident about her beauty, she only loses in one part.

Fumiko sighed as she patted her flat chest and stared deeply at Kurokami's chest to Yuki's confusion.

"My enemy huh? Fine I will tell you, but you need to promise me to stay calm after hearing who they are." Yuki didn't answer Fumiko's question easily and asked to stay calm, but she was already sure that even saying that, she would flip out of shock after knowing who her enemies were.

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