The Four Swords

Chapter 63: Uncertainty

Chapter 63: Uncertainty

In a moment of clarity, I turned toward the woman with the raven hair and green eyes. If she poisoned someone I needed to know who.

"Oh miss? I'm sorry I don't know your name. Where are you heading with that tea?" I threw on a nonchalant tone, but internally I was panicked.

"Oh, the Queen generally wants some tea around this time of day, but she is no longer in her chambers, so I'm taking it back to the kitchen," the woman avoided the topic of her name. Her cheeks pinched into a pained smile. She had hoped to keep under the radar.

Finley turned to meet my eyes. He understood why I stopped. He hadn't recognized the woman, but the accent was unmistakable.

"That is good to know. The Princess and I were just looking for the Queen. I'm sorry she missed her tea, but glad we know to look elsewhere. Thank you," I smiled, hoping the relief of knowing Queen Valerie was safe from this woman looked like a casual polite smile.

The devious maid scurried off without another word or half hearted curtsy. Maybe I tipped my hand too much by calling her out of obscurity. I just wanted my companions to know her face.

Alina squeezed my hand as the realization of why I stopped a maid washed over her. Her pace quickened, wanting to put as much distance between herself and the aspiring murderer as possible.

We arrived at the chamber door. I looked around at my companions hoping that someone knew the protocol for how to enter the room while a Swordsmen Meeting was already in progress. They all just looked back at me.

"Should I knock?" I asked the questioning faces around me.

Alina gave me an uncertain smirk accompanied by a shrug. Finley nodded in such a way that seemed like I should have done it already. I heaved a sigh. Why couldn't everything be clear?

I knocked on the door with a bit of hesitation. King Caderyn already hated me. I can't imagine interrupting this meeting would help that situation.

My father was the one to answer the door. We were both shocked to see each other. I knew he was in the meeting but I did not expect him to open the door. He likewise did not expect me to come to this door.

"Jack! Is everything alright? Liliana? Abrin? Is everyone okay?" My father's brow furrowed as only a parent's can.

"Our family is fine, but we need to speak to the council," I managed in an even tone. I did not want my father jumping to false conclusions, but I did need him to know how serious the situation was.

My father opened the door fully. My companions and I entered the room. King Caderyn was seated in my father's traditional seat, since Queen Valerie still took up the seat at the head of the table.

"Sir Jacobson, why are you here?" King Caderyn inquired. I expected more anger in his tone, but instead he honestly just sounded confused.

"Finley and I discovered a plot by two servants to harm both Princess Alina and Alejo," I motioned to each person as I said their name, just in case someone did not know my guards.

The Queen elegantly swept her hand toward the empty chairs. "Please take a seat. All of you."

Marta, Alejo and Finley took a moment to sit down. They all seemed reluctant to take such liberties, when it generally wasn't their place.

"How did you hear about this?" Lord Bleddyn asked.

On top of Lord Bleddyn's inquiry, Lord Garrison had his own question. "Why would Alejo be a target along with Princess Alina?"

The two men looked at each other, trying to apologize for talking over the other. Each still wanted their answer.

The Queen cleared up the confusion. "Let's start at the beginning and ask questions at the end. Please begin, Jack"

"Finley and I were exploring my future home," I began. It was not exactly the truth, but not quite a lie either. For everyone at this table, but the King and myself, the palace would be my future home. The secret passway was part of the palace.

"We came across a hallway near the laundry where two female servants were conferring about their plot to try and get to Alina to mean her harm. Alejo was in her parlor with a note from myself," I added with a hint of shame. This was also not a lie, but I did leave out that it was not his first day not guarding me the entire day.

The Queen eyed Alejo with a slight look of disapproval. Being my messenger was not why he was assigned to my protection detail.

"These women think they might be able to harm

Alejo and make it look like an accident to try and reach Alina. Their motives are nefarious," I stopped trying to figure out if I could explain I had no idea what one of the women looked like.

With Lord Bleddyn and Lord Garrison's questions answered, it was my father's turn to ask his own. "Do you know any details of their plans?"

Retelling everything was easier with Finley chiming in, but in such a setting, he remained silent. I could not blame him. I wish I could.

"One of the women is a laundress. Her co conspirator called her Moha. She mentioned she was going to try and poison fabrics. Her counterpart was a maid. She never said her name. Her means of attack was through spiked tea," I continued, avoiding a description of the women.

"Do we think that these are the only women that have infiltrated the palace staff?" The Queen asked pushing her refreshment goblet far from her.

"I think I might have a plan to catch anyone else that might be with these women, or at the very least, keep Alina safe," I added, trying to sound more confident then I was. Hopefully this goes over well

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