The Four Swords

Chapter 102: Council Meeting

Chapter 102: Council Meeting

My heart soared. I would be out of the city after nightfall. Although a glance around the table told me I was in the minority. Not everyone found this expedition as freeing as I did. I can not believe that people live so confined and are content to do so.

"Your Majesty, do you think it's prudent for the Princess to be so lightly guarded? We are in a time of war!" Lord Garrison was clearly startled by this turn of events. His cheeks puffed up in distress.

"The enemy is still regrouping. With their unexpected departure and loss of the element of surprise, I think this is the best time for us to try and reach the gnomes for aid." The Queen sounded so sure of herself.

"I agreed with Her Majesty that if we are going to reach out for aid, the sooner the better. But can we not send more troops or at least keep Princess Alina close to home?" Lord Garrison's overprotective nature inquired.

"It was Princess Alina who sparked the last prophecy from the gnomes. With any luck, she can spark another one. Duke Hugo is taking great personal risk to meet with her at the border. He will be there in the morning. We cannot impose upon him to wait longer than absolutely necessary," the Queen declared with no room for discussion.

"Can we at least send some more guards?" Lord Garrison's voice was on the edge of pleading.

It made sense to me that the clan in charge of the safety of the clan of Phoenix would want to be involved in protecting the Princess. As is, no one from the clan of Falcon was included in the expedition. A good portion of the mentioned group was also present for the death of the King. We did not exactly have the best track record at keeping royals safe.

It was almost as if Sir John read my thoughts. "If it pleases Her Majesty, maybe Sir Gavin and Sir Balor can use this opportunity to move from serving at the city gate to serving in a more remote capacity. Would it benefit them to see how the house of Bear operates? It gives the company a reason to leave through the gates and will allow Princess Alina another layer of protection on the way to the border."

Sir John cleverly seemed to find a solution to pacify all parties in the room. He smoothly added two Falcon's to our numbers, matching the same number of members from other clans with the exception of mine. That suited me perfectly well except I wish he had chosen more senior members. More babysitting for me.

"Very well," the Queen gave her permission. "Any other concerns from the council?"

"Why are you sending my children away from me?" Lord Bleddyn said in a voice devoid of strength.

It felt as though the entire room held their breath. The poor man was broken and his children were one of the few things he still cared about.

"Lord Bleddyn, your children helped keep Alina safe at Lord Jacobson's manor," the Queen slowly added the last syllable to Lord Jacobson's name so as to not remind Lord Bleddyn what happened to the newest Swordsman's father. "They are capable warriors."

Something sparked in Lord Bleddyn. Something that resembled the proud man he once was.

"Yes, they are strong fighters. But why are they needed on this particular mission, Your Majesty?" Lord Bleddyn asked on the verge of being disrespectful. This fever was more of what I was used to from the man.

"Ah. Yes. I see. Lady Calista and Princess Alina, I have prepared matching traveling clothes for both of you. If needed I hope that Lady Calista can help confuse the enemy so Princess Alina might escape. Lady Calista is much more familiar with a sword," the Queen paused to see how this part of her speech was received.

Lord Bleddyn looked toward his daughter and gave a small hint of a smile. He knew she was much more capable with a sword than a passing familiarity with a blade. She once even challenged my half brother to a duel and almost won.

"As for Sir Carrion, I think he will be an excellent addition to keep both ladies safe. He is already familiar with the group and from what I can see a close companion. It is easiest to defend against the enemy with a unified force," the Queen added with a flourish.

Carrion beamed at this assessment. "Thank you for this generous opportunity, Your Majesty."

The child must have thought he was addressing his future mother-in-law. I frowned. Although I could put up with his manner of prideful overconfidence, I'm not sure Alina wanted to deal with it. At least it would give her a chance to set the boy straight on his idea of proposing.

Alina's expression turned into a tight forced smile. I might not have known the difference between it and a genuine smile if I had not just spent the better part of today next to her.

Cali picked up on the tension in the room and gave me a sideways glance in hopes of making me reveal something that might've happened. I tried to turn into the blank canvas I saw the royals use to conceal their feelings. I have no idea if I was successful, but Cali stopped looking toward me.

"Of course, My Queen. You are wise," Lord Bleddyn finally agreed in a slightly deflated tone.

"Any other concerns?" Queen Valerie asked, attempting to keep a gentle tone for the sake of Lord Bleddyn.

After a glance around the table revealed that no one seemed to want to push the Queen any further, the monarch sighed. This meeting must have included much more resistance to her plans than she originally thought.

"That is all. Those of you leaving, prepare yourselves and be ready within the hour. Your horses will be waiting." With that we were dismissed

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