The Founder of the Great Financial Family

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

The tailor was dumbfounded when he saw the Talent placed in front of him. 

So it was real? Then as the kid said, this is a new IOU? 

Carter tilted his head and asked the tailor, 

Did you come to check it out yourself? 

Yes, the child working here was holding something unfamiliar, so I came here myself to check if it was real, 

Its a new product. There arent any problems with it, so you can head back, 

How fascinating to think its a promissory note guaranteed by the lord, 

Thats not it, to be exact. Its guaranteed by the loan certificate signed by the lord. Everything is properly written on the 1Gold so when you have time, take a look, 

Its fine. Why would I bother checking something like that? As long as I can exchange it for Talents here, then thats the end of the matter, 

When he saw his reaction, Carter gently hinted his intentions, 

Well, now that youre here, are you going to exchange it for a Talent? 

The tailor looked at the promissory note called 1Gold and then at the Talent in front of him. In truth, carrying around the promissory paper note was more comfortable than carrying around the coins. 

No, Ill just take this one. Even if I take the gold coins, wont I have to come to you later anyway? The storage fee is a waste when this is so easy to carry and store,

Then, of the two forms of money in front of him, the tailor picked the promissory paper note and returned to his own shop. Rockefeller, who was watching the exchange silently, smiled lightly, and so did Carter. 

Carter then spoke to Rockefeller, 

Your work seems to be going better than I thought.

People seem to like the lords promissory note more than I thought thats what it feels like anyway.

It seems so. After all, this new promissory note is guaranteed by the landowner, as opposed to the shops promissory notes,

Then, Ill get moving again, 

Are you going out again? 

Its only when I move around a lot that the people around here will become more familiar with the 1Gold certificate, 

How many times had he repeated that to Carter already?

What about the clothes you bought? 

Its the same thing Ill go and get a refund, 

Right, he would get a refund when he got there. Rockefellers goal was to make people feel more familiar with a new promissory note called 1Gold anyway. It wasnt to recklessly spend his wages shopping. 

Its not like I have the money for that anyway,

Then Ill be back. Ill leave the shop in your care in the meantime, 

Carter couldnt stop the laugh that burst out when Rockefeller, with those simple words, left once again. 

Hes good at acting. Seeing as I dont have that stamina anymore I must be getting old, 

Although he hadnt known it at the time, it seemed like a stroke of good fortune for him to have brought Rockefeller into the shop. 

I feel lucky, 

The announcement of the 1Gold borrowing certificate, which began that way, went smoothly. Some market merchants started using the 1Gold certificate a few days later instead of the existing 1IOU. 

This is its a promissory note guaranteed by the lord himself, 

Oh, I saw that too. I heard its a new thing theyve started this time around, 

Do you know that the lord writes a promissory note to the Banco whenever he needs money? 

Of course, I know,

It seems like theyre issuing this with the lords promissory notes as collateral. In Banco, their belief in the lord is like iron so they will change the promissory note to Talent for you, 

The two merchants from the market who had met by chance continued to chat, 

Ive been thinking about it too I think the certificate related to the lord is better than the IOU issued by Carter Banco. What the Carter Banco issued if that Banco goes bust, then theres no way for us to get our Talent back, but thats not the case with the new promissory note, right?

Thats what I think too. Thats why some of the people I know seem to have already visited the Banco and exchanged their existing IOUs for the Gold certificates, 

What? Already? 

Thats right, I mean, think about it, if the Banco fails, all the IOUs are nothing more than pieces of paper, so who would prefer the promissory note issued by Carter Banco? Rather, the promissory note related to the lord would be safer, 

Huh. then are you going to do the same thing? 

Of course, Im going to do that. Its common sense, 

Rockefeller, who had been passing by, listened in on the conversation between the two merchants on the market floor. Things were going a lot smoother than he thought. 

I thought it would take longer for the new promissory note to be integrated into the market floor, so its a little surprising.

The fact that the newly released promissory note replaced the existing IOU at a faster-than-expected pace also proves that the lords credit was good. 

Well, I do understand them. Of course, people would think that a promissory note related to the lord is safer than one issued by one small Banco. Though thats not the case in reality.

Suppose one actually read the small text on the surface of the 1Gold certificate. In that case, it clearly states that the certificate is taking the lords loan as collateral and has no direct relationship to the lords residence.

Nevertheless, market merchants simply moved on from that without much consideration because they were able to receive gold coins without any problems when they visited the Banco with the 1Gold. 

Thats exactly what I was aiming for. If we were reluctant when accepting the 1Gold certificate, peoples thoughts would have been completely different from now. They would have thought there was some problem with the 1Gold.

The most important factor when it came to the field of finance was the ability to deceive people and for that, what contributed the most was their own ignorance. 

If everyone knew about my ideas, would they move so well on the playing field I had laid out?

Rockefeller smiled without realising it. 

No. People dont like being used, so that would have never happened. 

But that didnt matter because people were still ignorant. So he would continue forwards. 

Thats why the people on this market floor would play his games unknowingly and move well, according to his plans.

A commoners dream is to drown his lord in debt and seize the land he abandoned. The first stage of achieving his dreams was going ahead smoothly. 

If things carry on like this, maybe its not unfair to have not been born a nobleman. Since itll be enough to become a noble on my own.

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