The First Vampire

Chapter 235: 235 Exploration_1

Chapter 235: 235 Exploration_1

Translator: 549690339

Early the next morning, Colin bade farewell to Count Morrison.

Count Morrison, hand in hand with his family, personally saw Colin and Vera off to the gate of Floral City.

Nevertheless, when bidding farewell, Colin failed to spot Knight Franco Morrison, whom he had casually encountered the previous night.

The weather today was pleasant, with clear skies and a gentle breeze.

Colin and his party hastened their speed, heading south.

They didn’t stop until dusk when Colin ordered them to halt, set up camp and rest on the spot.

After a simple dinner, they all went to bed early.

But as night deepened, Colin slipped quietly out of the camp.

Coming to an empty wilderness, he suddenly burst streams of blood-colored smoke around him.

As the smoke swirled, countless sinister runes appeared in the air, only to disappear in the blink of an eye.

Meanwhile, Colin’s body began to swell.


A pair of black bat wings burst out from his back, then stretched out fiercely.


Amid the raging gusts, Colin shot into the sky like a loosened Sharp Arrow, flying back to the direction from which they came.

Phoenix Butterfly Fort.

After Colin and his party left, the castle regained its usual tranquility.

Everything seemed to be the same as always. Dinner started promptly at six, finished at seven, Count Morrison made his usual rounds around the castle after eating, Lady Grace went to the Church for her routine prayers as usual, and Knight Franco, he ate alone in his bedroom as always…

After ten o’clock, as usual, lights in the Phoenix Butterfly Fort gradually went out.

The only difference might be that the southeastern corner of the castle was a little brighter than the usual for today.

Upon noticing this, the patrolling guards immediately went to check it out.

“Fire! Fire!”

Immediately, the shouts startled Phoenix Butterfly Fort into sudden awareness.

Pattrols of guards rushed toward the southeastern corner of the castle from where the fire was blazing, Count Morrison also immediately jumped out of bed, didn’t even bother to put on his armor, grabbed a Knight Sword, and rushed out.

Meanwhile, at the northwest corner of Phoenix Butterfly Fort, a bloody and spooky massacre was just getting started as well.

“What’s that?” A guard standing in front of the Clock Tower seemed to feel something flying above his head, but when he looked up, all he saw was the pitch-black night sky.

The sky was overcast tonight, and the moon was invisible, even the stars were completely obscured.

When the guard turned back, ready to ask his comrade, he was horrified to find that his comrade’s skull was missing.

The headless corpse still stood where it was, with streams of blood splashing out of the empty neck.

“The ene…”


The word “enemy” was cut off along with his head.

Colin casually tossed the skull from his hands and headed towards the clock tower’s main gate.

After trying to push the gate twice, and failing, he resorted to force.


Colin simply broke into the Clock Tower.

The commotion naturally attracted the attention of the guards nearby, and Colin soon heard the sound of running footsteps behind him.

However, those footsteps never got close. Instead, what followed was a succession of screams and the distinct sound of bones cracking.

Not paying any attention to the scene behind him, Colin bent slightly and entered the clock tower.

Several torches were lit on the walls inside the clock tower, illuminating the staircase that led to the top, but Colin didn’t take the stairs. Instead, he knelt down and kept sniffing around.

The scent of blood came from below!

Soon, he located his target.


The marble floor was smashed by Colin’s foot, and immediately, his enormous body plummeted down the hole.


The fall was not too great, probably only about ten meters. Colin stood steady on the ground.

Though dust was swirling and shrapnel flying, he still kept his eyes wide open, staring into the darkness ahead.

When the dust settled down, nothing emerged from the darkness.

Colin’s expression eased, he felt that he may have been overly cautious.

Flapping his bat wings, Colin flew up to the clock tower hall, took out a torch from the wall, then returned to the basement again.

With the light of the torch, Colin saw that this place was not a basement but a closed, damp cave.

The walls on both sides of the cave were cold, hard stones. One side was piled up with cobblestones, the other side led deeper into unknown parts.

Since he had made it here, Colin didn’t intend to back down, and confidently stepped forward.

After turning a corner, a long stone corridor appeared before Colin. However, the stones here were oddly luminescent; even without the torch, he could see the path below his feet.

Colin moved on, and the smell of blood in his nostrils became denser.

Moreover, he began to hear the faint sound of flowing water.

After walking a little longer, the water sound became louder.

Before long, Colin eventually saw a waterfall at the end of the tunnel. The water splashed, glinting and landing into a small pool at the end of the path.

Colin never expected, that under the bell tower of the Phoenix Butterfly Fort, a place like this was hidden.

However, Colin had no mood to appreciate this underground river.

Stepping into the pool, the cold water stream did not slow Colin down. He walked straight towards the waterfall, as sure as he was that the thing he was seeking must be behind it.


The transparent, clear curtain of water drenched Colin completely.

Behind the waterfall was a deep tunnel, the stone walls on the side of the cave were emitting a faint light, allowing Colin to see the path even without the use of a torch.

On this journey, nothing happened, but it made Colin even more vigilant.

Too strange!

For a moment, he even thought of turning back, but having made it this far, he wouldn’t be satisfied without finding out what secret the Morrison Family was hiding.

This family, always low-key in the North Territory, was definitely not as simple as they seemed!

Lost in thought, Colin suddenly stopped. He had come to the end of this tunnel.

There, a giant butterfly sculpture was placed.

The Morrison Family’s badge was a “Golden Tail Butterfly,” but the tail of the butterfly sculpture was not gold.

It was blood red!

Colin looked at the Blood-tailed Butterfly in front of him and cautiously moved closer.

Passing the statue, he found himself in a surprisingly spacious underground space.

Just entering this place, the intense smell of blood made Colin almost suffocate.

Considering his vampire identity, Colin felt there might be a terrifying sight ahead.

Sure enough, when he saw the situation in this underground space, he was stunned.


Endless blood!

The stone walls were covered in blood, the air was filled with the smell of blood, and the ground…

It was a gigantic blood pool!

Above the pool of blood, there seemed to be a giant spider web.

And in this web, there were various “cocoons.”

In those cocoons, there were clearly living people!

Blood dripped continuously from these people, falling into the blood pool.

Seeing this sight, even Colin, a vampire with a bloodthirsty nature, felt a chill rising from the depth of his heart.

What kind of hell was this?

What did the Morrison Family want to do?


In the moment Colin was taken aback, a figure clad in Armour suddenly shot out from the blood pool.

He swung his blood-red long sword, slashing toward Colin’s face!

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