The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 148: Miracle Doctor (32)

Chapter 148: Miracle Doctor (32)

Seeing Wu Xuancao hold a pen without writing a single word for a long time, the several resident doctors looked at each other in dismay, their suspicions deepening. One of them urged: "Physician Wu, the priority is saving his life. Even if you dont have a complete grasp of it, you should also formulate a prescription first and give it a try."

Wu Xuancao broke free from Madam Xiaos grasp and sat down slowly, but her fingers trembled incessantly. There was no way she could arbitrarily write up a prescription to try to fool her way through. First, because several doctors were right here and would be able to see through it at a glance. Second, because this was a human life after all, and her conscience couldn't handle it. She picked up the pen, messily wrote the word Mahuang*, then could no longer continue.

*Literally numb yellow, ephedra.

"Jiming, I'm sorry I dont know how to prescribe medicine You should find someone else for treatment." She finally raised her head and said with tears streaming down her face.

"What did you say?" Xue Jiming thought he had heard her wrong.

Madam Xiao was stunned for a while, and then disbelievingly exclaimed in a low roar: "Wu Xuancao, dont joke around at this stage! Back when my eldest son drowned, it was you who breathed him back to life. You can even save someone after slicing open their belly. How is it possible that you cant save my Ran'er! Hurry up and prescribe something! Im begging you! Do you need me to kowtow to you?"

Madam Xiao cried and fussed and, in the end, went as far as to directly kneel down. The two old madams were also mentally and physically exhausted, full of bewilderment.

Wu Xuancaos pressure increased, knowing in her heart that if she continued to omit the truth, she would be propped up onto a sky-high pedestal by these people and unable to come down. Treating someone else to death, she would have to pay with her life; but if she treated Xue Ran to death, the situation would be even worse, so she could only grit her teeth and admit: "Sister-in-law, I really can't do anything. Its useless to try to force me. Saving Xue Meng and saving Xue Ran are two completely different things. When Xue Meng was drowning, I used first aid techniques. As long as the method is right, anyone can do it. It has its own principle and isnt anything mysterious. But saving Xue Ran would rely on internal medicine treatment. I dont understand it, so I cant treat it. I know how to perform surgery, but I dont know medicine or pharmacology. The medical skills I learned and the medical skills here are from completely different systems.

Madam Xiao listened but didn't understand, and pursued, "Isnt it all medical skills how come the doctors next to you could treat it, but you cant?"

Wu Xuancao was also a little anxious, and retorted: "This kind of disease is a critical illness, can any doctor guarantee to treat it? Sister-in-law, what youre doing is forcing people into a difficult place!"

"Im the one forcing people? You are obviously a doctor, but you say that you don't understand medicine and pharmacology. Instead, you accuse me of forcing people? You swindler! Ran'er, who will save my Ran'er!" Madam Xiao's last bit of hope was dashed. All she could do was hug her comatose and convulsing infant son and wail.

Old Madam and the old madam of the second branch were also full of disbelief. Had there even been anyone who could cure diseases and save people without knowing medicine and pharmacology, and even pass for a miracle doctor? Oh, thats right, originally Zheng Zhe was in Xuancao Hall, so Wu Xuancaos title was probably gained by standing in the others halo. However, when others addressed her like that and came to the door asking for treatment, she never told the truth, but kept up the facade. For the sake of fame, for the sake of profit, she could abuse human lives and neglect life and death!

No wonder she always went out with Zheng Zhe to diagnose, never daring to act alone; no wonder she was so slow to come up with a treatment plan for Boyong's legs; no wonder without Zheng Zhe, she hid in the name of studying medicine and didnt see any patients! It turned out that she was a complete fake!

Old Madam's impression of Wu Xuancao instantly fell to the lowest point, and in her eyes appeared a faint sense of loathing. Remembering that her grandson was already engaged to the other party, she felt like she had swallowed a hundred flies. The old madam of the second branch was also both resentful and embarrassed. She raised her walking stick to hit Wu Xuancao.

Although Xue Jimings heart was full of stupefaction, he still unconsciously stepped forward to shield his fiance from the blame.

"Xiao Cao'er, what nonsense are you saying? You could even cure me when I was poisoned by snake venom, how could you not understand medicine." He said hoarsely.

Wu Xuancao whispered: "The antidote was passed down from my father, so I just directly fed it to you. My medical skills arent bad Its just that I don't know Chinese medicine. Jiming, you have to believe me."

She didnt understand medicine, but her medical skills were also very good no matter how Xue Jiming tried to understand these words, they seemed strange. He though his fiance was being a sophist, and his heart felt extremely uncomfortable, but he also had no choice but to protect her, "Sister-in-law, stop hitting. The priority is saving his life. Lin Dan's Xing Lin Spring is just across the street. She has superb medical skills and should be able to help us.

Old Madam hurriedly opened her mouth, "Thats right, thats right, Dan'er could cure Boyong's legs, and certainly can cure Ran'er's convulsions. Come, let's go across the street!"

"Lin Dan?" Madam Xiao and the old madam from the second branch looked absent-minded, as if trying to remember what Lin Dan looked like.

But Xue Yangfan couldn't wait any longer, picking up his infant son and walking towards the other side of the street. As he brushed past Xue Jiming and Wu Xuancao, he ferociously glared at them with blood-red eyes. If anything happened to his son, he would never let this couple go! One was blind and the other had no conscience. No wonder they flocked together!

"Hurry up and follow. Don't bicker with her any more!" Old Madam gave Madam Xiao a push.The other party finally came back to her senses and staggered to catch up.

After the Xue family left, there was silence in Xuancao Hall. Several resident doctors looked at each other, saluted, and said: "Miss Wu, since you don't understand medicine and pharmacology, why did you say you would teach us medical skills? You are not being honest! Well, we will be leaving. Farewell!"

What needing to go into seclusion to delve into the medical arts, it all turned out to be an excuse to shirk responsibility and preserve her own reputation. They had practiced medicine for many years and had never seen anyone more presumptuous than Wu Xuancao. Everyone knew that practicing medicine was for the sake of aiding the world and saving people. Without real ability and learning, how could anyone act rashly? If something went wrong, one sorry would never be able to conclude the matter. That was an actual human life!

Medicine King Sun* once said: "One should and should not be a doctor. One must have talent, cleverness, and enlightenment and read tens of thousands of books. After that, one may aid the world. Otherwise, few would not be killers, using medicine to disguise the knife blade. To avoid death, my children, be cautious and do not take doctors lightly!" The Internal Canon also had a saying do not teach unless its to the appropriate people, and do not impart unless its the truth. This is the correct way.

*Sun is his surname, pronounced swuhn. His full name was Sun Simiao and he was one of several renowned divine doctors in Chinese history.

From this, it could be seen how sacred and solemn the practice of medicine was. There was no room for the least bit of recklessness, neglect, or jokes. And the various ways in which Wu Xuancao handled things violated all the taboos of practicing medicine. It was shameful to associate with her!

Several resident doctors left angrily, and all the apprentices also began thinking about leaving. If todays matter spread outside, the reputation of Xuancao Hall would definitely become notorious. If they wanted to study medicine, they couldn't have anything to do with Wu Xuancao. If they didnt leave now, then when?

Thinking of this, all the apprentices dispersed in confusion, not even wanting this month's salary.

Wu Xuancao looked at the completely empty inner hall and finally realized that her career was over. It had always been her dream to be a doctor and save people. Even if she transmigrated into ancient times, she had never given up. She really did use what she had learned to save several people; this was an undeniable fact. She had never harmed anyone, so why did everyone negate everything she had done before just because of some tiny blemishes?

She clutched her hair and slowly squatted on the ground, silently shedding tears.

Xue Jiming gently patted her back and said in a husky voice: "Since you don't know medicine, you should stop trying to keep this clinic open. If we married quickly and lived our lives out privately, wouldnt that be better?" However, the person he originally fell in love with really was that other Wu Xuancao, who had superb medical skills and a kind and beautiful heart, and not the current Wu Xuancao, who had been angling for fame and deceiving the world. His heart was filled with remorse and regret, and even more vacancy and lostness. He had been the one to choose the person, so he would be the one to walk the road. If he didnt persevere, what else could he do?

"Ran'er's situation was very dangerous, I have to go over and take a look." After saying this, he left without looking back even once. The silhouette of his back as he left in a hurry was almost like he was trying to escape from something.

Wu Xuancao wiped her tears away and also followed him over. She knew that Lin Dan always had a way. There seemed to be nothing in the world that she couldn't do.

When the patient had been sent over, Lin Dan and Xue Boyong had just been preparing to have a meal. When the two walked to the outer hall, they both had strange expressions on their faces.

"Wasnt it just a fever from a cold? Why couldnt Wu Xuancao treat it?" Xue Boyongs face was filled with doubt. From what he remembered, although Wu Xuancao's medical skills were not as good as Lin Dan's, they were not lacking.

"Ugh, lets not talk about it! That Wu Xuancao is just a swindler. She doesn't understand medicine at all!" Old Madam was too embarrassed to raise her head.

The old madam of the second branch and Madam Xiao wanted to kneel as soon as they saw Lin Dan, but Xue Boyong used the tips of his shoes to stop their knees from bending, and said coldly, "Don't use emotions and righteousness to coerce Lin Dan. His illness is in such a critical state if its cured, thats because Lin Dans medical skills are excellent, but if its not cured, thats just Xue Rans fate. Even if you dont want to accept that, you have to. Dont try to wail and fuss or threaten to beat or kill."

"We know. We won't make a fuss. Dan'er, please quickly take a look at my grandson!" The old madam of the second branch didn't dare to refute at all.

Seeing this, Xue Boyong finally signaled Lin Dan.

Lin Dan walked up to the sickbed, carefully checked the afflicted childs pulse, and muttered to herself, Acute infantile convulsions his condition is somewhat serious."

"Then is there any way he can be saved" Before Madam Xiao even finished her sentence, she saw Lin Dan took out a set of silver needles, pierce them into her son's fingers and toes, the tips of both ears, Baihui (hundred gathering), Dazhui (large vertebra), and other places. Black blood leaked out. As soon as she wiped off the drops of blood, her son began to wail. He had woken up. Beads of sweat appeared on his body, and his ice-cold palms and soles also started warming up.

Madam Xiao was stunned at the sight, and the two old madams and Xue Yangfan were also stupefied, unable to return to their senses for a long time. On the contrary, it was the two brothers, Xue Boyong and Xue Jiming, whose complexions looked normal, as if they had long expected this.

Lin Dan ordered the apprentice to hold the child's hands and feet, then quickly pierced the Yongquan (gushing spring), Hegu (enjoined valley), and Renzhong (philtrum) points with acupuncture needles, then used the sparrow pecking technique to prick the Siliao (silk joint) point. She left the needles in for a short while, then pulled them out. The infants twitching very quickly ceased, and his crying gradually faded.

"The convulsions have only been temporarily halted. He still needs to take medicine to consolidate the curative effect. I will first prescribe him a dose of Lingshe (antelope/musk deer) Zhijing (spasm stopping) Powder first, and then put him under observation." Lin Dan quickly grabbed a dose of medicine, then personally brewed it and fed it to the child. After about two quarters of an hour, the child's fever completely subsided, and his convulsions stopped.

When Madam Xiao took her barely one-year-old son into her bosom, he rooted around her chest, as if he were hungry and looking for milk to drink. Madam Xiao burst into tears of joy, hugged her infant son tightly, and spoke, choked with emotion, "Thank you, Physician Lin, thank you!"

A miracle doctor! The disease was cured the moment the medicine was taken! The old madam of the second branch widened her eyes, her heart full of shock. Xue Yangfan didn't know what to say, but the man who was strong like an iron tower, facing Lin Dan, looked like he was about to cry as well, the rims of his eyes red. He couldnt thank Lin Dan enough.

When Wu Xuancao heard the child start to cry, she knew that Lin Dan really had a solution. When she saw the crying stop, she finally completely admitted defeat. She lifted her head to look at the signboard, which read "Xing Lin Spring", then looked back at the empty Xuancao Hall, something cryptic flashing across her eyes. Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse NovelMultiverse dot com

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