The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 94: Kuznetsov’s Gambit

Chapter 94: Chapter 94: Kuznetsov's Gambit

The skies over Moscow were a dull gray, reflecting the somber mood of the city. Viktor Kuznetsov sat in his lavish office on the 40th floor of an old Soviet-era skyscraper. From here, he could see the entire city sprawling beneath him a constant reminder of the power he was beginning to seize.

His fingers drummed against the oak desk as he reviewed the latest reports from his men. Volkov's empire was in shambles, but the remnants were still valuable. His influence could be reborn under Kuznetsov's rule if he moved fast enough.

"Volkov was a fool," Kuznetsov muttered to himself, leaning back in his chair. "Too loud. Too arrogant. He thought he was untouchable."

But Kuznetsov was different. He had stayed quiet, maneuvering in the shadows while Volkov drew the world's attention. Now, with the chaos left in Volkov's wake, Kuznetsov had the perfect opportunity to take control. And this time, no one would stop him.

His phone buzzed, and he glanced at the message.

They're moving. Dominic's team. They know about your play for Volkov's assets.

Kuznetsov's lip curled into a sneer. Dominic and his team had taken down Volkov, but they hadn't faced someone like him yet. They were chasing ghosts while Kuznetsov built his empire. He had already secured key alliances in Europe and Asia. Dominic wouldn't get close to him, not with the web of protection he had carefully woven.

Still, Kuznetsov respected them as adversaries. Dominic had been clever in bringing down Volkov. But cleverness wouldn't be enough this time. Kuznetsov thrived on precision and patience. He would strike at the perfect moment.

In a secure safehouse just outside of London, Dominic stood over a map of Europe, red circles marking locations connected to Kuznetsov. The team had been running operations non-stop since Volkov's fall, and each step closer to Kuznetsov revealed just how entrenched the man had become.

"Kuznetsov's playing this smart," Marcus said, pacing the room. "He's not making the same mistakes Volkov made. We can't afford to underestimate him."

Dominic nodded. "That's exactly why we need to move now. We've already hit his financial streams in Germany and France, but those are just surface-level hits. He's got deeper connections and military ties, government insiders. And he's careful."

Laura scrolled through her tablet, eyes focused. "We've tracked down some of his assets in Moscow, but it's going to be hard getting close. He's heavily fortified, and he knows we're after him."

Alyssa crossed her arms, her expression grim. "Kuznetsov is Volkov without the ego. He won't make reckless moves, but he's not afraid to get brutal if it serves him."

Eleanor chimed in. "We've also picked up chatter that he's making inroads with factions in the Middle East. If he locks down oil and energy routes, he'll have more leverage than Volkov ever dreamed of. He's playing the long game."

Dominic's eyes darkened. "Then we can't let him consolidate. If we give him too much time, he'll be untouchable. We need to cut off his network before it's fully in place."

"Easier said than done," Marcus remarked. "The guy's got layers of protection. We need to find a crack in his armor."

Alyssa looked thoughtful. "What about his alliances? Even the strongest networks have weak links."

Dominic nodded. "Kuznetsov isn't the type to trust easily. If we can find someone on the inside, someone who's not fully loyal, we can use that to our advantage."

Laura glanced up. "I've been monitoring his communications. There's one name that keeps popping up—a businessman named Pavel Ivanov. He's close to Kuznetsov, but there's tension. Ivanov's been trying to break into the European market, and Kuznetsov's been holding him back."

"That could be our way in," Eleanor said, leaning forward. "If we approach Ivanov, offer him what Kuznetsov won't, he might flip."

Dominic considered it. "It's risky, but it might be the only move we've got. Get me everything you can on Ivanov. We need to know his vulnerabilities before we approach him."

Two days later, the team was in Paris, where Pavel Ivanov was attending a high-profile business summit. The city was buzzing with activity, but Dominic and his team had eyes only for Ivanov.

The plan was simple: Marcus and Eleanor would tail Ivanov, while Alyssa and Dominic would make contact. Laura would monitor communications and track any movements from Kuznetsov's men.

"Ivanov's paranoid," Alyssa said, adjusting the earpiece in her ear. "He's not going to trust us right away."

"He doesn't have to trust us," Dominic replied, scanning the crowd. "He just has to believe we can give him what Kuznetsov can't."

They spotted Ivanov in a small café near the summit, sipping espresso as he browsed through his phone. Dominic and Alyssa approached him casually, blending in with the other high-powered businessmen in the area.

"Mr. Ivanov," Dominic said as they reached his table.

Ivanov looked up, his eyes narrowing. "Do I know you?"

"No," Dominic replied, taking a seat. "But you know Kuznetsov. And we know you want more than what he's offering."

Ivanov's expression shifted, suspicion mingling with curiosity. "What is this about?"

Alyssa leaned in slightly. "We can offer you a deal, one that puts you ahead of Kuznetsov. All we need is information. His network, his movements. In exchange, we'll make sure you get what Kuznetsov's been denying you."

Ivanov hesitated, glancing around as if expecting to see Kuznetsov's men watching him. "You're making dangerous assumptions. Kuznetsov doesn't take kindly to betrayal."

Dominic's voice was calm but firm. "Kuznetsov's time is running out. He doesn't have the resources to protect everyone forever. When he falls, you'll want to be on the right side."

Ivanov leaned back, weighing his options. "You think you can take him down?"

Alyssa's eyes locked onto his. "We already took down Volkov. Kuznetsov is next."

Ivanov's lips tightened. After a long pause, he nodded slightly. "Alright. I'll give you what you need. But you better hold up your end."

Dominic stood, offering a hand. "We will. Welcome to the right side of history."

As they walked away, Dominic could feel the gears shifting. Ivanov was the key to cracking Kuznetsov's defenses. The game was far from over, but they had taken a critical step forward.

Now, it was only a matter of time before Kuznetsov's empire began to crumble.

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