The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 63 - 63 Within the Lion’s Den

Chapter 63: Chapter 63 Within the Lion's Den

The rain finally ceased on the third day of their relentless pursuit of answers, but the storm brewing within the safe house only grew fiercer. Dominic and the team had found the edges of Zorin's network, and what they uncovered was staggering—an entire system of covert operations, alliances, and puppet governments, all woven together by a group of untouchable elites.

And Zorin was just one of many.

The deeper they dug, the more the picture expanded. Zorin's organization, a clandestine collective known as the Veritas Group, had been operating in the shadows for decades. They were responsible for destabilizing regimes, controlling global markets, and funding some of the world's most notorious figures Volkov among them.

But now, Dominic and his team had a singular advantage: they knew about the Veritas Group, and they knew where they operated.

"Look at this," Laura said, hunching over her laptop, scrolling through intercepted communications. "Zorin's next move isn't just business it's political. He's meeting with high-ranking officials at a summit in Geneva, and it's happening in two days."

Marcus leaned over her shoulder, scanning the encrypted messages. "Geneva? That's a dangerous place for a power move. If they're meeting there, it means they're preparing to make something official, probably to legitimize their control."

"Or worse," Eleanor added grimly, "they're pulling the strings behind closed doors and using this summit as cover."

Dominic nodded. "They want to make their next move in plain sight, thinking no one will notice. They think they're invisible. We're going to prove them wrong."

Alyssa crossed her arms, her eyes dark with determination. "How do we play this? We can't just walk into a summit full of world leaders and covert operatives without tipping them off."

"We won't walk in the front door," Dominic replied. "We'll infiltrate, observe, and gather every piece of intel we can before we make our move. But we need to be smart. If they get even a whiff of us, it's over."

Eleanor tapped the map on the table. "I can forge the credentials. We'll go in as part of a media delegation a cover to move through the venue without raising suspicions. But we'll need eyes on the ground well before the summit starts."

"I'll handle that," Marcus said, already reaching for his gear. "We'll need eyes inside the security system too. I can plant surveillance devices before the event kicks off."

"Good," Dominic said. "We'll also need someone watching Zorin directly. He's too slippery to leave unattended. If he makes a move or even hints at their next phase, we need to be ready."

Alyssa's eyes gleamed. "That's my job."

Dominic trusted her more than anyone to track Zorin's every move. She could slip into a crowd unnoticed, follow the flow of power, and get close without ever being seen.

"We'll need backup plans for everything," Dominic continued. "We're not just dealing with Zorin. Volkov, Orlov, and the entire Veritas Group could have their own people there. We can't afford to miss any detail."

They spent the next few hours finalizing the plan, running simulations, and preparing for every possible outcome. Geneva was about to become the epicenter of something catastrophic, and they had only one shot to stop it before it spiraled out of control.

As the team gathered their gear and prepared to move out, the weight of what they were walking into became palpable. This wasn't just another mission. They were stepping into the lion's den, surrounded by some of the most dangerous people in the world, all under the guise of diplomacy.

They knew one wrong step could mean the end for all of them.

But they were ready.

The summit in Geneva was an opulent affair, hosted at one of the most exclusive hotels in the city. The building was a fortress, surrounded by security teams, diplomats, and media from all over the world. To the untrained eye, it looked like a perfectly ordinary gathering of political and financial elites.

But Dominic and his team knew better.

"Everyone in position?" Dominic's voice was a calm whisper in the comms, though the tension was clear.

"Security is tight, but I'm inside," Marcus replied, his voice barely audible as he moved through the underbelly of the hotel, planting surveillance devices. "Cameras will be blind in ten minutes."

Alyssa's voice came through next. "I'm tailing Zorin. He's with a small group of men in the east wing, but he's not talking much. Looks like he's waiting for someone."

Dominic, posing as a journalist for an international media outlet, blended into the crowd in the lobby, his eyes sweeping the room for familiar faces. Eleanor and Laura were stationed nearby, ready to tap into the venue's internal communications.

They were in the heart of enemy territory now, and every step had to be calculated.

As Marcus worked, he caught a glimpse of something odd; a group of men in suits, armed but discreetly so, moving toward a restricted area.

"Dom, I've got eyes on something strange," Marcus said. "Heavy security heading toward the basement levels. Might be worth checking out."

Dominic's brow furrowed. "I'll see if I can get closer. Stay on them."

Moving swiftly but carefully, Dominic made his way toward the east wing, keeping his cover intact. He caught a glimpse of Zorin as Alyssa reported surrounded by influential men, all laughing, toasting champagne, and looking like nothing more than successful businessmen.

But beneath the surface, Dominic could sense the danger.

As he moved closer, Dominic noticed one of the men with Zorin discreetly pass him a small envelope. Zorin glanced at it briefly before slipping it into his jacket pocket.

"That's it," Dominic whispered into the comms. "He's holding something important."

"On it," Alyssa replied, already moving in closer.

But before they could make their next move, Marcus's voice came through the earpiece, tense and urgent. "Dom, I've got a problem. Those armed men they're headed toward a room marked as 'Restricted.' Something's going down."

Dominic's stomach sank. This wasn't just about the summit. Zorin and the Veritas Group were about to trigger something bigger. Something dangerous.

"We need to move," Dominic said, his voice steely. "Whatever they're planning, it's happening now."

The final play had begun.

And the clock was ticking.

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