The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 23 - 23 Shadows from the past

Chapter 23: Chapter 23 Shadows from the past

The black SUV sped through the winding roads of St. Petersburg, the city lights flashing by in a blur. Inside, the tension was palpable. Dominic sat in the passenger seat, watching the landscape flicker past, his thoughts racing. In the back, Volkov remained calm, a subtle smirk playing on his lips as if the whole ordeal was nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Alyssa, seated next to him, kept her eyes on the road ahead, but Dominic could see the fire behind them. She was ready, prepared for whatever was next. Marcus and Laura were quiet, focused on their escape, their weapons still drawn, scanning for any sign of pursuit.

"We need to get to the safe house," Laura said, breaking the silence. "We can't risk holding him out in the open. Orlov's men won't stop."

Dominic nodded. "Eleanor, how's our route?"

Eleanor's voice came through the comms, clear and efficient as always. "You're clear for now, but I've got chatter on the lines. Orlov's pulling strings with the local authorities. You'll have to lose them before you reach the safe house."

Alyssa tightened her grip on the steering wheel. "We can take a back route through the industrial sector. It's a maze of abandoned buildings and warehouses. We can use it to our advantage."

"Do it," Dominic said. He glanced back at Volkov, who hadn't said a word since the explosion. "You're awfully quiet, Volkov."

Volkov's smile widened slightly. "What is there to say? I told you, Dominic. This isn't over. The wheels I've set in motion are far beyond your control now."

Dominic's eyes narrowed. "We just blew up your deal with Orlov. I'd say we're off to a pretty good start."

Volkov leaned forward, his voice low and filled with that same cold amusement. "Orlov was a means to an end. I always have other plans in place. By the time you figure out what's really happening, it'll be too late."

Before Dominic could respond, Marcus' voice cut through the tension. "We've got a tail. Three vehicles, closing in fast."

Alyssa swore under her breath, glancing in the rearview mirror. Sure enough, the headlights of three black sedans were weaving through traffic, gaining on them.

"Hold on!" Alyssa shouted, jerking the wheel to the right, taking a sharp turn down a narrow alley.

The SUV bounced as it hit the uneven pavement, the sound of pursuing vehicles growing louder. Dominic turned in his seat, pulling out his gun. "Marcus, Laura, take out the tires if they get too close."

Laura rolled down the back window, steadying her aim. "On it."

The chase twisted through the industrial sector, the tall, skeletal frames of old warehouses looming around them like ghosts. The streets were dark and deserted, but the sound of engines echoed off the walls, the roar of pursuit growing ever closer.

One of the sedans surged forward, pulling up alongside them. Dominic fired, the bullet sparking off the hood, but the car didn't slow.

"They're not backing down," Marcus growled, leaning out to take another shot.

Alyssa jerked the wheel again, narrowly avoiding a stack of pallets as the car skidded around a corner. Laura fired, hitting one of the sedan's tires. The car spun out, crashing into the side of a building in a shower of sparks and metal.

"Two more," Dominic said, gritting his teeth. "We need to end this."

As the second sedan pulled up close, Volkov leaned back, his expression almost serene. "You can't outrun this, Dominic. You should have just walked away when you had the chance."

Dominic ignored him, focused on the chase. The industrial sector was a maze, and Alyssa was navigating it with precision, but they couldn't keep this up forever. The second sedan was closing in again, its headlights bearing down on them.

"Ready?" Laura asked, her voice taut.

"Do it," Dominic said.

Laura fired, and the second sedan's windshield shattered. The driver lost control, careening into a row of rusted shipping containers with a deafening crash.

"One left," Marcus said, his voice tight with adrenaline.

The final sedan was persistent, weaving through the debris of the chase, its driver unrelenting. Alyssa slammed the gas, pushing the SUV faster, but the sedan was gaining.

Suddenly, a burst of gunfire erupted from the sedan's window, bullets pinging off the SUV's rear. Dominic ducked, returning fire, but the driver of the sedan was relentless, swerving to avoid the shots.

"We're not going to shake them like this," Alyssa shouted, her knuckles white on the wheel.

Dominic's mind raced. They needed to end this now. His eyes fell on a rusted old crane ahead, its massive arm hanging over the narrow road. He had an idea.

"Alyssa, take the next left and loop around," Dominic said, formulating the plan as he spoke. "Marcus, Laura, when we pass that crane, hit the latch and bring it down on them."

Alyssa nodded, understanding immediately. She veered left, pulling them onto a side street, the sedan following close behind.

Marcus and Laura readied their weapons as the SUV approached the crane. Alyssa hit the gas, speeding under its arm, the sedan right on their tail.

"Now!" Dominic shouted.

Marcus and Laura fired simultaneously. The crane's arm groaned, metal grinding as the latch gave way. The massive structure fell, crashing down onto the sedan with a bone-shattering impact. The car was crushed instantly, buried beneath a mountain of twisted steel.

Silence fell over the road, the only sound the fading echoes of the crash. Alyssa slowed the SUV, glancing back to confirm the sedan was out of commission.

"We did it," Marcus breathed, his voice full of relief.

But Dominic wasn't celebrating yet. He turned back to Volkov, who had been unnervingly calm throughout the entire chase. The man met his gaze with that same chilling smile.

"You've bought yourself some time," Volkov said, his voice as smooth as ever. "But time is all you've gained. This war is far from over."

Dominic stared at him, heart pounding. Volkov had played this game for years, manipulating power and influence with a finesse that had made him untouchable. And while they had scored a victory tonight, Dominic knew this was only the beginning.

Volkov's reach was global, and his plans—whatever they truly were—ran deep.

Dominic turned back to the road. "Get us to the safe house. We need to regroup and figure out our next move."

The SUV pulled away from the wreckage, disappearing into the night. The shadows of the past were closing in, and Dominic could feel the storm brewing on the horizon.

But they weren't done fighting. Not yet.

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