The Extra's Indifference

Chapter 57 Self-Harm

Kayle got out of the room of that childish demigod and went to his room with heavy, depressed steps.

It was a strange feeling to see this weird mortal too has feelings because all I could sense from him was just emptiness.

Normally I can sense every mortal's inner feelings and thoughts without any difficulty but I couldn't sense any of this from this mortal.

His soul was empty and broken, which is usually a remark the going mad or went mad already. But this mortal is completely okay from the outside and I can't sense his inner feelings as all I could feel was just emptiness.

Though calling him mortal might be wrong because I sensed a divinity in him when he entered my temple. It was minuscule amount of divinity and I thought that he was just a blessed of divine being.

But it was before I saw the symbols on his soul.

This mere mortal knows more heretical knowledge than Enos, which is why I considered him a threat and still consider him one.

Because the divinity inside him wasn't from current gods and devils, it was an ancient divinity. Probably from old divine beings, which must have been impossible as every old divine being was dead.

'Probably he found an ancient inheritance and gained divinity or he was an angel of a divine being and for some reason, they sealed or erased all of his memories. It is an absurd theory but I can't think of anything else.' I thought.

While I was thinking this, Kayle entered his room and went to the bathroom.

I followed him around because I was worried that he would do something idiotic himself because of that mortal girl. I wasn't worried about him, I was worried about the future.

Even though it was a shameful thing for a divine being to need help from a mortal, I needed this weird creature's knowledge to save myself and the world I am living in.

Kayle removed his clothes and entered the bathtub.

'These scars are very interesting.' I thought after seeing the scars on his back.

'Was he really an angel in the past? Does this past of his still affect his body to degree that it appears on his body with time?'

While I was thinking Kayle's ring transformed into a sharp knife and Kayle cut his wrist neatly.

Blood began to flow from his wrist but Kayle just watched the flow of the blood without doing anything to stop the blood.

'This boy is already gone mad!' I thought and slapped him in the cheek with my wing.

'I don't want to use my power to save this suicidal maniac but if he doesn't heal himself, I have to do this even if I have to pay a huge price.'

Kayle looked at me with moist eyes and opened his mouth.

"I am sorry my goddess, I forgot that you are still here." Kayle said with a weak tone.

"And don't worry about me dying or the future. I am just doing this to ease myself." Kayle continued quietly.

"Do you know that draining blood from the body like this has a calming effect on the human body, or I am thinking like this, as this method always worked on me." Kayle murmured and a tear dropped on his left eye.

When I heard his words, I couldn't move from the shock.

From his words alone I concluded that he did this many times and this made me too sad before I knew it and made me think more about this boy.

This boy has vast knowledge that, if a normal person learned even a little bit of them they can fall into depression or go mad instantly but this boy looked like normal. Yes 'looked like'.

And to make the matters worse this boy has a beauty that is close to divine, which must be hard to live like this among mortals, as they aren't used to holding their desires in check.

And now his girlfriend or I assumed like this in critical condition.

'It is hard for a 14 year old boy to withstand even 1 of them but this boy withstands 3 of them at once. Probably his mind is barely holding itself with a huge amount of sheer willpower or his mind was broken long time ago but he keeps himself in check to not harm someone.'

Kayle took out a potion from his storage artifact that he put side of the bathtub and drank it.

The blood in his blood vessels, which was too little for a mortal, replenished rapidly but the wound on his wrist didn't heal. Blood continued to flow from it.

'Will he continue like this? Doesn't he feel pain?' I thought and perched on his shoulder and caressed his cheek with my wing.

I felt pity for this mortal boy who finds relief in self harm.

I remembered the fact that this boy has a curse on his soul too. Even I couldn't understand the purpose of the curse, as it was too complex for me.

'Maybe it is amplifying his certain feelings to make him suffer more. Curses that affect emotions are very complex and hard to lift. I can't lift the curse with just brute force, or else I would lift that curse on the spot.' I thought and continue to watch this sight.

Kayle continue to let his blood flow from his wound for an hour and even the bathtub filled with his blood. It was a very sad sight to see and I too felt sad while watching this.

But there was no longer any sadness on the face of Kayle. He has a calm smile on his face, he looked like he was at peace right now.

'Did that really work? He has a slight smile on his face, maybe it worked as he said. Or did he fully go mad?'

While I was thinking Kayle got up from the bathtub and looked at me with a slight smile.

"I am sorry for my earlier ugly appearance, my goddess." Kayle said and bowed.

'He really got well with a method of like that. Or is he hiding his pain?' I thought doubtfully.

I flew and perched on his head.

'I will help this poor soul. It is my duty as a goddess.'

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