The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

The manor quickly got a new batch of maidservants. With Auntie Qin keeping them in line and the previous incident as a warning, the maidservants were all very obedient and respectful towards Li Mingwei. She didn't need to worry about anything every day except for eating, sleeping, strolling in the garden, and watching her belly grow bigger day by day.

When she was over six months along, Tang Shan came to see her. Seeing her belly already protruding somewhat under her winter clothes, when he went back he found a midwife for her. Every day after Liu Yizhu went to the academy, the midwife would come and feel her belly.

He also invited the doctor to come examine her pulse every few days, to ensure her and the baby's wellbeing.

Seeing the doctor nod, Li Mingwei retracted her wrist and gently caressed her belly, "My fellow student, now you can rest assured, right? I'm fine, you're too worried. You even came specially to see."

Tang Shan smiled. It was just a trivial effort.

After the steward had seen the doctor out, he sat down beside Li Mingwei, "There's news from Beijing."

Li Mingwei tensed up, "From my family?"

With her big belly now, it wouldn't be easy to rush back.

"No." Tang Shan shook his head. "From the Prince Jin's manor. The prince has had another son."

Li Mingwei wasn't very interested in this, but she still counted the days in her head. "Cheng Ruoruo conceived again so soon?"

The Cheng family had cut ties with her, yet she could get pregnant again so quickly, so Murong Yu still favored her a lot?

"No, it's by one of the prince's concubines. After you left, the Prince Jin's manor has added five or six new concubines."

Li Mingwei laughed. "What does that have to do with me?"

Tang Shan raised a brow, his tone full of mockery. "The position of princess consort is still vacant, I wonder who he's keeping it open for."

Who cares who he's keeping it for, she can't see it anyway.

"Any news from my family?"

"No. Master Li still goes to the academy to teach every day. He looks quite healthy and energetic."

Li Mingwei felt relieved.

Seeing her seeming to relax, Tang Shan tentatively asked, "When do you plan to go back?"

"Probably next spring when it gets warmer. A child less than one year old probably can't endure long distance travel, can they?" Li Mingwei looked down at her belly, somewhat hesitant.

Tang Shan pondered for a while. "It depends on the child's health. If they're still well, I can arrange more people to escort you and go slowly. But you'll have to set out earlier, otherwise if you get delayed too much on the road, you might miss the spring exam."

"No, I won't go with him. If he makes it through the autumn exam smoothly this year, I want him to go to the capital right away."

The capital was too complicated. Liu Yizhu's growing environment was still relatively simple. She wanted him to go get used to it earlier. Also, some books were only available in the capital. Once he was there, she would definitely find a way for him to see them.

There were also some new poems, essays and articles that couldn't be published in books, only circulating in towns. Collecting and appreciating them would be beneficial.

Most importantly, he needed to go understand the preferences of the examiners, and find more of the texts they normally read. Perhaps he could even guess the essay topics.

They didn't know yet which senior officials would be setting the topics next year.

Li Mingwei sighed. Without being in the capital, information was just not timely enough. She looked at the silent Tang Shan, "What's wrong, my fellow student?"

Tang Shan was worried. "I also don't know if that rebellious son of mine can make it in."

"Why do you need to worry so much? Tang Jue is not lacking."

Shouldn't he be more worried about her right now? Whether Liu Yizhu could make it next year?

They both had worried looks on their faces and sighed in unison, "Alas!"

The two involved were still frolicking in the academy, unaware. As soon as class ended, Liu Yizhu packed up his books, wanting to hurry home. Tang Jue asked him out for drinks, but he declined. Tang Jue then grabbed his arm and refused to let go.

Liu Yizhu pried open his arm. "Let go!"

Tang Jue didn't have his strength. Unable to overpower him, he could only change tactics and accusingly complained, "Ever since Sister-in-law came, we haven't had dinner together, all four of us, for a long time. How can you neglect friends for the sake of a woman like this? Are we still sworn brothers?"

Liu Yizhu didn't fall for this. "We still have lunch together every day."

Tang Jue waved his hand. "No, I don't mean eating meals. I mean drinking wine. How long has it been since we drank a cup together? Come on, a little drinking brings joy and eases the fatigue of recent days."

Liu Yizhu didn't need that. He only needed to go home and see that his wife and child were well to ease his fatigue.

He turned to leave. "Looks to me like you don't treat me as a brother either."

"Hey!" Tang Jue grabbed him. "How can you say I don't treat you as a brother!"

"Just now you wanted to get me drunk. I'd have to sleep on the floor after drinking. It's still cold now!"

Liu Yizhu shook off his hand and directly walked away. Tang Jue blinked, dumbfounded. Couldn't he sleep in another room?

He slowly caught his implication and clicked his tongue. Looking at Yang Jingyuan, he said, "Shall we still drink?"

Seeing Zhong Liangyu had already left, Yang Jingyuan slumped in his chair. "What's there to drink?"

He heaved a sigh and grabbed Tang Jue's hand. "Brother Tang, Master Tang, why don't you find me a wife too?"

Tang Jue stared at him. "I don't even have a wife myself. Where am I going to find you a wife? Go ask your parents."

"Don't you know any nice young ladies around you?"

"There are some." Tang Jue stroked his chin and raised a brow at him. "How about Miss Zhong?"

Yang Jingyuan's brows knitted tight. He glanced up at Tang Jue and dropped his joking look. "Don't talk nonsense."

Tang Jue hooked his lips in a faint smile and patted Yang Jingyuan's shoulder before leaving.

Liu Yizhu hurried back to where he was staying. Li Mingwei had just seen Tang Shan off and was still sitting in the main hall. Entering, he saw there were still two teacups on the table and was somewhat puzzled. "Was there a guest?"

Did they know any other acquaintances in the county besides Tang Jue and the others?

Or was it someone from home?

Li Mingwei lightly nodded. "Mm, Master Tang."

"Master Tang?"

She made up, "Master Tang happened to finish up some official business and was passing by from outside, so he dropped in for a bit."

During the New Year period, they didn't have any relatives or friends visiting either. They just bought gifts and paid a visit to the Tang family before Liu Yizhu grew suspicious.

"Did Master Tang say anything?"

"We chatted for a bit. Master Tang heard I only have a few months before giving birth and told us to stay longer until the child is born before going back."

Liu Yizhu hesitated a little. He had just sent someone to ask and the road home was already passable. He had been thinking of going back for a visit sometime.

He looked up at Li Mingwei, "What do you think?"

"I agreed. Master Tang even said he knows a doctor he can invite to come take a look at me. He was very enthusiastic, I felt bad rejecting him."

Liu Yizhu nodded. "Alright then. I'll look for a time to go back for a bit anyway, to let my family know. Mother must want to come see you."

Li Mingwei assented.

He crouched in front of Li Mingwei and pressed his ear to her belly. "Did he move today?"

Li Mingwei sensed it. "He moved, but he seems to be still now. Maybe he's sleeping."

"I see."

Liu Yizhu stood up somewhat disappointedly and reached out a hand to help support her to the dining room for a meal.

Li Mingwei looked at him amusedly and placed her hand in his palm, gently coaxing, "There, when he moves later I'll call you."

Liu Yizhu secretly glanced at her. His face brightened a little.

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