The Empress's Transmigration into a Magnate's Wife

Chapter 487: The Recurring Dream

Chapter 487

<Rong Dai> still trusted <Zong Che> quite a bit, so she nodded and gave him <Lu Nianzhi>'s home address, then went with <Huo Shao Ting> to send <Huo Mei Shu> back to the <Huo> residence first.

After sending <Huo Mei Shu> back to the <Huo> residence, the couple returned to <Huafu Hill City>.

"Since you've already made the decision, don't have any doubts or look back, that will only make you lose focus."

<Huo Shao Ting> could tell what was on her mind, and handed her a glass of warm water, holding her and gently urging, "Drink the water first, then tell me what's troubling you."

<Rong Dai> took a sip of water, leaning against him and shaking her head: "I'm not worried about the company, I was just thinking about something."

She put the glass down, turned around and hugged his waist, her eyes deep and obscure: "Do you still remember what <Huang Expert> demonstrated that night?"

"If I could cross over, what about other people?"

"If others could also trigger such a coincidence, wouldn't there be others like me who could appear in this time?"

Recalling <Huang Expert>'s demonstration that night in the village, although the situation was bizarre, it gave her...hope.

Since a dead person like her could be reborn and appear in this time, if she could grasp this medium,

couldn't she then save the people of the <Rong> household?

Her words made <Huo Shao Ting> frown. She had already told him about the <Rong> household.

He held her tighter, looking at her with a serious and solemn expression: "I understand how you feel."

"But you need to know that if this could be achieved so easily, it would violate the laws of nature."

"It would lead to many unimaginable consequences."

Otherwise, whoever grasped this medium would be able to arbitrarily change the world!

<Rong Dai> was stunned for a moment, her eyes dimming slightly.

She had harbored a tiny sliver of hope in her heart that the greatest debt she owed was to the <Rong> household.

"Don't think about these things. I'll let you know if there are any new developments with this matter," said <Huo Shao Ting> as he looked at her. The incident in the village this time had also caught him off guard. Not only was the situation bizarre, but it was also uncontrollable.

He had to hurry up and deal with this matter. At the very least, he had to figure out exactly what this medium was.

<Rong Dai> nodded and extinguished that tiny glimmer of hope in her heart.

He kissed her forehead, helped remove her clothes, and carried her into the bathroom.

That night, <Rong Dai> had the same dream again, but when she woke up in the morning, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't recall what she had dreamed about.

<Rong Dai> frowned as she sat in bed trying to remember for a few minutes, but her mind remained blank.

"That dream again?" <Huo Shao Ting> brought in breakfast and put it to the side. Seeing her pale complexion, his brows immediately furrowed.

<Rong Dai> nodded: "I always feel like it's related to my rebirth here, but I can't remember anything after I wake up."

Ever since she went to that village in <Yun City>, she had been having this recurring dream.

She thought it was because she was under pressure after what happened in the village, which led to the dream.

But she didn't expect that after returning to <Shengjing>, she would still have the same dream. Yet every time she woke up, she wouldn't remember anything.

<Huo Shao Ting>'s eyes narrowed slightly. He handed her a backrest pillow to lean against: "Have some breakfast first, and I'll contact a psychological expert to come give you counseling."

He didn't think it was due to the impact of that village on <Rong Dai>, but rather that <Rong Dai> was under too much psychological pressure.

However, <Rong Dai> shook her head: "No, I feel like this dream is trying to let me know something, it's just that I can't remember it after I wake up."

Although the recurring dream had been quite troubling for her, since it involved her identity, she didn't want to just brush it off.

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