The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 392

Chapter 392

‘What the hell is going on?’

Choi Yeonseung couldn’t help feeling confused. He had been relaxing and in a good mood, then the Chef of Endless Gluttony had appeared out of nowhere.

“Did you insult him?”

“What... No!”

Golodat waved his hand at the unexpected misunderstanding. He had merely tried to pour the fairy a drink.

“Didn’t he already hold a grudge against you because you were slandering him like an asshole?” asked Han Seha, poking a sore spot.

Golodat turned red.

“Well... I’m not the only one! That Uldurg, Illaphael, and everyone else are also responsible!”



The other household members were dumbfounded that Golodat was throwing them under the bus like that. Illaphael was especially stunned. After all, the mechanical dragon had captured him, so he hadn’t even had a chance to talk about the chef constellation.

“So what?”

-Any constellation would be furious if they were insulted. Perhaps... He feels betrayed.

The goddess of sloth quickly realized what had happened to the Chef of Endless Gluttony.

Constellations looked dignified on the outside, but nobody could know what they were plotting behind the scenes. Even good god constellations engaged in scheming, which meant that the evil god constellations had to do that quite often.

-It seems that the other evil god constellations betrayed the Chef of Endless Gluttony and sealed his power.

-Is that possible? Not even the chef constellation would trust someone that easily.

-I guess, but every constellation has weaknesses, and they sometimes get deceived because of that.

The goddess of sloth looked at the Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead while she was making that argument.

‘Don’t look at her like that,’ Choi Yeonseung firmly told the goddess of sloth and reflected on the situation.

It seemed certain that the Chef of Endless Gluttony had been betrayed by the other evil god constellations, particularly by the Master of Slowness and Silence.

However, it originally wasn’t that easy for a constellation to stab another constellation in the back. Choi Yeonseung had joined forces with some constellations and formed alliances, but he was always cautious.

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ asks cautiously if you still trust it.]

[The ‘Manipulator of Dreams and Desires’ slowly waits for an answer.]

-Ah, yeah. I trust you, absolutely!

-Try making it sound more sincere...

In any case, for the chef constellation to be betrayed and have his powers and memories sealed...


Suddenly, Choi Yeonseung suddenly had an ominous feeling.

The secret alliance between the constellations!

That alliance had opened a gate between the Abyss and Earth to allow monsters and constellations to access the world of humans, so all the members of that alliance had to be extremely careful.

Not only was their power of existence strong, but they had also been preparing for the longest time to take possession of Earth.

Choi Yeonseung also pretended to be a human and had formed a secret alliance with other constellations, but it was clearly weaker than that secret alliance.

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says that they are honestly not doing that bad.]

[The ‘Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead’ agrees with the excuse. Besides, you are from a human background, so can it really be considered pretending...?]


Choi Yeonseung felt a bit sorry when seeing the goddess of balance trying to take sides. She didn’t have to do that...

‘The explosion constellation told me to be wary of those who have areas connected to Earth.’

-Certainly... Such a secret alliance is vulnerable to betrayals.

-Then is the Master of Slowness and Silence also a member of the alliance?

In response to Choi Yeonseung’s question, the goddess of sloth frowned and got lost in thought.

The Master of Slowness and Silence was similar to the goddess of sloth—a reclusive constellation that was naturally strong but not very aggressive. However, such a low-key constellation had joined hands with other constellations to connect the Abyss to Earth.

-...I’m not sure about that.

-In any case, that’s not what’s most important right now.

Choi Yeonseung changed his train of thought. Rather than trying to guess who the enemy was with very limited information, it was better to decide what to do in the current situation.

What did he need to do?

-Can’t we contact the Chef of Endless Gluttony and find a way to attack the Third Abyss Kingdom before him?

-...I think you should worry about something else.


-A furious constellation will never stand still. In addition, the Chef of Endless Gluttony is close to the top when it comes to power of existence.

The goddess of sloth paused before continuing.

-There is going to be a bloodbath in the Abyss.


Choi Yeonseung got nervous when he heard that. His duty wasn’t just taking care of Earth. He also had to protect various kingdoms in the Abyss.

‘...It’s bound to get more dangerous.’


The worries of the goddess of sloth came true.

[The ‘Endless Gourmet Seeker’ and ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ are holding a constellation battle.]

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ opens up this constellation battle for everyone to watch.]

The power of an enraged top constellation was unimaginable. The gourmet constellation tried his best to fight his opponent, but he lost miserably.

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ attacks the kingdom of the ‘Fighter of Sweat and Flesh’.]

However, the chef constellation didn’t stop at a constellation battle. He also sent his household members to other kingdoms and went to war!

At this rate, it could turn into an all-out war in which one side would perish. Most constellations with many enemies wouldn’t go for such a dangerous approach... However the Fighter of Sweat and Flesh was afraid of his opponent’s momentum and mindless aggression, so he gave up on fighting back and fully focused on defending.

[The ‘Rider of Thirst and Famine’ laughs at the weak good god constellations.]

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ challenges the ‘Rider of Thirst and Famine’ to a constellation battle.]

[If he refuses, the ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ will declare an all-out war.]

[The ‘Rider of Thirst and Famine’ is flustered and asks why the chef constellation is doing this!]

The chef constellation didn’t just attack the good god constellations. The evil god constellations stopped laughing at his rampage after they were also obliterated by him.

[The ‘Greedy Owner of the Treasure House’, the ‘Black Magician Who Shares Everything’, and the ‘Goddess of Pleasure and Lust’ join together to challenge the ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ to a constellation battle.]

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ opens up this constellation battle for everyone to watch.]

The evil god constellations immediately united against the chef constellation. Out of all the constellations, the evil god ones were the most fixated on gaining value.

The other constellations thought the chef constellation would surely face defeat this time... But much to everyone’s shock, the result was a draw! In fact, it just barely ended in a draw; the chef constellation had been one step away from winning against three enemies!

-...I have to be really careful with him.

-I agree.

This shocking result caused even Choi Yeonseung to get chills.

Even though most constellations coveted Earth, they had forgotten about it for a while now, but there were always bloody battles between constellations in the Abyss.

Of course, Choi Yeonseung had recently risen to prominence as a constellation, but one hard hit would be enough to knock him down from his pedestal.

-We need to take more defensive precautions in the realm. But it might be difficult to do that with the current household members.

Another constellation that had gone on a rampage before was the explosion constellation. However, he hadn’t actually been that crazy. He had always planned ahead and calculated everything. Sure, he had terrorized every part of Earth and grown his power of existence, but he hadn’t just blindly attacked other constellations.

However, the chef constellation fought anyone that came into his sight. He attacked constellations for looking at him the wrong way.

Only constellations with true power could manifest such overwhelming aggression!

“...No, are there less orcs than before?”

Choi Yeonseung finally came to his realm after a long time and was flustered by the sight. He had expected to see the orcs working vigorously, but there were only a handful of them plowing the field. The farm looked rather deserted.

“Master! Welcome!”

The orcs felt Choi Yeonseung’s power of existence and rushed over.

“What happened with the other orcs?”

“Everyone is working in the forest.”

Illingars’ great forest.

Seeing the vast forest brought by the monster of the Abyss, Hwang Gyeongryong and Odaigon felt that it was necessary to clear the land.

-I know the forest is huge, don’t we at least need a passage to move around?

-You’re right. Our subordinates might get lost in the forest.

Illingars joined in.


-Gasp. I’m sorry. You want us to not touch the forest?

-No. If you want to make a pathway, I will personally see to it. No one knows this forest better than me.

-...I shouldn’t say this since I’m the one who brought up the proposal, but don’t you have any objections to the destruction of your forest?

-Huh? The monsters in the forest topple trees and set fires out of boredom. What are you talking about? I don’t care about nature.

-I... I see.

Just like that, the three of them started polishing the vast forest.

They cut down trees and used them as construction materials throughout the area; if they found Abyss fruits they hadn’t seen along the way, they would take those saplings and plant them to build a new orchard; if any monsters got in their way, Illingars would subjugate them; if they encountered a swamp, then they filled it up...

This job entailed a tremendous amount of labor. However, the orcs had been bored after finishing their work on the large farm, so they rushed to the forest in large numbers.

“Okay, but won’t that be a problem for the farm?”

“It’s okay. The monsters are doing their job.”


It was only then that Choi Yeonseung realized the farm was swarming with monsters he had never seen before. He blinked in disbelief at the sight of the centaurs working hard to plow the field and the manticores flying and sowing seeds.

‘Was my realm supposed to be like this?’

-How beautiful and harmonious!

The goddess of sloth admired it. It was hard to believe that the Abyssal races could beautify and develop the realm like this. The more she looked, the more she admired it.

The realm was an extension of the constellation that ruled over it. For example, an evil god constellation would have a hellish realm where their subordinates stabbed and killed each other unrelentingly.

On the other hand, Choi Yeonseung’s realm was developing in unity and harmony, displaying his personality.

[The ‘Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead’ is touched by the beautiful realm. She says she can feel the pulsating vitality here.]

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ praises the incarnation’s household members for being earnest and hard-working.]

[The ‘Manipulator of Dreams and Desires’ doesn’t wish to criticize her household members, but she wishes they were a bit more earnest like your subordinates.]

The constellations’ praise cause Choi Yeonseung to suddenly feel alienated from them. No matter how he saw it, he thought it would be hard for him to adapt to these sudden changes to his realm.

‘...Eh, if it goes well, why not?’

Nevertheless, Choi Yeonseung decided to go along with it. After all, he had to accept many things in this world even if he didn’t understand them.

“Master, please allow us to call this Blood Fortress the Farm of Harmony!”

“Sure... Do whatever you want.”

“Wow! Master allows it!”

The orcs hugged the monsters and were happy. Choi Yeonseung flinched for a moment out of fear that the monsters would attack the orcs.


Choi Yeonseung organized the realm.

The Farm of Harmony, previously known as the Blood Fortress, was located in the very center of the realm, and it was a land suitable for livestock farming and growing all sorts of crops.

The newly acquired temple, spring, well, and smithy were spread throughout the farm, and they were the most important areas.

The new additions to the outskirts were the Demons’ Infinite Building and the Prisoners’ Explosion Complex.

Lastly, the farm was surrounded by a vast forest.

‘I’ll certainly have to reshape the forest.’

Everyone was unexpectedly good at building defensive mechanisms, but Choi Yeonseung wanted the defense of his realm to be even more thorough. After all, the chef constellation was still beating up all the constellations in the Abyss.

[The robots of the Second Abyss Kingdom are offering tributes to you.]


[A small portable nuclear bomb...]


Choi Yeonseung’s expression stiffened.

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