The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 295

Chapter 295

“What? What’s going on? What are they trying to do?”


Upon hearing Choi Yeonseung’s question, Aine automatically closed the live broadcast video lest he got upset by seeing how messy the situation was.

Choi Yeonseung had done his best to save people, and yet, the French president, the French companies, and the French citizens were currently causing chaos.

Seeing this, wouldn’t even the most good-natured person lose their motivation and say, "Just die, all of you!"?

“What? Show me.”

“Okay, but don’t let it get to you...”

“Are they making a doll of me and holding a burning ceremony?”

Choi Yeonseung checked the live footage, and upon doing so, he was left speechless.

“...Why are they my enemies?”

“The explanation is very long...”

The outraged president had given a passionate speech, saying things like "Fellow citizens! Those evil businessmen in collusion with Alland are plotting to corrupt and dominate our France! The people must act!" The fact that supporters were stimulated by it, gathered together and started a riot felt absurd even as Aine explained it.

Choi Yeonseung also felt that the situation was absurd and said “...I guess this feels odd to me because I don’t know France well.”

“No, it’s not that. I know France well and even I don’t understand this. ”

“Will the situation be resolved?”

“I’m sure it will. Soon, police and military personnel will be mobilized.”

The biggest victims of the turmoil were Alland and the companies they worked with.

Normally, the people would call the president crazy for inciting them to riot, but despite the alarming situation, public opinion was overwhelmingly in favor of President Georges. In fact, his approval ratings were rapidly rising back up.

Aine couldn’t believe it.

‘The Dragon Industry Strategy Office said that President Georges could never be re-elected.’

President Georges was known for making a lot of mistakes in his public speeches, so the general consensus had already been that he wouldn’t get elected a second time. However, now that the situation had turned around, one couldn’t tell if Georges would really be re-elected or not.

‘Won’t France be ruined...?’

Choi Yeonseung wondered, “Will this interfere in any way with what I’m doing?”

Aine shook her head at Choi Yeonseung’s question.

“No. If anything, it’s actually helpful for your task.”

In fact, Alland was in such a bad light that the chairman himself held a press conference and apologized profusely.

Normally, the company would’ve used the power of the media to say things like ‘It isn’t our fault,’ ‘foreigners are polluting France’ or ‘the Abyssal races are really violent.’ However, they found themselves in a really dangerous situation this time.

The public opinion was heavily against Alland! Everybody rebuked them, even the president!

In such a situation, there was no way they would have the power to go against Choi Yeonseung. Thus, it was clear that Alland would try to reconcile with him.

“Also, President Georges praised you when he was criticizing Alland. He called you an ‘honorary Frenchman.’”

“Wow… Uh, even though he meant it as a compliment, I’m not really happy with it,” responded Choi Yeonseung with a shocked expression on his face.

Did the French people really think that saying something like ‘honorary Frenchman’ would move Choi Yeonseung to tears?

“Of course, I know you’re shy, but there’s nothing wrong with receiving praise. If you speak up, people have no choice but to listen.”

President Georges gave Choi Yeonseung too much credit in order to deal a blow to Alland. If this continued, public opinion would inevitably be swayed no matter what Choi Yeonseung said.

“Did he do it intentionally?”

“No, he probably didn’t know.”

“But it doesn’t make any sense, right?”

“President Georges is rather... I mean, you’ve met him, right?”

‘Yeah, that’s true.’

Choi Yeonseung recalled his meeting with Georges and how crazy he seemed back then.

-Our France has had a deep connection with South Korea since ancient times! Didn’t France go on an expedition to South Korea in the 19th century?

-P-President. I don’t think you should mention that...

It was clear that the president wasn’t necessarily smart given how he casually mentioned how the French invaded South Korea during the Joseon Dynasty, plundered cultural assets and fled with them.

“Excuse me, Hunter Choi Yeonseung.”


Kevin came up and spoke to him.

“Someone from Alland would like to talk to you.”


The new Alland executive bowed his head in a very polite manner. He was being very cautious because he was well aware of how severe the current situation was.

“Hello, Hunter Choi Yeonseung.”

“Who are you?”

“His name is Serge Klaberg and he’s one of the directors of Alland.”

Choi Yeonseung nodded at Kevin’s explanation.

“He’s from the same group of people that cursed me.”

“Uh, well, it’s certainly easier to understand if you look at it that way…”


Serge felt thick beads of sweat running down his back. The explicit conversation between the A-grade hunters made him cringe.

‘These damn bastards!’

Even more irritating was the fact that the A-grade hunters were the directors currently in charge of the city of Monterre.

What the hell had those bastards done that made such a mess of things and united the A-grade hunters so much? A-grade hunters rarely came together like this.

‘It’s not like ordinary people don’t know how to manage hunters, so...’

Gaston, too, had felt it was a bit unfair. To him, Choi Yeonseung had seemed like he needed to be taught a lesson. Moreover, he really hadn’t known that there was going to be a raid! That was why he had tried to stick it to Choi Yeonseung…

“This incident has led to an emergency board meeting. Of course, there will be a dismissal of those responsible, including Gaston.”

“Huh, I see.”

“In addition, we are going to re-examine the contract in question and try to appease the dwarves. We want to be transparent about the whole process.”

“I see.”


Serge felt his mouth dry up. No matter what he said, the A-grade hunter in front of him replied with an indifferent attitude.

“Of course, there will be compensation for this! As much as you want, Hunter Choi Yeonseung...”

“Money is money, but I want people to worship the Undefeated Incarnation of Training.”

“Of course! That wouldn’t be a problem!”

Normally, there would’ve been no reason to accept this condition, but given the current situation, Serge was willing to accept virtually any demand. For the sake of Alland, he had to end the uproar as quickly as possible. In France, there was currently talk of killing those from Alland, so he obviously couldn’t make a fuss about Choi Yeonseung’s conditions.

Choi Yeonseung was confused. “Well, this is my demand, but can you worship a constellation without the government’s permission?”

“There are many ways in which we can ensure that no official finds out. Don’t worry, Hunter Choi Yeonseung.”

‘This isn’t something I should be saying, but aren’t the companies going too far?’

In order to convince a city to believe in a constellation, it was necessary to get permission from the government. It would get seriously problematic if the constellation turned out to be an evil god constellation. If that were to happen, once the believers spread throughout the nation and started committing acts of terrorism, things would get truly terrible.

...Despite those potential risks, Alland carelessly agreed from the get-go. That was how desperate they were!

“Yes. I would appreciate it if you could do that.”

Serge took out a thick document and continued stating what he could do for Choi Yeonseung.

It wasn’t just a bunch of monetary benefits. He was trying to offer Choi Yeonseung anything he could think of, which really underlined his desperation.

After Serge offered to give him Korean cultural assets from French museums as a gift, Choi Yeonseung was curious and stopped him for a moment.

“By the way, you still haven’t stated your request. What do you want?”

“...Please convince the president to stop this.”



Choi Yeonseung and Kevin looked at Serge with befuddled expressions. They had thought he would request something like calming down the dwarves, resolving the situation with a speech, or even leaving the city…

They hadn’t expected such a request.

“How can I convince the president?”

“The two of you should be able to do it! President Georges loves hunters, especially A-grade hunters.”

It wasn’t so much that Georges generally liked hunters, but that he liked hunters who listened to him. More specifically, he liked A-grade hunters like Choi Yeonseung, who had once saved his life!

...In reality, President Georges didn’t need a hunter like Kevin Armon. He didn’t even like him that much.

-This is the guy who went into hiding without helping me last time! That traitor! As expected, I can’t trust those who weren’t born on French soil!

-Hey, it’s dangerous to say things like that!

-Who are you to talk about danger? Speaking of which, where were you when I was on the verge of dying? Weren’t you outside of Paris?


-As expected, there is no one here I can trust!

President Georges was an eccentric character. At one point, he had been kidnapped by the household member of a constellation, so it was only natural that his personality had become even worse.

Alland had also heard rumors that he fired his subordinates when he grew bored of them and constantly hired new people.

It was absurd that in the meantime President Georges had gained faith in foreign hunters, but what could Serge do?

“If I can’t convince him, are you going to use that as an excuse to break the contract?”

“Indeed... Hunter Choi Yeonseung, that’s the way Alland operates,” replied Kevin.

‘What’s wrong with this bastard?’

Serge was puzzled by Kevin’s words. Alland had paid a lot of money to hire him, but he kept taking Choi Yeonseung’s side. Had he lost his mind??

Of course, Serge couldn’t say something like that out loud.

“No! As long as Hunter Choi Yeonseung tries to persuade him, we will keep our promise no matter the outcome.”

“Alright, I understand. If you say so...” Choi Yeonseung nodded.

Just as Aine advised, this was a satisfactory result for both sides. Well, not necessarily for both sides…

In any case, Choi Yeonseung would be able to receive faith from this new city and interact with the nearby tribes. With that in mind, he could at least try to talk with the president.

“Thank you! From now on, I’ll never disregard your advice while running the city. I am most grateful for your advice!”

“Hah, you don’t really mean that. You’d hate it if I intervened in matters regarding the city.”


Serge looked like Choi Yeonseung had read his mind. In reality, from a company’s perspective, it was unpleasant when hunters told them what to do.

...However, Serge was unaware…

This was just the beginning.


“Ohh. Hunter Choi Yeonseung! It’s so good to see you again! It seems that the only patriots in the entirety of France are you and me!” exclaimed President Georges.


“In fact, I’ve studied a lot about Korean society since our last meeting. Koreans are hardworking, sincere, don’t betray others, and overcome crises by sticking together! I know that you’re an incredible hero!”


Choi Yeonseung couldn’t believe his ears.

‘What the hell did he study?’

Serge, who followed Choi Yeonseung to assist, looked anxious. He was afraid that President Georges would say something wrong.

‘Please don’t say anything messed up!’

It wouldn’t be surprising if President Georges mistook China for South Korea or claimed that South Korea was some kind of third world country.

However, Georges displayed a surprising amount of knowledge about South Korea. It was clear that he had actually done his homework.

‘It’s a good thing, but...’

Of course, Choi Yeonseung found it absurd. He felt like his mind was being attacked by mental magic when he heard about how the Eastern secrets hidden in bibimbap increased a hunter’s magic power.

“Ah, right. Hunter Choi Yeonseung, I have a suggestion.”

“What is it?”

“Right now, some unbelievable traitors are in charge of the city!”


Serge inwardly cursed. No matter how crazy a person was, who would just say something like that out loud?

“I’ve made a decision. The safety of our city and its citizens should be entrusted to someone who’s trustworthy.”

“Is that so?

“Yes. Hunter Choi Yeonseung, please take this job!”


Serge was drinking wine, and when he heard President Georges’ decision, he coughed, spewing his wine.

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