The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 161: Parc's Arrival

Chapter 161: Parc's Arrival

As per the usual with the new students every year, they were rough but passionate. A few more skilled than the others which was to be expected considering one of them was a four time regional tournament champion. Pyrrha Nikos was her name a lithe girl with bright scarlet hair often hung in a ponytail with vibrant green eyes that portrayed a softness to her strength.

The rest of her team while not up to her level were certainly not dragging her down, mostly. Lie Ren was their teams resident guerrilla, clad with black hair that held a single pink row, he wielded two bladed automatic pistols, which, while not holding much punch behind every shot made up for that with sheer volume of suppressive fire and his sheer agility to avoid and dance around his opponent in a moments breath.

Not that he needed any strength behind his hits, he was simply the distraction for his partner, a Nora Valkyrie. Likely to be the most hyper of students Glynda would be facing these coming years, she was this constantly on a sugar high orange haired girl who made use of a large grenade launcher n sledgehammer which made up for the lacking aspects of their forth and final member and leader.

Jaune Arc, a miracle child is the only thing Glynda could call the blonde haired fool. A boy with transcripts as fake as knockoff purses made of pleather instead of actual leather. When he had arrived just days prior he knew nothing about what it meant to be a hunter, even if he did have some form of idea what an aura was, his father had clearly not bothered to unlock it for him and teach him the basic skills of wielding a blade like their family was so well known for.

But, as much as Glynda disliked the thought, he wasn't completely hopeless. There were twinges of improvement every day since their first combat lesson. They were subtle and she was sure few if any bar herself and perhaps Pyrrha could see them, but he slowly began to hold his blade in a similar manner to Pyrrha and the others. Though it did appear he was quickly growing confused from just how much observation he had been doing, not understanding that he was to be using the things he saw to learn and not completely copy off of his partner.

And that sorely came to bite him in the ass whenever he was set up to face Cardin Winchester, a brutish boy and leader of team CRDL, team Cardinal. She had chosen Cardin to keep challenging Jaune as Cardin and his team by proxy were one of the least astounding of the new year. So given enough time it was possible Jaune could challenge Cardin and even win.

Today was not that day though. She had brought the two to the ring and told them to fight until either had their aura in the red. Which even though Jaune was utterly pathetic in combat still took a decent bout of time due to the sheer size of his reserves.

The fight had entered the realm of predictability, when Cardin sent a large over head swing down with his mace, Jaune didn't bother to dodge the earthshattering force, but to directly take the impact, just barely raising his blade to block the swing before getting launched back and thundering to the floor outside the ring.

"Haa Jaune Arc, ring out!" She called tapping in her evaluation of the fight into her tablet. "The victor is Cardin Winchester," sighing she looked down to Jaune. "Mr. Arc, what was your thought process when you tried to block thatfinal attack from Cardin?"

Jaune gulped, "Uh, I was uh, trying to, trying to, uh, divert it! Yeah, trying to divert it," he stuttered out a sentence she could only assume was fabricated from his lacking braincells when it came to combat.

"I see, a decent idea for someone who know's how to do so-" as she spoke,a loud click resounded from the entrance to the combat theatre, drawing hers and the students attention to it to see a tall, black haired and red eyed man just a few years older than them as well as a green cloaked figure walk in besides him.

Glynda's sentence halted, her brows furrowing as she quickly sent a message Ozpin's way asking why Parc Evans was in the school and she had yet to be informed. "Can I help you mr. Evans?" Glynda called from the rungs of the field, glaring up at Parc as he walked past the students, earning him several curious eyes, speculative eyes and of course, like Lili and Ferry who were stood not too far away. Suddenly lusting eyes from the faunus students.

Parc's gaze wandered over the crowds of students as he passed, locking onto the members of team RWBY and their good friends of team JNPR, minus the J. Ferry and Lili actually stood not too far away from them either. Though from the irritated looks Weiss was sending Lili's way, he could tell they weren't all that much of friend.

'Weiss probably think's Lili's a child,' he snorted. Oh how she was going to regret thinking that if they were ever put head to head.

Arriving by the field where Cardin and Jaune were leaving he brought himself next to Glynda, his lips curled up as he replied, "just here to see my victims." He chuckled, finding amusement in the sudden spikes of 'what's?' filling the air.

Glynda's eyes narrowed, her aura already filling her riding crop ready to pull it from her boot to prep it for dealing with Parc. "These are students, not victims. Mr. Evans."

"After what I'm planning to subject them to? Yeah, no, they're victims."

"Excuse me ma'am!" barely a breath after Parc finished speaking, a spotless, pale hand lifted up. The nails neatly trimmed and filed. The raiser, Weiss Schnee, her blue eyes narrowed suspiciously at this new man. "I'm sorry for interrupting, but who is he? And by extension, the person next to him."

Glynda frowned, eventually letting out a resentful sigh as she answered her question, "students, I would like to introduce you to Parc Evan's and?"

"My assistant, that's all they need to know for now."

"And his assistant," it was an annoying answer but an answer nonetheless. "I'm sure you all may have noticed an empty hour or two on your schedules on Thursday," many nodded heads, "those are not 'breaks' as I've heard so many of you say. Those are instead lessons that will be held by Mr. Evans in the coming days." It hadn't taken very long for Ozpin to empty a lesson hour out on a single day. Even if it irked her to be taking time that could be spent learning proper skills than the mystery of whatever Parc was planning.

"So he's a teacher then? Isn't he a little young?" Weiss continued.

To her side, Ruby was squirming uncomfortably, often throwing her gaze the green cloaked person next to Parc. Feeling like whoever that was, was staring at her and wasn't stopping. Yang also seemed to notice the person's stare and opted to send a glare their way for making her little sister so uncomfortable.

"Age means nothing, Weiss," Parc opted to speak in place of Glynda. "I can say with confidence, I am likely to be the most experienced person in this room, bar perhaps Glynda herself." He didn't know her history, but he doubted it was as action packed as his time with Night Raid.

"Somehow, I doubt that. You barely look older than twenty, you aren't even old enough to get a huntsman license." She said, not knowing that were things to play out like they had in the show that she'd be getting her license before her twentieth.

Parc smirked, "I never said I was a huntsman Weiss." Just then, the bell rang announcing to them the end of their lesson though none moved. "Ah, it looks like your lesson is finished. Anyways," he turned to face Glynda, "I came to you because I thought you leading me to Ozpin was better than me marching my way like an idiot through the halls looking for him."

Weiss, not intent on letting such a sentence go unfinished, spoke, "excuse me, what do you mean by th-" but was silenced when Glynda lifted her head and sent her a powerful stare, "class, you are dismissed. A more thorough announcement will be given to you at a later time. Until then, please continue onto your next lesson." Or lunch as it turned out to be.

"Mr. Evans" a ting came from her tablet from Ozpin, an answer to her message, an answer that read 'I didn't know.' Which was not something someone with an idiotic amount camera's lining the halls of Beacon, "please follow me." She wasted no time skirting past him and to the entrance. Parc following a few steps behind while unabashedly nodding as he enjoyed the sight of the body-hugging form of her pencil skirt that showed of her bottom. Earning him a pinch from the hiding Summer besides him.

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