The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 154: A right Mess

Chapter 154: A right Mess

"You are joking right? You can't be serious you're just letting this man teach our students!" Glynda's voice echoed throughout the clocktower of Beacon academy. Her heels clacking furiously against the stone as she made her way to Ozpin's desk. The dark moon to his back, the teams having all been put together a few hours prior while Glynda was attempting to drag Parc back to the academy to speak with Parc. Him having thoroughly refused stating he was busy and had to get back home soon.

Slamming her hands down on the desk, she hunched over it and glared through her spectacles and into Ozpin's tired brown eyes. Something which wasn't all too strange for the headmaster of a huntsmen academy.

"I am," two words, two words was all it took for Glynda to be silenced. He would argue his point, he should be telling her exactly why this Parc was perfect for the job. Why he deserved it. But he clearly had nothing, he knew nothing about that man.

Even she knew nothing bar his name and a few extraneous details after speaking with him. Her searches through the databases of all four kingdoms had come up empty. No licenses, no birth certificates, no nothing. Parc for all intents and purposes, didn't exist. Even bandits had a paper trail, they had a name, just something. But him? Nothing.

"Ozpin," her voice turned a sombre tone, "I have supported you for half my life now. You have trusted me with everything, Salem, the maidens, the relics, the brothers. What is going on, what was on the letter that has made you so scared."

She watched as his hands clasped tightly together turning them pale. "That is something I cannot say. It is something I would rather NOT, say."

"At least tell me why?" stern determinism exuded from her as she pushed herself upright.

She could see the lump in his throat, how he ground his teeth to the point they threatened to crack. "I would rather not say." Eventually, he let out a weak breath and turned his eyes to meet hers, "I'm sorry Glynda. But I won't sour your opinion of me with my personal problems. What this Parc knows, is something I wanted to forget for a long time. How he knows about it is beyond me considering just how much time has passed since it happened. So please, just, don't try to prod me to answer. Alright?"

Her opinion was already soured, she had thought they had long since left this secrecy phase of their trust. Turns out they hadn't.

Clenching her fingers into fists she fought back the rising 'tsk' and scowl to let her expression soften. "Fine. What are we to do about Parc then? We can't just let him teach the students, we barely know anything about him nor what he would be teaching them, if he even teaches them anything. He's barely older than a third year Ozpin. I don't know what he could teach any of them."

Ozpin mulled over her words, she was right, from watching the video recording they had of him he could tell this Parc was barely into his twenties. Experience was likely to be lacking in whatever field he was planning to teach. But he was far from one to say anything about that as he was nothing but a centuries old mind in a middle aged mans body.

"Those girls, Ferry and Lili, have them come in sometime tomorrow and we can speak with them. Get their details and properly input them into the system as well as question them about Parc. They didn't seem reluctant to speak about him yesterday, so I doubt they would tomorrow." He said.

Glynda nodded and pulled out her tablet flicking to a schedule app in which she had her lesson times for the next morning and the rest of the month. Searching through both hers and Ozpins for any overlapping times of freedom that they could use to interview the two. "I've scheduled them for lunch tomorrow evening."

"That will be perfect Glynda. Now, I advise you head to bed. Tomorrow will be a long day for the both of us."

"Yes sir, goodnight." She lingered in place for a few breaths before turning on point and marching her way out of the office and into the elevator.

"Good night Glynda, I will see you tomorrow." The elevator shut, severing their views from each other letting Ozpin slump and spin his chair around to gaze into the shattered moon above.

"What a mess I've found myself in," he arched forwards, his hand raising to rub his eyes beneath his spectacles "To think, someone else would know about that." It really was a mystery to think someone bar himself, Salem and the relic of knowledge, would know about his terrible past.


Slamming her door behind her in a volume she was sure would cause one of her colleagues to start. She grumbled unintelligible words as she undid her bun letting her hair unfurl and hang freely while she went ahead undoing the collar of her top. The freedom of it providing a slight bounce to her constrained bosom.

Her room was one of the few places she needn't worry about appearances. She could be as dishevelled and un-professorly as she wanted. So much so that she made her way to a cabinet opposite her bed to pry from its shelves a tumbler glass and a crystal decanter half filled with an amber whiskey. Pouring into the tumbler just a small layer of it. Adding atop that a few ice cubes from her mini fridge before thumping into a plush and comfy chair. Sipping lightly from the glass letting the slight zing of alcohol scratching her throat to calm the stress of the day down to more acceptable levels.

She wasn't much for alcohol, as the nearly year-old decanter was evidence for. Only really relegating herself to getting a slight, calming buzz on particularly frustrating days. One of which she had just endured. Honestly, the least frustrating part of the day was actually speaking with that Parc boy.

He treated her kindly and was more than willing to answer her questions bar those pertaining to him meeting with Ozpin and what exactly it was he sent Ozpin's way. Otherwise, he was a halfway decent boy, one she could just feel harboured some hidden strength within him. "Didn't seem like a hunter" she mumbled slumping into her seat, her hand holding the tumbler hanging from the side of it.

While Parc didn't hold himself as a hunter, he held himself as something else, something harsher. Something that stuck with her even now. He was a predator, no doubt, and not in the predatory sense of degeneracy. But like a beast staring down a potential mate.

It was an unnerving sense that his gaze sent coursing through her. It didn't tingle her fear receptors, nor her caution, but it did send a small bout of heat through her body that even just recalling now was causing an unusual itching feeling within her.

Slowly blinking to narrowed slits, she looked down to her bosom, seeing how her bountiful she pushed against the fabric of her bra and top. Most pressingly being the noticeable bumps of her nipples protruding through both the layers.

"huff" she puffed out a breath and pulled herself upright in her seat, crossing one leg over the other to stare out her window and into the night sky. "I've been stuck around hormonal teenagers too long," she mumbled. In no other situation would she have ever felt herself 'yearning' for someone so junior to her that she could still be teaching them in class.

Bringing her glass to her lips, she downed another sip, feeling the coolness of the ice against her lips before puffing out an alcohol heated breath. Her cheeks taking on a faint reddish tone as it ran straight to her face. "I really need to find a boyfriend," she sighed, her head hunching over.

She had made a few efforts in the dating scene over the years. All ending in immense failure after a week or ending the first night after a one-night stand. The man being the one to flee because apparently, she was intimidating. She didn't want to say she was a bit overbearing, she had just been a teacher for so long that it had ended up bleeding into more than just her work life.

With a slight twitch, she downed the rest of the whisky in one, leaving the ice to clank against the glass walls as she laid it down on her desk and rose to her feet. Sighing as she began to undress the rest of her attire. Removing her skirt from her hips letting it drop to the floor around her feet and slowly peeling her pleated top from her shoulders after undoing her cape from her shoulders. Neatly folding each and every piece while she stood in nothing but an ornate set of purple and black undergarments as well as dark thigh high stocking pulled into triangles at the front and back as small straps connected them to the garter belt resting right above her hips.

Laying the garments neatly inside a basket of washables. Making her way to her drawers to pull open the top most one to collect a neat ankle length night gown that left a slight portion of her hips and thighs open on the sides.

She was about to start dressing herself in it when she noticed a shade of bright pink pushed in to the side of the other sets of clothing laid inside. It was shaped long, bulging at the end before tapering into a soft, curved tip. Right at the bottom were a few buttons to alter the functions of undoubtable female pleasuring device.

She stared at it in silent contemplation, eventually humming as she felt a soft urge in her lower belly and reached out for it. "I suppose I deserve a treat after todays nonsense."

And a treat it was.

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