The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 149: Beaconry

Chapter 149: Beaconry

"Wow, its its big," Ferry muttered as she gazed out the airship window, said airship on a courseway to the private docks of Beacon academy. Her and Lili having somehow found themselves shoved onto the airship by Parc after his offer of getting them to attend Beacon. Which for Lili who was a whole lot more accustomed to the modern world than Ferry, found a practical infeasibility what with the application dates having long since closed weeks prior.

It was a well-known fact in the huntsmen world that for most of the Academies once initiation day came about. That was it. You got your team and you would begin your lessons. More often than not the number of new students was specifically put at a multiplication of four as that was how many were in a huntsman's team.

Exactly how Parc was intending on getting them accepted the day the new school year started was still a mystery to Lili as she gazed down at the stark white envelope in her hands with a worried gaze. His instructions were clear to her, when a blonde-haired woman inevitably came to get the two undocumented individuals. She was to tell her to take them to Ozpin and hand the envelope to him and let him open it on the spot. After which he'd more than likely fully accept them into the rungs of studentry. If not, well, Parc wasn't inclined to tell them exactly what would happen, but she had an inkling it wasn't anything good.

Sighing, Lili stuffed the envelope into the messenger bag she had hanging from her shoulder which was stuffed with a few spare sets of clothes Parc had been kind enough to leave her. The same to be said for Ferry whose own bag was laid own against the wall right beneath the large window overlooking Vale.

"Yeah, the academies tend to be," Lili responded after many a moment of silence. Her head tilting back to lean against the glass and stare off at the castle like building set on the cliff overlooking the city. Its single large clocktower being the most prominent visage like that of an overwatching cyclops staring down at them.

Ferry pulled her face from the glass and gaze down to Lili who was sat on the windowsill besides her, "I mean, I know that. Summer told me. But I never imagined they'd be this big." Coming to seat herself down as well. Her legs curling into her chest and her chin coming to rest on her knees, a nervous expression quickly overtaking her as she heard what sounded like someone emptying their stomach and the sound of a girl repeatedly screaming about vomit, it being gross and another girl screaming for her to get away.

It was strange for Ferry, there were so many people around her and not one was Summer. She had spent so long with Summer as her only form of human contact and now there were so many more it scared her. She didn't know what to say to them, she wasn't even as smart as them even with the amount of home-schooled lessons Summer had given her over the year. She was Ferry's crutch in this strange new world. A crutch that was gone so suddenly.

"You okay?" Ferry jerked away from Lili's sudden question. Her head swivelling like a rocket her way only to calm down when she saw Lili's concerned expression.

"O-oh, y-yeah. I'm-I'm okay. There's just a lot of people I don't know what to focus on." Her equine ears swivelled like asymmetrical radars, rapidly jerking to every footstep and grunt resounding through the airship.

To Lili it was clear Ferry was on edge her lifetime supply of wilderness survival in a grimm infested land still kicking around in her head making every noise a possible threat to her. Something which only became more prevalent with Summer's absence.

"You'll get used to it. My advice just ignore everyone. There's no real danger here unless someone decides to pull out their weapon and start hacking away. Even if they did, they wouldn't get very far with the amount of armed and trained people here." Lili eyes blankly wandered to a blonde haired, lightly armoured boy currently emptying his stomach on the opposite side of the ship. "Mostly armed and trained people." Whoever he was, Lili felt he wasn't going to last very long.

Ferry let out a rustled whine, her head burying deeper into her legs, "I know it's just I feel so out of place as well. Everyone here they've spent years training and practicing while me? I can barely do multiplication." Lili's eyes inadvertently dropped to a small notebook sized booklet of grade school mathematics questions peeking out of Ferry's bag. She'd gotten it in Vacuo and had been working on it nearly every single day and was barely through the multiplications of sevens and eights.

"Don't worry about that. Maths is superficial anyways, especially when we're going to be studying how to kill stuff. We're not exactly going to be subdividing the amount of grimm in a horde between us."

Ferry's eyes glazed over as she stared at Lili.

"Did did I say something wrong?" Lili asked noticing this look she was getting.

Ferry's glazed eyes turned slightly misty as she whined out a question, "what's subdividing?"


It was loud, the explosion.

It happened not long after the two exited the airship, happening just centimetres away from the two. Prior to the all-encompassing cloud of ice, fire, wind, and electricity they had heard and watched a Ruby Rose trip over a large collection of white suitcases. The trip quickly followed by the screeching noises of the girl Lili knew of as Weiss Schnee, the current heiress of the SDC, The Schnee Dust company.

A company famous for many horrible practices that involved literal enslavement and branding of primarily faunus-kind. Why people were still purchasing their dust she could only reason as them being uncaring to the mistreatment hers and Ferry's kind were going through on a daily basis.

Meaning that the bitching white haired femme before her was not in her good books.

The Schnee only looked partially older than what Lili recalled watching on the television two years prior. The Schnee being an avid singer in her homeland of Atlas. Her hair was still as stark as she recalled, her frame as lanky as the girl she was screeching at though her face now seemed to harbour a single scar running from just above her left blue eye and running down to her cheek Her dress was overwhelmingly white with a slight blue gradient at the tips of her bell sleeve bolero which was lined on the inside with a bright red fabric. The dress itself ended just above her knees and was flared with many snowflake embroideries.

So distracted had Lili been with the sight of the girl that she had barely caught sight of a black haired, amber eyed girl walking past and said something to the two before wandering off after causing the Schnee Heiress to storm off in a huff.

"I hope she's okay" Lili faintly heard Ferry say, both watching as the same vomiting, blonde haired boy was helping Ruby up and began to chat with her.

"If a small dust explosion broke through her aura I'd be worried about her surviving here." She snorted.

"Still, I can't imagine being in the middle of that was fun-"

"Excuse me, you two!"

Both sets of ears flicked at the very obvious feminine voice calling out to them. The voice accentuated by the clacking of heels against stone drawing them to turn to face down the way towards a blonde haired, buxom woman approaching them. Dressed in a pencil skirt and a top with a window to her breasts that Lili was sure Parc would be oogling at were he here. She had a serious expression behind her thin rimmed glasses as she practically stomped towards them with her ragged hip length cape fluttering behind her.

"Yes?" they're hair went on end as a twinge of intimidation filled them from the womans deep green eyes that seemed to peer into their very souls.

"Come with me right this moment. I believe you two are not supposed to be here." She said.

Lili met Ferry's eyes, muttering out a "huh, he was actually right." Lili turned back to who she was presuming was a teacher and said, "we'll come with you, but we want to speak with Ozpin."

Glyndathe woman now stood before them with crossed armscheek twitched. "I see no point in that. Neither of you are students here nor does the headmaster have the time to be dealing with stowaways. So come now and I will contact both your parents." Glynda stepped to the side, her glaring eyes indicating for them to make a move on.

It was Lili's cheeks turn to twitch, the utterance of 'parents' leaving a sour taste in her mouth. Grumbling out a growl, she quickly recalled another thing Parc had told them. The thing they were supposed to say if they were refused a meeting with Ozpin.

Staring Glynda in the eyes, Lili sucked in a deep breath and released it slowly. Ferry glancing between the two like a newborn calf unsure of who to follow. And then Lili spoke.

"We know about Sale-"

Glynda's eyes burst open, her riding crop bursting from her boot and pointed towards Lili sending a stream of purple energy washing over her that caught her jaw still. Her expression contorted to one of pin pricks and utmost seriousness.

"It appears a slot has opened in the headmasters schedule. I'm sure he will be happy to meet you both."

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