The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 315: Arrival Once More

Chapter 315: Arrival Once More

Wang Hao sighed in relief as he found out that Fang Yu came out of the egg with her clothes on. Wang Hao could only imagine the awkwardness that will happen if she came out with no clothes on.

“You seemed to have gained a big harvest.” Wang Hao murmured as he saw the jubilant Fang Yu. “Those wings of yours seem to stand out a lot though.”

“I know.” Fang Yu replied as her wings disappeared. Her wings were made of starlight, which she can choose to deposit inside her body.

“Ok, now you look less holy.” Wang Hao said while giving Fang Yu a thumbs-up.

It was at that point that Shamaila cautiously approached Fang Yu.


“Don’t worry, I will bring you back to that planet right now.” Fang Yu barked quite harshly to Shamaila. “You think I will stay here and cower? I still have a spacefarer and a talking baby to save!”

“Do you not fear what my father and Uncle Stolas will do to you?” Surprisingly, Shamaila seemed to be not angry at Fang Yu at all. “They overpowered you earlier, and I think nothing will change if you go back.”

“What happened with you Shamaila?” Fang Yu asked as she gave Shamaila a scrutinizing look. “I kidnapped you from your father and threatened your life, and yet you seem to be concerned for me! Are you right in your head?”


Shamaila looked down, not saying anything in reply.

“Besides, I think I can face those two without any worries now.” Fang Yu said as she stretched her body. Her appearance then warped, looking like Fang Xiushang once more.

The original Fang XIushang who saw this did not say anything as he gave Wang Hao a withering look.

Wang Hao raised his hands in surrender, not opting to say anything too.

“Fine Lin Fang, bring me back to my home.” Shamaila said as she grabbed Fang Yu’s shoulders. Both of them disappeared as Shamaila activated her artifact. Fang Yu then unfused and fused back on the Goddess Planet, bringing them back to where they came from earlier.

Wang Hao and Fang Xiushang stared at the spot where the other two disappeared.

Fang Xiushang touched the bridge of his nose as he said,

“You owe me a lot of explanation for this.”

“Well, you need to find Fang Lin first before saying those things to me.” Wang Hao cheekily replied. “Only when you do that that I will talk honestly with you.”



Shamaila let out a gasp as she reappeared at the spot where she and Fang Yu left the Goddess’ Planet before.

“First things first.” Fang Yu said as she cracked her knuckles. “We need to find Tang Lin first.”

“Who’s Tang Li? Is she that friend of yours that was about to be sacrificed?” Shamaila asked weakly.

“No, Tang Li is the talking baby.”


Shamaila chose to not comment on that as Fang Yu activated her suit mentally.

“Suit, tell me where Tang Li and Andwomeda are right now.” Fang Yu commanded mentally at her suit.

It seems like her clothes and even the suit she was wearing were all reassembled after her rebirth, which was the reason she still had her suit with her.

While Fang Yu was waiting for the suit to detect Tang Li, she probed her divine sense on her storage ring, to see how Genie, Mithra and Soul Fighter Prisoners were doing.

Her storage ring was exempt from the disassembling of her body as she gave it to Wang Hao at her arrival. She reclaimed it right before she left with Shamaila.

“Genie, I need your Mist Room later. I will use it on some bastards who quit deserve it.” Fang Yu’s eerily calm voice was heard by Genie and everyone in the storage ring.

They all shivered as they felt the anger laced in those words.

“Ok.....” Genie mentally replied back.

“Come with me.” Fang Yu then said as she grabbed Shamaila by her arms. With Fang Yu’s newly strengthened body, even if she wanted to, Shamaila will not be able to bail out.

“Because of the restriction on this planet, I could not use my whole cultivation power. If I want to beat Shax and Stolas with my whole power, I have to rely on Genie’s Mist Room!”

That’s what was Fang Yu’s thoughts were as she walked with Shamaila, still in their undetectable form.

“Bing!” The notification on her suit sounded, showing Fang Yu where Tang Li was currently in. As for Andromeda, the suit said that she was beyond this layer’s jurisdiction.

“That means Afromeda must be in the layer below this layer.” Fang Yu thought to herself as she looked at the map in her suit.

Fang Yu resisted the urge to facepalm as the map on her suit showed where Tang Li is.

“Milk Factory.....”

It was quite obvious to Fang Yu what someone like Tang Li could be doing in the Milk Factory.

“That greedy baby! I already fed her my milk and yet she still snuck in that Milk Factory for more!” Fang Yu does not know whether to laugh or cry upon realizing this.

Earlier, Fang Yu was worried that Tang Li will be in danger too like Andromeda. After all, they were both in the same room when Fang Yu left.

To her relief, Tang Lin seems to have not been taken by the enemies.

But Tang Li chose to hide in a milk factory of all places? Tang Li had her priorities set straight here!

“Fine....” Fang Yu sighed as she devised her plan.

First, she will fetch Tang Li out of the Milk Factory.

Next, she will trap Shax and Stolas in the Mist Room and fight them in there.

Fang Yu confident that with her recent power-ups, she will be able to have some ‘fun’ with those two fogeys.

With their undetectable mode on, both Fang Yu and Shamaila entered the Milk Factory without any obstructions.

Fang Yu’s eyes slightly widened as she saw the amounts of milk being produced at this place.

“With this amount of milk here, no wonder Tang Li chose to not leave this factory.” Fang Yu sighed as she thought of feeding Tang Li more milk after all the fiasco here.

“So you’re invisible huh.” Fang Yu said as she came upon a large pile of empty milk bottles. She made Shamaila disperse the artifact as Fang Yu made her move.

She followed her suit’s advice, and her hands grabbed upon empty space.

“Muu....” She grinned as she saw Tang Li dispelling her invisibility as she flailed at Fang Yu’s grasp.

Tang Li could hardly move, as if there was something preventing her to do so.

“Heh. Seems like you drank too much milk, too much that you can’t even move!” Fang Yu said as she poked Tang Li’s tummy.

“Boing, boing.”

Shamaila resisted the urge to swoop in and hug Tang Li since she knew she was a hostage right now.

But that did not stop Shamaila from appreciating the cuteness that was Tang Li.

“Muu....” Tang Li pouted as she glared at Fang Yu. Her glare then changed as Tang Li remembered what her mission was.

“Sis! Andwomeda wash kidnapped by shome baddish!”

“Yeah yeah I know.” Fang Yu said as Tang Li curled her body on top of Fang Yu’s head.

“Yawnn.... Misshion finished...” Tang Li let out an adorable yawn as she fell asleep on top of Fang Yu’s head. Tang Li did not forget to turn invisible as Shamaila looked at the matter with incredulity.

“Now then....”

Shamaila was about to ask if she can pet the sleeping Tang Li when her vision suddenly turned black.

Fang Yu knocked Shamaila out before placing her unconscious body inside her storage ring.

Fang Yu rubbed her hands as she activated her suit.

“Boom!” She did not care to hide her presence as she rushed to her destination with murderous intentions.


“Stolas, it’s been two hours already, and Shamaila is not yet back!” Shax complained as he paced across the mansion back and forth. “Did he really die from the poison?”

“Of course he did!” Stolas roared back, much to Shax’s displeasure. “My poison never failed before, and even now I am sure it will work. Maybe Shamaila was just lost on her way back here.”

“Yeah that can be the case...” Shax muttered as his eyes began to glint. “In that case I think we should head out and look for Shamaila already.”

“That’s what I was about to say.” Stolas grumbled as he and Shax flew out of the mansion.

“Say Stolas, those three are still busy pacifying Master Solomon right?”

Shax was obviously referring to the other three Djinns who were here in the Underground with them. “Did they have any semblance of success now?”

Stolas sighed as he replied,

“Nothing, the situation is still the same. Even I doubt if there will even be at least a slight improvement....”

“Sigh.” Shax was about to say something else when he and Stolas perked up.

They looked at their left, sensing a powerful murderous aura rushing towards them.

Seconds passed by, and they saw that it was Fang Yu who was flying towards them!

“Lin Fang! Return my daughter to me!” Shax bellowed as his surroundings began to ripple. “Give her back, and I will make sure your death will be painless!

Stolas on the other hand, was stunned silly after seeing Fang Yu.

“Impossible! How could you survive!” Stolas shrieked as he gripped his knife tightly. “You should be dead! Yes, you, you, you are just a fake!”

“You will know whether I am fake or not after this encounter.” Fang Yu said savagely as Shax and Stolas heard an extremely familiar incantation.

“Mist Room!”

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