The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 297: Evil Plans does not need to be Explained by the Villain

Chapter 297: Evil Plans does not need to be Explained by the Villain

“This is so not good!” Fang Lin wailed to himself quietly as he reeled from what Fang Xiushang said to him.

“My other body Fang Yu went into the prison and broke out of it because she had to use those prisoners.... But I cannot just do what she did!”

After all, Fang Yu had the power to back it up, and she was sure that the reinforcements on that prison will arrive late, giving her ample time to escape.

But in Fang Lin’s case, he was sure that this prison he was in was heavily guarded.

Even without using his divine sense, Fang Lin can feel numerous powerful presences just near him. Fang Lin was sure that these presences were here to guard this prison.

“What prison are we in now?” Fang Lin asked Fang Xiushang worriedly.

Fang Xiushang’s face looked grim as he said,

“I do not know too. The leaders of the guards blindfolded us, then they sealed our divine sense, not allowing us to see where we were brought to.”

“Sigh. This just keeps on getting worse.” Fang Lin murmured lethargically.

With the nature of the mission Fang Lin and Wang Hao was supposed to do, they only had 3 days left to complete it!

Fang Lin was sure being in a prison will not be helpful for him and Wang Hao.

But maybe he could still whip out something if he had enough info.

“Why are we even arrested anyway?” Fang Lin asked Wang Hao. “Did those people state the reason?”

“Well....” Wang Hao scratched his head as he said,

“According to the guards, when war was declared between the two continents, the Palace of the Gods made a declaration. That declaration stated that anyone who will arrive at the God Continent at this moment via boats or ships will be arrested immediately. Only when their identities were cleared that they will be freed.”

“Does that mean that we will be fine?” Fang Lin asked hopefully to Fang Xiushang. “After all, we came here as merchants.....”

“That maybe the case if I am not here. But the problem is, they recognized me.” Fang Xiushang replied sheepishly. “And since I was in the ship too, they treated everyone as my accomplices.”

“That is bad.” Earlier, Fang Lin was just feeling miserable for himself. But now, even innocents were not spared as they became guilty in association!

“So everyone’s imprisoned now?”

“Not really.” Wang Hao replied, much to Fang Lin’s relief.

“They talked to everyone else, and they realized that they were surely innocent. But as for Rou’er, Xu’er, me, and you, we were still imprisoned here since there were some witnesses saying that we acted close to Fang Xiushang.”

“So there is no chance at all?” Fang Lin sighed as his mind churned, with him undoubtedly thinking up off a way to escape this place already.

Since Fang Yu can do it, then Fang Lin can too!

“Oh I forgot to mention to you. Once you woke up, you will be also interviewed by the Head Warden.” Wang Hao then looked at Fang Lin as he solemnly stated,

“The Head Warden knows about your transformation as the Moon-Eating Serpent and the existence of your friend, the Golden Rat Emperor. A being like you coming here has piqued the Head Warden’s interest, so she will be certainly.... aggressive with her questions. Just try to get you facts straight ok?”

This was Wang Hao lowkey telling Fang Lin to make up a great bulls**t story.

“Fine!” Fang Lin sighed as he tugged at his wrists. It was then that he felt that his wrists were being shackled by something.

He looked down, and he saw that he was bound by a grey-tinged cord. It wound upon his wrists, making it hard for him to move his arms.

What made Fang Lin wary of this cord was the fact that it seemed be monitoring him.

“That’s a Signal Cord.” Fang Xiushang said upon seeing Fang Lin’s look of displeasure.

“That cord was made by a powerful artifact maker. It monitors a prisoner’s body parameters like their health, heartbeat, even the qi and mana that they use. Once it detects a prisoner using a powerful spell or ability, it will send out a signal to one of the wardens on this prison. Once they receive the signal, they will send out some forces to subdue that prisoner.”

Fang Lin thought to himself that this system looks neat and effective. It seems to just have one flaw.

“Wait, how about those at the Fourth Stage and above? When they use their power, I doubt a signal cord can stop them.”

“Ah, there’s a different prison for those practitioners.” Wang Hao replied quickly. “That prison has a different method of subduing the prisoners. The strongest here in this prison were at most at the Third Stage only. That’s the reason we are together here.”

“Why didn’t they just cripple us? That will be better right?” Fang Lin asked as he felt relieved that this prison did not do that to them.

“From what I heard, this prison uses the imprisoned practitioners for something that requires their power.” Fang Xiushang replied with a snort.

“Since prisoners have no choice but to follow, they apparently became a great commodity for works that require practitioner labor. The prisoners will be like free workers with the same performance as the paid workers. That’s a good business prospect that this prison will not let go.”

“So labor is part of this prison’s punishment then.” Fang Lin knew that Wang Hao was fundamentally a lazy person, so he will surely hate to be included in these labor camps.

Their conversation was then interrupted by a menacing-looking guard who rapped the metal bars.

He stared at Fang Lin maliciously as if he wanted to tear him down.

“Hey you there.” The guard said, pointing to Fang Lin. “It seems like you are awake now, Rica.”

“Pfftt....” Wang Hao and Fang Xiushang suppressed their giggles after hearing Fang Lin being referred to with a girl’s name.

“It’s Ricardo.”

“Whatever Rica.” The guard ignored Fang Lin’s complaints as he said,

“You are the only one left on that ship that was not yet interviewed. So follow me to the Head Warden’s room so that we can finish this quickly.”

Fang Lin then followed the guard as he was led to a dark hallway.

Fang Lin’s body then tingled as he felt danger approaching from behind.

He turned around, only for his whole body to be covered with a large sac.

Fang Lin paused as he realized this was no ordinary sac. This was something meant to capture magical beasts! Fang Lin ruefully smiled as he realized the intent of these guards.

“Sorry Rica, but orders from the top. I cannot ignore them, especially with the money involved.” The guard said before he made a chopping motion towards Fang Lin’s neck.

“Sleep once more, and when you wake up, you will be in a good place already.”


Median Layer.

Andromeda was currently in a room of a fancy hotel together with Fang Yu. With the money she had, Fang Yu was able to afford the sky-high prices of this certain hotel.

Right now, Fang Yu was feeding Tang Li as part of the agreement that she had with the cunning baby.

“Suck suck.”

Andromeda ignored these bothersome sounds as she scanned the Common Layer.

Before entering the Median Layer, Andromeda left some nano-scanners at the Common Layer. These scanners were there to monitor the arrival of Orias and his fellow Djinns.

Orias and his companions were supposed to arrive at this time, so Andromeda was currently focused as she waited for their presences to be picked up by her nano-scanners.

“Hmmm?” Andromeda hummed as she saw that something was wrong.

“What’s the matter? Did you see them already?” Fang Yu said as she slapped one of Tang Li’s hands away, which was about to grope Fang Yu’s unoccupied snow bunny. “Woah, why is your hand wandering that much? Keep it tame.”

“Muu....” Tang Li pouted as she bit down hard.

“Ouch!” Fang Yu hissed as she gritted her teeth. It was lucky that she had a strong body, which made it impossible for Tang Li to rip it off. But the pain was still there, and it sure was painful.

Andromeda ignored the quarrel between the two as she said,

“I saw them arriving, but they seem to be in a bad shape.”

“How bad?” Fang Yu said as pinched Tang LI’s cheeks. “Ugh, your cheeks are really so pinchable!”

“They are at the verge of death right now.” Andromeda replied quickly. “If we don’t go and help them now, they will be dead.”

“What! Then we need to go now!” Fang Yu stood up, with Tang Li still having her meal. “Let’s go now, we can stil-”

“It’s too late. They just died now.” Andromeda breathed out with a pale expression.

“How did they die? Didn’t you just say that they were injured?” Fang Yu asked with an aghast expression. “Did they succumb to their injuries?”

“No.” Andromeda replied with a pale expression on her face. “Just before they could get some distance away from the entrance, a large, black hand shout out from the entrance gate, grabbing the five of them. It then squeezed hard, followed by some squelching sounds.”


“When the black hand loosened its grip, there was nothing left of the five, not even a crushed corpse. That black hand then disappeared, slinking back at the entrance gate.”

“That’s..... not good, I guess.”

“Yeah it’s not good.”

Tang Li, who seemed oblivious by the grisly event, narrowed her eyes as she took advantage of Fang Yu’s distraction to grab Fang Yu’s other snow bunny.


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