The Blue Eyes

Chapter 197 - IDEAL SON-IN-LAW

[Someone powerful in the country.

They once again heard the sentence. Their memory was not bad for remembering that they had heard that sentence before.

Kevin and Kris glanced at each other, communicating through their gazes without saying a word. Kris gestured nonverbally to his lover as he nodded his head, and Kevin turned to his adoptive parents again.

"Do you know who that person is, Dad?" Kevin's heart thumped in anticipation after he asked the question to his adoptive parents. He hoped they could get another clue tonight. He wanted to solve the mystery soon, and he saw a light upon hearing his father's statement.

"Fredy had never mentioned any names to me, so I don't know who that person is."

Unfortunately, the light of hope in Kevin's heart immediately dimmed after his father gave him a disappointing answer.

"Is that matter important to you, Kev? Can you tell me why are you investigating the abandoned mine? You were never interested in your uncle's life, so I felt strange when you suddenly asked about your uncle."

Kevin looked hopeless after he heard his father's answer earlier, but he still managed to answer his father's question, "I'm afraid if Uncle Fredy is involved in a big crime, Dad."

Both Benjamin and Charlotte were stunned by their son's answer.

"What... what big crime did your uncle commit, Kevin?" This time, it was Charlotte who questioned her son with her voice slightly trembling.

Kevin contemplated for a moment. Should he tell the details to his parents? He was still not sure about his uncle's involvement, so he chose to hide the details from his parents now.

"I can't go into details right now, but I have another question about Uncle Fredy," Kevin answered firmly. "How do you know that Uncle Fredy had agreed to sell the material to an important person in this country? Did Uncle Fredy tell you about it, Dad?"

Kevin was curious about that matter too. Did Fredy tell his father directly about that?

"Fredy didn't tell me directly about it. He just told me he was going to sell the material to someone who could help him in the legislative elections a few years ago. I assume that person is strong to be able to help your uncle in the election, but yeah, your uncle still lost in the end because of his bad reputation."

Kevin's heart skipped a beat after hearing his father's explanation further. He knew about his uncle who decided to fight in the legislative election a few years ago, and he knew that his uncle didn't manage to win that election either.

However, he didn't know that his uncle participated in the election with the help of someone powerful in this country. That person must be so powerful, and Kevin started to feel nervous.

"Kevin." The owner of the name looked up after hearing his father call his name once again. "Do you want me to find out more information about that person?"]

Kevin's mind was preoccupied with the conversation with his parents earlier. It was late at night, and his adoptive parents asked him and Kris to stay at their house. Kris was hesitant at first, but Kevin convinced him that it was the best idea to stay over instead of returning to their apartment. Both were tired, after all.

"Still thinking about your uncle?" Kris, who had just come out of the bathroom, immediately asked him a question that was enough to break the chain of his thoughts.

His lover was shirtless and was only wearing a pair of shorts. His firm hands were busy drying his hair with a small towel as he walked over to Kevin, who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Kevin had showered before him, and his hair was dry now.

"Let me help you to dry your hair using a hairdryer, Kris."

Kevin was about to get out of bed, but Kris pressed his shoulder to stop him from moving. He then sat on the floor in front of his lover, right between his lover's legs.

"Why are you sitting on the floor, Kris? You might catch a cold, so get up and sit on the bed now!"

Kevin tried to pull Kris' body to sit on the bed but to no avail. Kris was so stubborn to stay on the floor, causing Kevin to shake his head helplessly.

"I don't like using a hairdryer to dry my hair, Kev. Just use this towel to help me dry my hair," Kris replied while gesturing for Kevin to accept the small towel.

Kevin sighed in annoyance, but he still took the towel from Kris' hand. Without a word, he started to dry Kris' hair using a towel.

"I thought you would tell your adoptive parents' about the details, Kev. You seem to trust your foster parents a lot."

Kevin didn't immediately answer as he was busy drying his lover's hair.

"Your hair is too long, Kris. How about I give you a new haircut?" Instead of answering Kris's question, Kevin asked his lover another question.

"No," Kris answered immediately. "You don't have good cutting skills, Kev. You can't even cut a piece of paper perfectly, so I'll cut my hair by myself tomorrow."

Kevin giggled when he heard Kris's reply. He wasn't offended because what Kris just said was the truth. He didn't know how to cut hair at all.

"I do trust my parents, but I don't want to reveal everything to them now. They are already old, and I don't want to give them more pressure by telling the details to them."

Kevin finally answered Kris' previous question while placing the small towel on his lap. Kris's hair wasn't completely dry yet, but he decided to stop drying it and pressed Kris's head into his lap. The movement made Kris look up at Kevin now.

"My hair will wet your pants, Kev."

Kris's words didn't discourage Kevin as he kept Kris's head on his lap. "I've covered my lap with the towel, so your hair won't wet my pants."

Kris shrugged as he replied, "If you want me to wet your pants, I have a better way to do it, Kev."

That sloppy statement made Kevin flick his fingers at Kris' forehead. "How shameless you are, Kris! My parents have caught us in action, yet you still dare to say naughty things to me?"

His forehead stung, but Kris still giggled. "It was indeed an embarrassing moment, but I wouldn't mind doing it again since your parents have accepted me now."

Kris was beyond shameless, and Kevin rolled his eyes before replying, "What if my parents change their mind and will set me up with some girls instead? My parents hate perverts, you know?"

Kevin could feel Kris' body jerk as he finished speaking. "We'd better be careful then. I don't want them to change their mind because it's very difficult for me to earn their trust."

Kevin suppressed his giggle. His lover was too innocent sometimes.

"Anyway, you said that you didn't want to pressure your parents, but you still agreed when your father said that he would help us to look for more information about the mysterious person. What's your real plan, Kev?"

Kevin often acted on his impulse and often surprised Kris, so the latter decided to question the former now.

"I don't have any plans for that, Kris," the scientist replied. "The person who used the buried valley is someone from the military, and maybe that person is related to my uncle as well."

"If that person is indeed from the military, then it would be dangerous for your father to be involved, right?"

Kevin didn't immediately reply as he was deep in thought.

"You are right," he finally answered after a moment of silence. "But I believe that my father will use a safe way to look for more information. Maybe my father will just ask my uncle about it."

Kevin looked calm, but Kris could sense a hint of uncertainty in his lover's tone.

"Do you think I should ask some of my men to protect your parents from afar? We can't take any risks, Kev. Your parents are old."

Kevin looked down at his lover and smiled. He then used his hand to frame Kris's face and rewarded the latter with a small peck on the lips.

"You want to be an ideal son-in-law, don't you? You care a lot about my parents now."

Kevin's lips had left Kris's, but his head was still hovering over Kris's. Kris lifted his head slightly to kiss Kevin's lips again.

"I'm the only one who deserves to be their son-in-law. I won't let anyone steal my position."

Kevin was quite taken aback, but then he laughed amusedly before kissing his lover on the lips again. This time it wasn't just a kiss as he kissed his lover's lips voraciously.. It seemed the two of them had not learned enough from the embarrassing incident earlier.

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