The Black Swan Behind (Beauty of Fire)

Chapter 176

176 Unexpected Attack

As Black, Emma had already explained to Marcel Douglas what Oscar Chopper had planned.

With that, Emma ordered Marcel to prepare his men for a battle, straight to Chingsu District.

“Let Oscar and Lee Mu Fei attack each other first. When each of them is overwhelmed, then it’s time for us to attack. That way, we won’t have to spend a lot of energy.” Emma explained.

In the meeting room, Emma and Rachel who played Black were standing in the middle of the circle table. Marcel and Kenny stood beside those two. Meanwhile, the participants in the meeting were the entire core team of Red Jack Commander. They were Vico Hustle, Damian Jamin, and Renu Khan.

“We need good cooperation here. I hope you guys won’t move recklessly. Follow our instructions because the two of us will be the first to enter the Creeper’s base.” Rachel said.

“Creeper Greenvalley had three branch groups. I got information that one of the branches previously led by Gaston Morez had been disbanded and the building had been sold by Lee Mu Fei. The last remaining branches are led by Tony Lin and Eddy Norman. When Oscar had started attacking the Creeper, we must attack his two branch bases until they are completely swept clean. After that, you guys could wait for command whether our members in Chingsu District could fight them alone or not. If they are not, then all those who have defeated the branch bases must come to help.” Emma explained.

“I’m sure it won’t take long to clean up their branches. They even only have very few members left now” Marcel replied.

Emma nodded, “That’s right. Reportedly, Oscar drew half of the members of each branch bases to assist in attacking the Creeper led by Lee Mu Fei.”

“In that case, Vico and Damian would lead each group to destroy the two Oscar branch bases,” Kenny said.


Vico and Damian nodded, “Copy that,”

“And it’s obvious that the one who would accompany me to attack the Chingsu District is Renu,” Kenny said.

Renu nodded, “As usual,”

“Lune said that Oscar would attack the factories first so that the owners of those factories would report to the owners of the Chingsu District to fire the Creeper as the main guards in the area. Oscar knows the location of the Creeper’s main treasure storehouse. The two of us would start entering through the air vent when Oscar starts to enter the Creeper’s main base. So, the process might take quite a while,” Emma explained.

“Then what about the base in Greenvalley? Shouldn’t we attack it?” Marcel asked.

Emma smiled and clapped her hands once, before long, a bespectacled guy stepped into the room.

“Good evening,” The guy nodded once politely.

“Danis?” They all muttered in unison. Why did Black bring the boy who always locked himself in that room?

“Lee Mu Fei saved his money by converting it into valuable assets such as precious metals and storing them in a treasure vault. Meanwhile, Oscar Chopper kept all his money in several bank accounts and invested in the stock market. Oscar thought that his headquarters in Greenvalley didn’t need to be protected too tightly because there are no valuables inside. Therefore, he’d take almost all of his men to Chingsu District and leave a few to guard his base.” Emma explained. “Later, Danis would lead a small group to enter Greenvalley headquarters and tap all the computers there. Oscar would not think that the data he stores on the computer could be stolen. Therefore, Danis would withdraw all Oscar’s savings and investment.”

Just by hearing it, Marcel could already imagine how much they could gain by destroying the Creeper. Even with just one previous bank account, he saw that Black was able to do a lot with the money, including handing it out to factory workers who had done demonstrations. Marcel admitted that working with Black was the right decision, although he still didn’t know what Black’s real goal was.


That day had come.

A container truck entered the factory area called Chingsu District. The big truck was stopped by the guards on duty at the entrance gate.

“Where’s your license?” One of the guards asked.

The moustachioed truck driver showed a letter that was not a license. It was a paper containing a request for an entry permit to illegally transport factory waste.

“Where are you guys from? Have you reported?” The guard asked again.

The driver nodded, “The factory employee who worked with my boss should have reported. Has he not?”

The guard shook his head, “All the factories are almost closed because today is Saturday. Could it be that he forgot and has gone home?”

“That doesn’t seem possible. What time is it?” The driver asked quickly.

The guard man immediately raised his arm and glanced at the watch he was wearing, “It’s 5 pm.”

The moustachioed driver lightly tapped the guard’s shoulder as he handed something to him, “Actually, my boss left this envelope and said it must be handed over to the gate guard. Maybe he’s in the bathroom so he’s difficult to be contacted. Is it possible that I can at least get to the parking lot of my destination factory and wait there?”

The gatekeeper accepted the envelope the man had given him and checked its contents. It was some money in the high nominal. Somehow, the colour of the money was looking so bright in his eyes. This was definitely a big business. Not yet giving enter permission, suddenly the cell phone in the man’s pocket rang. He immediately picked it up, “Yes!”

“Has the truck from BG Company arrived yet? If so, take the money and let them in. They already have an appointment with me,” The man on the call said.

“That is Lee Mu Fei’s assistant,” The driver said.

The guard looked at his cellphone screen again and it showed the number of one of Commander Lee Mu Fei’s assistants. He immediately put the phone to his ear again, “Alright, Sir!”

“This truck does not require inspection. Please come in,” The guard said to the truck driver.

The truck driver smiled and put his hat back on, “Thank you,”

The truck carrying a large container drove into the Chingsu District area. But the guards who had been on duty at the gate didn’t know that the container was filled with thirty people inside. They were the strongest people in the Creeper group that Oscar was leading.

On the other hand, a blue-eyed man was smiling. Behind him were about two hundred members ready to fight. He was standing beside Lune, “Your acquaintance is pretty good,” Said the man with a big belly.

Lune smiled faintly, “Since high school, he has been talented at hypnosis,”

As it turned out, the truck driver was not someone who could only drive a big truck. He was a hypnotist who often committed crimes on the street robbing. The truth that happened earlier was, that he swiftly put his cell phone into the guard’s shirt pocket along by handing over an envelope containing fake money. He had given a suggestion to the gate guard so that the guard didn’t realize that there was already a cell phone in his chest pocket that actually wasn’t his. After that, when someone called the phone, the guard somehow assumed the number written on it was the number of Lee Mu Fei’s assistant.

In fact, since the first time the driver asked the guard about the time, he had already launched his hypnotic action. And everything was perfect when he tapped the guard on the shoulder. Since then, the guard’s subconscious had been under hypnosis.

As soon as the truck carrying dozens of Oscar’s men entered the area and parked, the driver and his drive-assistant immediately opened the door of the container. Then a group of men jumped down from inside.

“We’re already inside. Ready to attack,” One of the men over the phone said.

Oscar smiled, “Attack now,”

After the command was spoken, the group of men immediately lowered the small bridge that connected the container to the ground. With that, several dirt bikes shot down from inside the box-shaped container. Every bike was ridden by two people. The bikes rode towards the other gate.

Meanwhile, after confirming that the container was empty, the truck driver set the gear and put a large rock on the gas pedal so that the truck headed toward one of the nearest gates alone and hit it to the ground.

The attack took all the guards in Chingsu District by surprise. They did not expect that there would be an attack coming from within the area. They had never prepared and trained for something like this.

With a very sudden attack, Oscar’s men, who only numbered thirty people, managed to knock out the gatekeepers who were their main targets. After that, they immediately took over the gate and opened everything wide. All the Creeper Greenvalley men who had previously spread out and hiding from a distance of each gate immediately rushed in.

On the other hand, Afei was in his room working on the report he was going to make for the owner of Chingsu District. He was trying to save the Creeper’s name or what he still often referred to as the General Guard. After all, he must save his group’s future which depended on the decisions of the owners of the Chingsu District.

If the children who inherit Chingsu District finally realize that they had to pay more attention to their father’s inheritance, the business that Creeper had been running all this time would fail. And to make matters worse, their group would be fired and kicked out of Chingsu District.


Afei raised his face with a frown, staring at the door that was knocked hardly and quickly, “Come in.” he said.

It was one of his assistants who gave a tense face, “Our territory is under attack, Commander. It’s Oscar. They make a mess by attacking factories.”

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