The Black Necromancer

Chapter 282 Getting The Upper Hand

'Dammit!' Leon thought to himself and let the engravings on his bones dim as he cancelled out the Divinity that burned within his core. Just those short moments had left him with only a quarter of his remaining mana. It was truly a powerful force, but it was a pity that it was unsustainable at this moment.

Like himself, his copy also let the Divinity burning within it fade away. It was exactly the same as Leon, so it could not sustain a prolonged fight with Divinity being used.

The two Obsidian Skeleton Royals floated in the sky, their bodies shaking from exhaustion, but none of them willing to show the slightest sign of backing down. Whoever showed a weakness first would be the one who lost.

Five minutes passed without any of them making a move while trying to recover their mana. Thanks to the location of their battle, which was somehow rich in mana, it did not take long for both of them to get to half of their full reserves.

Once again, Leon was the one who made the first move. He flipped his hand, and all of a sudden, his copy's body was drawn toward the ground uncontrollably. It crashed down with an earth shaking force, unable to break free at the moment.

Leon's eyes blazed brightly as he gathered his mana for a supreme attack. His eyes flashed with purple light and the effects of his Curse Eyes sank into the body of his copy. The copy immediately burst with power as it activated its Divinity once again to cleanse its body from the effects of the Curse Eyes.

As it was focused on cleansing its body, it suddenly felt the point of gravity that held it to the ground begin to change, and its instincts forced it to split its attention to keep the Gravity Bomb that had begun to form underneath it.

It was at that moment that ten figures suddenly flashed around Leon's copy. Those ten figures turned out to be ten clones of Leon's human form!

Initially, when the two had been fighting, Leon had been racking his brain for any way to defeat his copy. The Nexus Being had created an exact copy of himself, with all his experience with his skills and spells, so that should have been where it stopped. The copy used Leon's skills and spells in clever ways that shamed Leon's own abilities. But surprisingly, Leon did not notice any advanced applications of magic from the copy.

If the copy was only running on what he had known before he had known before this fight, then perhaps he could use something new to get the upper hand in their fight!

The first move he made was not something new, per se. What he did was to simply affix a new point of gravity to attract the copy, pinning it in place.

It was the second part of his plan that was something new. Leon relied on a skill he had not been using ever since Divinity's Bout ended - The Adaptable Body skill. He had no idea is his plan would work, but if it did, then that meant that he would be able to successfully gain the upper hand in this fight and pave the way to his victory.

He broke off the first segment of his fingers from each finger, creating ten tiny bone fragments that belonged to him, and were still technically a part of his body. Surprisingly, his intentions turned out to be valid!

Using the connection between himself and his bones, he was able to successfully grown flesh, muscle and skin over the tiny bone fragments, using the tiny Obsidian fragments as the core of the growths. New, weaker, bones grew to form a skeletal structure that supported the growth of flesh. In a split second, ten nearly perfect clones of Leon had appeared around him!

Fueled by his now activated Divinity, Leon instantly charged a concentrated mass of fire that was fueled by Dark magic, Fire magic, his remaining mana, and his Divinity.

The clones appeared around the copy created by the Nexus Being, with their arms cocked back and similar concentrated balls of black fire over their palms. Before Leon's copy could react, the concentrated balls of black fire in their hands turned into beams of black light that radiated pure destruction.


A shield briefly flickered around the copy before it was drowned in the barrage of eleven black beams of pure destruction. Not even the attack that had wiped out Garrix and his army could compare to the power of this attack that Leon had just carried out.

Ten whole seconds passed before the beams of light fizzled out as Leon's entire mana reserves were dried out. With nothing to burn off, his Divinity also vanished, leaving him with nothing left. Thankfully, he had slowly descended to the ground earlier while continuing his attack, as he had anticipated his weakness after this attack.

His body slumped weakly against a turned up rock as he waited for the dust to clear. His head felt like it was being split apart from exhaustion, and his vision was a bit blurry and shaky.

Before he could even try to start recovering his mana, a burst of light blew away all the dust as Leon's copy stood up from the crater that had been dug through the entire earth. If not for the fact that this plain seemed to be incredibly thick and sturdy, it would have a hole through it right now!

With burning white flames wrapped around its body, Leon's copy began to limp straight toward Leon, its killing intent flaring wildly around. It dragged one leg through the dirt as it walked shakily. It seemed to be on its last legs as well.


The copy stopped a mere three feet away from Leon and lifted its single remaining arm to punch Leon. Leon could now tell that the white flames around it were not made of mana or Divinity, but was a visual effect brought up by its pure will to defeat Leon.

"Ugh!" Leon grunted as he launched himself forward with what little strength he had recovered, spearing the copy through its middle and slamming it onto the ground. He pinned its single arm under his knee and began to pummel its face with punches.




Even though Leon's mana was basically all dried out, his bones were incredibly strong! He mustered what little strength he had managed to scrounge up after his few moments of rest to punch the cracked and heavily damaged skull of the copy. Even though he was putting his all behind the punches, the bones of his clone were also of the same strength as his!




Finally, Leon's fist broke the skull of the copy, shattering it into pieces, and putting an end to the struggles it had been putting up against him.

With his fist in the ground, he fell over the broken body of his copy, weak, as his willpower could no longer hold him up. His consciousness began to fade, and his vision turned dark.

'I... I won...'

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