The Black Necromancer

Chapter 274 [Bonus ] Chasing Trails

"WHAT?!" The roof on one of the buildings that had been erected behind the Wall was blown off and a trembling, chaotic aura shook the entirety of the area around the building.

The stone table that had a detailed replication of the battlefield and the Desolate Lands was cracked under Leonidas's fist. His face was so fierce that even Richard, who was a proper Werewolf, thought that the Emperor looked more ferocious than himself when he was enraged.

Black fur sprung out all over Leonidas' face, with large portions of the fur being marked with gray. His eyes glowed with golden light and canines extended from his lips.

"Those damn Demons!" He cursed and turned around, storming out of the building. It was obvious what was going on in his mind. He believed that the Demons had abducted Leon in order to weaken the defenders.

Anyone who had seen any of the battles had clearly seen that Leon was pulling a lot of weight in this war. Not only did he have thousands of powerful summons, but the fact that they did not fall in battle, and were instead gathering more summons for Leon, was enough to scare anyone silly.

Now, the Demons had taken Leon in order to weaken the defenders, while taking out a critically important figure.

"Calm down, Leonidas. This might be a plot to draw out our most powerful combatants and get rid of us in one fell swoop." Dion called out to the angry Emperor.

"Even still! We must do something to get Leon back!" Leonidas did not stop and kept on walking. When he was out of the building, he immediately took to the sky. Behind him, Kaladin wordlessly followed. A select few Pseudo A rank summons of Leon's that had also been deployed followed after Kaladin on the lightning mage's order.

Richard sighed and turned to give Kevin a look. The shorter man nodded and followed after Richard as they took off after Leonidas. Richard considered Leon to be a friend, not only just a convenient ally, so he was obliged to do his best to help Leon.

A few other shadows followed after the quickly departing group. Among them were Jet and Dorian Armstrong. Jet was going because of his strong friendship with Leon, while Dorian was going because he was a high level priest, and was the bane of all Demonic and Unholy beings. Lastly, was Rhys. The man was the strongest out of Leonidas' guards, and had chosen to go, as he would be of the best help to the Emperor.

The other A ranks stayed behind because they needed to maintain the high level strength of the defenders if anything happened.

The group flew through the sky at a very quick pace as they raced to the location that Leon was last known to be. Kaladin was the one who led them, as he was the one who felt the connection with Leon.


Kaladin landed in the middle of the crater that had been dug out by Leon's crash when Garrix had attacked him.

"There's nothing here. There's nothing here!" Leonidas growled and motes of black light flickered around him.

"Calm down." Richard slapped a hand on Leonidas' shoulder. "We should search for clues. Anything we can use to trace him down." He suggested.

"I can help with that." Dorian stepped forward at that moment. He had a serious look on his face.

As a high level Priest, he was able to scry into Fate to some extent, though it was incredibly taxing on him, and depended on many different variables. An important variable was whether or not a friendly God was willing to assist him.

Normally, Priests and Priestesses swore allegiance to a single God, but there were a few who did not align themselves with only one God. That allowed them to draw from a number of Gods, but the Gods were also not obliged to care for them as they would for others that were sworn to just them.

Dorian did not swear himself to one God, and had many ties with several Gods. What he hoped for now was that one of those Gods would be willing to assist in his scry in order to find a trace of Leon.

Dorian explained what he intended to do to the others and when he got their approval, he concentrated on what he needed to do.

The world changed in Dorian's eyes, from one of matter and energy, to one of strings of Fate. Many intertwining strings tangles together, stretching past and vanishing into the nothingness. But Dorian's mind was focused on a rather strange and interesting string of fate.

"That way!" Dorian snapped out of his daze and pointed the group in the right direction. He took over the leading role from Kaladin and led the group through a path that twisted and turned through the Desolate Lands. Throughout, his eyes glowed brightly with silver light as he received the help he needed from a rather powerful God.

Although Dorian had no idea who this mysterious God was, as he had never received attention from this being before, he did not hesitate to rely on the power of the God to track down Leon and his abductor.

Soon, the group arrived at the edge of the Desolate Lands, where land met sea. The waves crashed into the shore, foaming as it washed over the dark sand. Dorian paused in the sky as he came to the shore.

"The track leads of the Central Continent. I am fairly certain that Leon's attacker has returned to the Demon Continent with Leon as a prisoner." Dorian said grimly and turned to face the others.

"Then we chase." Leonidas growled.

"I agree." Jet stepped forward, meeting his uncle's eyes.

"So do I." Richard joined in.

Kaladin remained silent, as his participation was not a question. Why would he ever forsake his master?

"Very well, then. Follow me." Dorian sighed and turned around before resuming his flight over the sea.

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