The Black Necromancer

Chapter 223 Lynx Vs Leon

Kai felt his blood boiling in his veins. A sense of urgency overcame him as he built up his strength for a powerful attack that he was sure would force Leon away from him.

"Argh!" With a grunt, a massive shockwave exploded from within him, sending Leon flying back. Everything in a ten meter radius was instantly pulverized, but Leon was still standing strong. His Durability Stat was high enough to allow him to shrug off such an attack.

"That was... Strong!" Leon looked up with shock. He had not been expecting Kai to burst out with so much power at that moment. And something felt different too.

Leon had been using his Spell Weaver to take a look at the barrier around Kai in order to break it, but he had been unable to do so because not only was it composed of Divinity, his skill level was also quite low, and the Divinity contained within the medallion was not as cooperative as Michael's.

Looking up, Leon fixed his gaze on Kai's form that was just becoming visible through the dust. But he immediately noticed that something was wrong. Kai seemed... different.

An ominous aura filled the air as Kai's sharp eyes narrowed to slits. A low growl slipped out of his throat as he held up his sword. He was whispering under his breath, and Leon's sharp senses managed to pick up the words.

"...Lynx, come forth."

Kai's voice was low and calm, but the moment he spoke those words, the air around him buzzed with an insane amount of mana. His head snapped back and an inscription that had been hidden under his leather armor glowed brightly, burning away the leather and revealing a circular inscription with many smaller writings within the circle.

Leon could not make sense of any of them, as he lacked the required knowledge on them, but he could easily tell that something bad would happen if he did not stop Kai.

But it was already too late to stop Kai. The transformation was over in an instant, and there was nothing Leon could do.

Gazing upon Kai, Leon felt a sense of dread worm its way up his throat. Kai did not look like Kai anymore. His fur had turned to a dark purple color, with streaks of green fur running over his exposed arms and the sides of his neck. His eyes had turned to a deep green as well.

"What madness is this?" Leon wondered as he stared at Kai with surprise.

"You are the one who forced me out?" A deep, cold voice echoed from Kai's mouth, much different from his rich, warm tone. "You have made a mistake. I will give you ten seconds to plead for your life before I kill you." Kai, now Lynx, spoke and took a step forward.

"You must have gotten a screw loose in your head when I slammed you to the ground earlier." Leon scoffed and raised his sword again.

"...I see you are unrepentant. I will beat some sense into you." Lynx growled and the muscles in his leg bunched up, prompting Leon to take a defensive stance.


The earth exploded beneath Lynx's feet as he leapt forward. His wrist flicked and Kai's sword was replaced with two black daggers that gave off a dangerous glint under the lighting from all the fights happening.

"Ha!" With a snarl, Lynx clashed against Leon, their weapons creating sparks between them.

Leon stumbled back slightly, shocked by the immense strength that had pushed him back. The strength that Lynx was capable of expressing was higher than what Kai was able to express.

The truth about the whole transformation was that Kai simply had another side to him. His other side was much more ruthless and bloodthirsty, the opposite of his normal self. It had been a gift from Dardan upon his birth.

Kai was just in his early twenties, and for him to have reached A rank, it was a testament to his prodigious skills and talent. Even though he had gotten there with the help of many resources that were used to boost his strength, it was still a known fact that it took time to digest these strength boosting herbs and materials, and turn them into one's own strength.

Upon Kai's birth, an Oracle from Dardan's temple in the Gublin Empire had been present and had entered a state of enlightenment. It was said that Dardan had descended upon the Oracle and blessed Kai, which was how Lynx had come into the picture.

The Oracle had not spoken throughout Dardan's descent, but when it was all over and done, he had explained what Dardan had passed onto him.

"His Excellency, Dardan, had told me that he could see young Kai's spirit. Young Kai is compassionate and soft. He lack the spine to make certain decisions, so His Excellency has bestowed upon him an ace. A dark side, Lynx."

Over the years, each time Lynx had come out, it had been as if a demon had been unleashed. He was rash, violent and quick to make decisions. His first thought was to solve all problems with violence. No one but Kai could speak to him calmly.

Now, Kai had been forced to allow Lynx to come out. The mad side of him. The one who solved all with violence and a grin on his face.

"It's been too long!" Lynx declared and spun around. His spin did not stop until he resembled a spinning top! His arms were spread out, holding his daggers out so that anything that came into contact with them would be shredded at once.

Leon's face twisted with strain as he struggled against Lynx's sudden move. He was being forced back each second, and Lynx was gaining more and more momentum.

'I need to turn the tables! Quick!' Leon realized and his mind churned in response to his urgency. A pop up window blinked in front of him.

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