The Black Necromancer

Chapter 221 Silver Queen's Fight

Nedra had a mischievous glint in her eyes as she grinned at Estella. It gave the blonde girl a bad feeling and she took a step back, warily gazing at Nedra. She was a priestess, and supported from behind, not from the front. Her job was to provide back up for her comrades. But it seemed that she had to fight someone head on today.

Two seconds passed as Estella tried to think of what to do when Nedra suddenly sprung into action. She utilized the strange ability that she had gotten with her human form. It did not show as an actual skill on her status page, but it was very real.

Her form wavered, and another Nedra was split off from her, but was completely under her control. The Hive Mind skill allowed for the simultaneous and flawless control of her clone, while still maintaining smooth control over her main body.

Nedra's clone dashed forward, wielding a pair of Kamas while her true body remained back, holding a white sickle that was connected with a chain.

The white sickle slashed forward, its chain held firmly in Nedra's grasp, while her clone raised its Kamas up, ready to perform a pincer attack on Estella from two different angles.

Estella's eyes widened in shock for a moment, as this had all happened in a split second, but her eyes quickly hardened as she knew that there was no going back from this.

"Forgive me, Almighty Dardan." She clasped her hands and prayed to the God that her people worshiped. In the next moment, she was enveloped in a blinding white light.

Nedra narrowed her eyes at this, but still committed to her attack. She thought that it was merely a farce that Estella wanted to pull, using the lightshow as a means to retreat. But she was soon proved wrong as the Kamas her clone wielded, and her chain sickle clashed against something strong and solid.


The light died down, revealing the figure of a large, muscly beast covered in fur that was the same blonde color of Estella's hair.

"What?!" Nedra gasped in surprise!

"I did not want to do this. Your blood will sully my soul." Even with her monstrous appearance, Estella's voice was still light and pure, but it was now full of a heavy presence, one that bespoke power and strength far beyond what she had formerly seemed to have when she was in her normal form.

Estella's strange, beastly form was a unique skill that was granted to only the Priestesses that served Dardan, the Patron God of the Gublin Empire. Dardan believed that women should stay safe and keep the abode of a man safe and welcoming, but in the event that they were exposed to danger, or if their home was attacked in the case where the man was absent, they should be able to take care of themselves.

Because of their Patron God, the Priestesses that served him gained a unique skill that granted upon them a transformation that gave them the power to defend themselves. This transformation was always beastly, but best conformed to a form that the women did not mind.

"I will pray for your soul when you pass on." Estella said and looked at Nedra with pitiful, but compassionate eyes before springing into action.

The three meter tall furry beast leapt forward, claws drawn and muscles bunched up. Estella was packing an immense amount of physical strength!

Nedra's face twisted, but she did not lose confidence. She, too, had a more physical form that could exert many times more strength than her human form.

Unlike Estella's flashy transformation, Nedra's transformation was more instant, without the blinding light. Her body morphed, abandoning the fragile human form, and turning into a giant, monstrous form - her true form as the Millipede Queen; the Silver Queen. After completing her transformation in just a second, she dashed forward, her claws tearing at the soft earth underneath her.


Two massive bodies collided midway and immediately began to struggle against themselves. Nedra's clone had vanished, as she could only use it in her human form, so she was on her own. But she did not need any help. She was confident that she could take care of Estella.

The beastly Priestess' claws swiped down on Nedra's back, clawing off a chunk of white chitin, but Nedra's carapace was too thick, not even a drop of blood was drawn. In retaliation, she raised her powerful front legs and stabbed them down into Estella's shoulders, while her next two sets of claws stabbed into Estella's side, coming into contact with the insanely strong skin that was hidden under Estella's fur.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two fought and tussled, exchanging dozens of blows in just ten seconds. Chunks of earth were ripped out of the ground, and the trees around them were overturned, uprooted right out of the ground.

Estella reached behind her, grabbing the trunk of one of the fallen trees. With a huff, she lifted it and slammed down right on Nedra's head, knocking her down to the ground. She stomped forward, intent on crushing Nedra's head, but Nedra was only knocked down, she was not even dazed on bit by the hit. One of her legs swiped sideways pulling on Estella's leg and causing her to stumbled to the side, losing balance for a moment.

Taking advantage of Estella's lacking balance, Nedra's legs burst with power, propelling her forward and sending her smashing right into Estella's abdomen, knocking her down on her back.

"Argh!" Estella reacted immediately, her massive hand slapping at Nedra's side in a bid to get the millipede queen off her chest, but Nedra's legs blocked the strike and pinned both of Estella's hands down, while her two front legs, which were her greatest weapon aside from her mandible reared back and sprang forward to stab at Estella's chest.


A massive explosion suddenly slammed into the side of Nedra's head, sending her rocking to the side.

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