The Black Necromancer

Chapter 209 The Three Idiots

Rodius and Elena spent two days in Fort White. On the third day, when they had planned to leave, Leon stopped by the house that they had been staying in. He wanted to escort them to the gates of the town to see them off.

As Leon reached the door and was about to knock on it, he suddenly heard the sound of things falling over and crashing onto the floor, followed by panicked yells.

"Huh? What's going on?" Leon was confused. At first, he thought it might be an intruder, but then he doubted that they could silence Rodius so easily unless they were an A rank.

"Mica, stop!" Elena's voice reached Leon's ears through the door, and he quickly pulled open the door, only for a large shadow to come barreling straight at him!

"Whoa!" Before Leon could be mowed down by the large figure, he quickly stepped to the side, watching as the giant gold scaled reptile slid to a stop on the pathway in front of the house.

"Mica!" Elena came running out of the house with a flustered Rodius behind her.

"Mama!" The dragon surprisingly replied with a cry of its own as it spread its wings open wide. It was only then that Leon realized just how large this dragon was. It had squeezed down its own body to pass through the door, but now that it was in the open, it freely spread open its body and basked in the morning sun.

Elena quickly stopped by Leon and bent over with her hands on her knees.

"What's going on?" Leon asked with surprise. He had not attacked the dragon because it did not show any hostility, and because it seemed to have some relationship with Elena.

"It's my companion. I got him during Divinity's Bout, and he had been evolving ever since it ended." Elena caught her breath and explained Mica's origin as simply as she could. By then, she had stepped beside the dragon that was rolling around on the ground.

"Mica, don't do that." She breathed in an exasperated tone and bent down to hold Mica still.

"But mama, the sun is warm. And the air is soft~" Mica whined and let his head rest on Elena's laps. Leon just watched all this with surprise. He knew of dragons, of course, but he did not know much about them in this world, and how they would differ from the stories told on Earth.

He walked over to Elena's side and squatted so he could look the dragon in its eyes. The moment he stooped down, the dragon's eyes snapped open and it studied him with vigilance.

"Mica, this is Leon, my friend." Elena took it upon herself to introduce Leon to Mica.

"Friend?" Mica tilted his head and sniffed at Leon.

On a normal day, Dragons were much more prideful creatures than how Mica was acting, but Mica was still very much a child, and exhibited that childishness to the fullest. His mannerisms and behavior did not show any sign of maturity.

Just then, three familiar figures appeared in the corner of Mica's eyes. He stretched his neck to look over Leon's shoulder, and breathed out excitedly.

"The Three Idiots!" The adolescent Dragon exclaimed with much excitement as it recalled the three boys that it had thoroughly bullied during their time on the Island of Fate.

Lance, Balak and Barak were accompanied by Nasir as they approached Elena's house. Nasir had already spotted the Dragon earlier, but seeing, as it seemed to be friendly, he assumed that it was nothing to worry about. Upon hearing the name that it had referred to Lance and his friends as, though, his face immediately contorted into an unreadable expression.

'The three idiots?' He could hardly believe it. For a moment, he thought that it had meant someone else, but seeing the expressions on the three boys' faces, he knew that it had meant them.

Mica jumped up onto his feet, and with a flap of his wings, he leapt into the air, and breathed out a plume of golden fire. A chill ran down the backs of the boys as they remembered how effective that fire could be. Lance and Barak took a look at Balak's hair that had only just started growing, and even with all the boosters he used, the growth was still extremely slow, and their minds despaired.

Mica swooped down like an eagle, heading right for the boys, but was blocked by a spatial shield that was conjured by Nasir. The shield was not too strong, but it was strong enough to easily block off Mica's path.

"Call of your Dragon, Leon!" Nasir turned to Leon, thinking that Mica obeyed him, but it was Elena who answered instead.

Seeing Elena begin calling for Mica, Nasir suddenly remembered the little golden dragon that had been seen accompanying them during Divinity's Bout. He then linked it up and realized that the Dragon was in service of Elena, and not Leon.

By then, Elena had successfully called back Mica, and the adolescent dragon was looking at the three boys with pitiful eyes. He turned back to Elena with teary eyes and cried.

"Mama, the three idiots won't say hi!" After declaring the source of his sadness, he then proceeded to bury his face in her chest and begin to cry.

"Oh..." Leon watched all this from the side. From beginning to end, he had felt a deep sense of embarrassment build up in his chest. Not only was Mica speaking like a child, but the names he had given Lance and the others was also exceedingly stupid that he feared for their self esteem.

Rodius silently stopped beside Leon and they shared a look. The man simply shook his head, as if trying to tell Leon not to say anything. So Leon did not speak, he only watched as Nasir lowered his spatial barrier, and revealed the three boys with their embarrassed and contorted expressions.

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