The Black Necromancer

Chapter 192 Confrontation In The Rocky Pass

The lands around Fort White was relatively sparse in terms of vegetation, so it was easy to see the surrounding area miles out.

Right now, the soldiers manning the defenses of the town watched as Leon rode off into the distance with a giant, black wolf. Around him, several smaller wolves carried his elite summons, and together, they sped off into the distance, covering ground like it was nothing.

"Honestly, the Lord is a scary being." Someone said, and the others could only nod in agreement before turning back to face their duties. For one person to possess such might was so inconceivable in their eyes. Leon could probably overrun a small nation with this strength at his fingertips.

While his subordinates were admiring him, Leon was busy with something else. The summons in the surroundings of the Priests had already gone ahead to support them, and with many more opponents to fight against, the attacker was soon discovered.

A tall, pale faced man with dark hair and dark eyes flitted around like a fly. No matter what the summons did, they could not touch him, but he was also unable to put them down. Whether he sliced them into pieces, or blew up their bodies, they still came back, but his face remained calm and unhurried.

"Dammit! We need to hurry!" Leon was excited. For the past one week, he had done nothing but meditate and train his skills. The gains had been good, and he could feel that he was a lot stronger then before, but still, he wanted some real action.

A burst of mana erupted from Leon's body and wrapped around the group. The space around them warped and bent as Leon applied his advanced understanding of mana to change the surrounding space around them. Their bodies became lighter, and the space around them became more malleable, making it much easier for them to move at faster speeds.

Leon had gotten this concept from watching Jet fight. The dark haired warrior mage had used his Space magic to make the space around himself lax in order to move at insane speeds. Now, Leon was using Gravity magic to do something similar.

With the surge of Gravity mana, and a boost from Wind magic which parted the wind resistance ahead of them, they sped forward so quickly that not even Eric, a Peak B rank warrior mage, could follow them with his eyes.

The area where the Priests had been cleansing was about an hour away, but with the speed Leon was moving at, they reached there in just ten minutes! At that time, the summons had died multiple times already, but they had managed to inflict a bit of minor damage on the man. Although, it was just some slight burns from fire magic.

"Master!" Jordan called out as soon as he felt Leon's approaching presence. He conjured a massive fire tornado that spread out in a wide range, reaching up into the sky. The fire tornado bought him and his colleagues some time to prepare their next spell, but in the next moment, the tornado was split open, and a dark shadow came flying right at Jordan!


Another black shadow appeared in front of Jordan, and a moment later, Jordan realized that Nero had come to save him. The Berserker Knight gritted his teeth as he withstood the immense amount of force that had been delivered by Nasir's strike. On the other hand, Nasir clicked his tongue and flew back. He was irritated. He had wanted to get rid of these summons before their master arrived, but it seemed it was too late now.

"Who are you?" Leon asked as he came to a stop with Fenrir. Behind him, a cloud of black smoke unfolded, revealing an army of thousands. All of them were B rank, whether Low or Peak. The moment Nasir saw them, his face paled, and he recognized Leon. Right now, there were very few people in the world that would not recognize Leon when he appeared, or if he used his elite summons.

Even though he was worried, Nasir did not hesitate. Instead, he used magic to send a discreet signal to the coachmen of the carriage to retreat. Although the signal was discreet, Leon was still able to pick up the fluctuations of mana in the surroundings.

'There are more of them!' He noted with shock. Immediately, his mind skipped to Michael's words about the impending attack on the Central Continent, and he assumed that Nasir was signaling a hidden army.

Immediately, he sprung into action and waved his arm forward, spurring his summons to attack. The sudden change surprised Nasir, and he hurriedly turned around and retreated, turning into a dark shadow that sped across the rocky pass.

In mere moments, he had arrived at the location of the carriage with a panicked look on his face. He could surely escape, but there was no way that the boys and the coachmen could outrun the undead army coming.

"Nasir?! What's going on?" Lance immediately asked when the man appeared. The carriage had already been turned around, and they were beginning to rush back where they had come from.

"An Undead Necromancer... The one from Divinity's Bout. We need to run!" Nasir said quickly. He did not plan to use the carriage anymore, as it was too slow. He wrapped the boys up in a dark, shadowy cloud and was about to leap out of the carriage when the ground beneath them suddenly broke apart, causing the carriage to jerk to the side and fall on its side.

"Argh!" Nasir grunted and rushed out of the carriage with the boys, but was immediately confronted by a giant snake sticking out of the ground.


Up above, a giant eagle-like bird cawed as it flew circles around. They were Oris and one of Leon's recent summons, the giant snake from the last floor of the Tower of Trials, which Leon had named Seth.

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