The Black Necromancer

Chapter 186 [Bonus Chapter] Visiting The Temple

Leon paused for a moment in surprise. He had not expected to see such things of Rakon's status page. Sure, he had expected to be impressed, but the Title effects were the real shocker. This made the White Royal Millipede to be much more powerful with each Race Advancement! Each advancement would put a much larger gap between them and other beings of that same rank!

Leon quickly turned around and called another evolved millipede, then check that one's status too. That one also possessed roughly the same stats, albeit lower that Rakon's, and also the same Title!

"This is amazing!" Leon exclaimed with a hearty laugh. If his minions were going to grow like this, then they were more than worthy of following him! The stronger they grew, the better! No one would dare mess with him when he had hundreds of powerful B rank subordinates they were capable of performing above the expectations of that rank!

"Hahahaha!" Leon could not help the manic laughter that left his lips. He completely let himself go as he realized the potentially powerful force that he had at his disposal. Although they had yet to reach their full potential, he was sure that he would be able to groom an army of A rank beings!

If they kept on getting better Race Advancements each time, then that meant that their potential would remain high! And that meant they would grown into immensely powerful powerhouses that were under his control, serving his every bidding!

A minute passed before Leon finally calmed down. He turned around to look at Rakon and asked, "How many C rank millipedes are here? Are there any weaker ones?"

"My Lord, we have three hundred and twenty of my brothers and sisters, and there are none weaker than C rank. I am the strongest of the three hundred." Rakon explained to Leon.

"I see." Leon rubbed his chin. These millipedes had grown very quickly, and they were all strong. This growth could be attributed to Michael's Divinity constantly flowing through them and empowering them. This was the conclusion that Leon had settled on after a bit of thought. It made him wonder if the same thing would happen to him if he tried to use the lingering Divinity to fuel his growth.

"That aside, I should probably visit the Temple. Something tells me that Michael is waiting there for me." Leon hummed. He was not too fond of the God, but he knew that Michael was more or less on his side. He still planned to give Michael a proper beating for butting into his life and killing him, but that would have to wait.

For now, he needed to sort out some more immediate concerns.

"Right, I want you to help the humans up above to settle in well in some of the homes we have here. The soldiers should get decent homes, but nothing too big. Got that?" Leon began instructing Rakon on what to do.

He did not want to give the soldiers homes that were too large because he wanted to save them for those who planned to have families there. A larger home would be more comfortable for someone with a family of six, than a single soldier who would most likely feel lonely there.

Rakon took in all of Leon's instructions and soon hurried off to handle all the work. There was a lot to do, but it would not be a difficult thing. With his Hive Mind Skill, he quickly relayed Leon's orders to his siblings through their mental link. It was quick and efficient, and in a matter of moments, the hundreds of people were working to get Leon's orders met.

Leon was satisfied with their efficiency and nodded. Then he turned to Nedra, who had starry eyes.

"My children..." She sighed with pride.

"Keep fawning over them. I have something else to do." Leon shook his head at the millipede queen and made his way out of the underground realm. He was impressed with the work of the millipedes, and felt especially glad that they held him in higher regard than Michael.

Leon walked through the wide and spacious streets. Under the vigilant gazes of his summons and the White Millipedes, the traders and soldiers began to explore the mysterious town that belonged to Leon. He conveniently avoided all of the curious people and made his way to where the cathedral of the ruined town had once stood. Now, the place was dominated by a massive temple built with white blocks and golden pillars.

Leon calmly walked to the front of the temple, and the massive double doors swung open easily and soundlessly. It was a bit creepy, but Leon did not falter. After all, what could be more creepy than an Undead?

As Leon was now in his territory, he let the guise of a human fade from his body. As his bones were exposed to the dense Divinity that flowed through the temple. He could feel the flow of thus mystic power guiding him deeper into the temple, and so, he followed it.

Like a comforting blanket, a white light floated around Leon, urging him to move faster, but he kept his own pace, thinking. It was obvious that Michael was in a hurry to see him. But why?

This question remained in Leon's mind as he arrived before the massive double doors that led to the hall of the temple where Michael's statue rested.

'Soon, my own statue will rest here.' Leon thought to himself and glanced at the two giant statues beside the door. They were not actually statues, but powerful protectors that guarded the temple. But with how still and unmoving they were, anyone would mistake them for statues.


The massive double doors swung open, letting out a gush of wind against Leon that forced him to brace himself. Then he was hit right in the face with a wave of potent Divinity that disoriented him for a moment, followed by a deep, familiar voice.

"You sure took your time getting here."

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