The Black Necromancer

Chapter 172 Fists Speak Loudest! (3)


Eric's body hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. His face was bruised and was already swelling pretty badly after the rain of punches that Leon had delivered onto his body.

"That's enough!" Richard also called for an end to the match. He quickly walked over to Eric to check on the man. Moria was by his side, as she could use healing magic.

"Already? I was looking forward to a bit more." Leon sighed and cracked his knuckles.

Everyone simply looked at him like he was a crazy person. He had completely dominated the fight against Eric. From the moment his first punch landed, Eric had never gotten any breathing room to try to retaliate. The rain of punches had lasted for two whole minutes! In that time, Leon had displayed such an overwhelming might that they all knew that he did not even need to depends on his summons in order to dominate any fight against another B ranker!

"You guys are no fun." Leon eventually sighed when he saw that no one was coming forward, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. With a burst of mana, Nero came to stand before Leon.

"Your wish is my will, Master." Nero dropped to a knee.

"Nero, fight me with all you've got!" Leon exclaimed, grinning widely. He was feeling pumped after that fight. It had been years since he was last in a fist fight, so the earlier one had gotten him pumped up and excited. He used to be quite a rascal back in school!

"As you wish." Nero did not try to discourage Leon, but agreed completely! The summon stood up and took a couple of steps back, but he did not summon his sword or shield. Instead, he held his armored hands up in front of him as he prepared to get into a fist fight with his master.

The interest of everyone present was piqued as they watched the two Undead figures get into fighting position. Even Eric, who had regained some of his wits, was holding onto his jaw with curiosity.


With an audible parting of the wind, Nero sprung into action! His form blurred as he appeared a couple of feet away from Leon. His fist was already making its way straight to Leon's face. The summon was not holding back an ounce of his strength!

Leon's hand reached forward, and he diverted Nero's incoming fist, causing it to graze by the side of his helmet.


A massive gust of wind blasted out behind Leon, heading right for a couple of Low B rank fighters. The two fighters were surprised, but before they could act, Richard appeared in front of them and easily blocked the attack. The man's eyes were seriously trained on the two fighters as he followed their every move.


Dull thuds resounded through the room as Leon and Nero's fists collided with each other. Black and red fire blew all over the place as both of them poured all their power into the strikes.

Nero was a Strength build primarily, so he had a very high Strength stat. However, Leon was a special case. Although he focused on both Intelligence and Strength, he was not losing ground to Nero one bit!

"Come on, Nero! Is this how you're going to defend me if I'm in danger?!" Leon growled to rile up his loyal summon.

"GRAAAH!!!" Nero growled loudly, and all of a sudden, his body was engulfed by a red flame that slowly turned black as Nero grew in size. His armor turned from black with red markings, to red with black markings, while he grew over a meter taller! His strength also took a big leap, but even still, he was still Leon's match! Leon's base Strength stat was slightly lower than Nero's but with the bonuses from his Titles, he was able to display more strength than Nero!


Nero suddenly stopped punching, and clasped his fists together, raising them above his head. Then he brought them down onto Leon's head with frightening strength and speed, causing a loud explosion to sound out as Leon instantly slammed into the ground!

This caused Nero to falter, but that was all Leon needed to snatch the upper hand back from his summon.


Another small explosion sounded as Leon's fist shot up and slammed into Nero's chest armor, throwing the summon back a few steps. Before Nero could recuperate, Leon flashed beside him, and a dark purple domain spread around him. Nero instantly felt a heavy weight and pressure descend onto his shoulders, and his body slowed down at once.

Instantly, a flurry of rapid punches rained down on Nero's chest. The sounds of the solid punches bounced off the walls of the room clearly for all to hear. The shockwaves washed against their bodies, and the C rank people there began to feel weak. The shockwaves were messing up the flow of their internal energy, so Richard had to protect them by unfolding his aura to envelop them.

Eric's face paled when he realized that even though Leon had completely dominated their fight, Leon was still holding back while beating him up. He was a Peak B rank for crying out loud! How did Leon beat him up and still hold back?! Even now, he could not be sure if Leon was going all out or not!

​ "Hahahaha!" Leon cackled as he felt a new surge of power flare through him. He could feel the energy and power within his body surging higher and higher, until it pushed against a barrier.

"Huh?" He was confused, and that moment of confusion was enough for Nero to deliver a solid punch against his head. The shock of the punch was enough to snap him out of his daze, and with blazing eyes, her sent a fist covered in black, scorching fire, right into Nero's chest.


A flare of fire burst out from Nero's visor as the flames blasted through his body, but Leon made sure to withdraw the flames before any major damage could be done.

With a thud, Nero fell to one knee before Leon, declaring to everyone who the winner of this little spar was.

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