The Black Necromancer

Chapter 151 Brewing Darkness

Within the depths of the Fiftieth Floor, a strange presence stirred. Darkness swirled around a single torch that was lit with a blue flame. Beside the black shadow that swirled around the torch, a human figure stood. The person's hair was illuminated by the fire, staining his gunmetal colored hair with a shade of blue.

Michael's face carried no ounce of playfulness as he crafted a being from the shadows before him. It was an artificial construct, the partial reconstruction of a soul that had been lost in the flow of time, but it was good enough for what he was crafting.

Slowly, a black, skeletal figure took shape under the blue light of the torch. A green flame came to life in the depths of its skull as the Pseudo-Soul that had been put into it came to life. Slowly, the full form of the skeletal being came into the light. Black, glistening bones with faint green marks adorning them. Atop the head, the skull was shaped in a way that made it seem like a crown was seated atop its head. In that crown shaped bone, multiple gems rested. Green, red, blue, gray, black.

An entirely menacing aura wafted from the body of the skeletal being, but Michael did not even shake. Such an aura was like breeze wafting through his hair. Just like that, Michael had birthed a new, terrifying being.




The air cracked as one of Leon's latest summons, a giant, black eagle-like bird, swooped down. Oris, he had named the bird, was gotten on the thirtieth floor. It was the boss of the floor and had now become Leon's eyes in the sky.

The space around Oris cracked as it applied its space warping abilities around itself, boosting its speed to the maximum.

"Caw!" Oris screeched hatefully as he bared his pointed talons at a giant snake. The snake bared its fangs, raising its front up and hissing. A spurt of corrosive venom was released from its mouth and right at Oris, but Oris was too fast, dodging the venom, then clamping his talons around the snake's body.


,m The snake hissed in pain. Its body was being squeezed and pierced by Oris' talons, but there was nothing it could do. Oris had locked his claws right around the bottom of its head, so its ability to bite Oris was nil. It could only whip its lower body around madly, but that did little, as Oris had a firm layer of solidified space shielding his body.

Down below, a flock of smaller black birds that were roughly half the size of a human flew around. Devastating spatial blades fluttered from their open wings, slicing up the bodies of the snakes on the ground. A collective aura unique to their race spread out from them. It was a sort of skill that made Leon burn with excitement. A morale boosting aura!

Not only were the Dark Wing Eagles powerful combatants, but they also had a useful support type skill like this. It made Leon value their addition to his army even more. He waved his hand and his spear struck a snake that had tried sneaking up behind him.

[Level 42 Great Mamba killed!]

Leon waved his spear, flicking off the corrosive, green blood that had stained its tip. They had come across several groups of monsters now, with each of them possessing only a hundred of their kind. Each group was also led by a King.

Right now, Oris was taking care of the Great Mamba King. The mambas were sorely outmatched, as the birds were their opponents. They had no way of breaking the spatial shields of the birds, and since they were more predisposed towards sneak attacks and ambushes, this was not their playing field. They quickly found themselves on the losing side before they were able to do anything of note. The only way the snakes were able to take care of the birds was by ganging up against them, but they lacked the numbers on their side to do this properly.

Only the Dark Wing Eagles were participating in this fight. Leon wanted to raise the levels of his strongest summons right now, as they needed to prepare for the boss. If their guesses were correct, then they had one hell of a battle ahead of them.


A victorious cry drew Leon's attention overhead. Oris circled the battlefield with the motionless body of the Great Mamba King. Leon could feel the tiny trickle of experience flow to him from his summon's kill, and he grinned.


Oris let the snake's body thump to the ground while its boosting aura surged, swelling to envelop the entire battlefield. Leon could feel that its power had grown a tiny bit more, and he was happy, because he needed all his summons to grow strong enough so that they could face the last boss with confidence.

The supportive aura of Oris wrapped around the lesser eagles, and they sped up their efforts to wipe out their foes. The snakes on the other hand were much more suppressed. Their bodies moved slower, and their reaction times became slightly worse than before, allowing the Dark Wing Eagles have an easier time in the fight. They also had their own auras, but that of Oris was qualitatively better than theirs, and overlapped with their individual auras.

Before long, the last serpent was killed. Leon examined the battlefield with his eye sockets glowing. An average Great Mamba was at least twice as long as a human body. The king on the other hand was roughly eight or nine meters in length. On the other hand, the Dark Wing Eagles were around a meter in height, with Oris being two meters in height. They were also just as wide as an average person.

Despite this difference, they had easily been able to prevail over the serpents.


Leon raised his hand and a black smoke enveloped the bodies of the snake, turning them into his loyal summons.

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