The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 122 Clash Of Geniuses

Seeing the incoming attackers, Ezra quickly gave his instructions. Apex geniuses against apex geniuses, leave the remaining to Bloodfang Kingdom's martial masters.

"Our side is outnumbered," uttered Fair Sword.

On which Akkar loudly laughed. "I love being outnumbered!"

"Go!" Said the werewolf prince.

The 91 people rushed forwards, while Ezra remained where he was.

Although they were marching at terrifying speed, but for some reason, everyone felt as if the time has slowed down.

They could see each other's shiny weapons, the pressure in the air and their own heartbeat sounding like a ritual drum. No one knew who will die but everyone had one thought in their mind, it was the hope of survival.




A last battle cry before the collision.

"Reveal the armaments, now!" Hollered the prince, his voice resounded.


The martial masters of Bloodfang Kingdom swapped their weapons, Rolo who stayed behind like Ezra was baffled.


Two gangs finally collided, and spiritual energy rippled like chaotic waves of the ocean.

Surprise surfaced in Rolo's eyes, as he witnessed his side blown away.

"What is this? How!!! why does every one of them possess a Special tier weapon!" He pondered.

Rolo was not the only one shocked, Victor, Salom and others were bewildered likewise.

"Don't hesitate, we have numbers," said Salom, at the same time, he felt a strange danger from his left side.

His instincts allowed him to quickly raise his sword.


He heard a mocking chuckle. "Haha, focus on protecting yourself first." Said Zulfi Dimitry as his sword was thwarted by Salom Uqually.

"I was waiting for you, Bloodfang bastard." The genius of Uqually clan retorted.

Ixtal Molarch swung his axe at his enemy, an attack meant to kill.


Unfortunately, it was blocked by Labrys. Ixtal recognised the figure who handled his attack with ease. He cussed in anger.

"Shitty bitch, I will kill you"

"Hoh! Look who is saying, the one who left his girl to die and ran with tail between legs. Want me to tell you how our prince killed that girl? What was her name again? Yes... Sky Lees." Shifa uttered, his face was grave and his words filled with iciness.

Rage boiled within Ixtal, "I won't forgive you." He said.

At the same coliseum, Emily Jomez helped his side with the blood magic she inherited from her late father.

Her eyes fell on Salom facing Zulfi, she rushed to give aid.


A pair of curved short swords danced, halting her steps as a voice came. "Just where do you think you going? You have yet to pay for the trouble you gave us during the auction." Theor Galearm spoke as he raised his swords.

Emily gritted her teeth and prepared herself for the fight.

On the other side, Reema moved like a rampage phoenix, her whip of acid hurt her enemies. Until she felt something coming towards her.


She used her fan and bounced the attack back, it was a spear thrown by Baron.

"Hello there, how does it feel to be attacked by surprise?" Said Baron with a smile.

"Hehe, that was an attack? I thought you threw a rose at me."

Her words ended and her attack began, whip and fan, both had a different kind of offence.


It was the time when Baron realised he was no match for this upper realm girl. Few rounds of clashes and he only managed to protect himself.

"Hehe," an adorable chuckle resounded, forcing Reema to divert her attention. She found a beautiful figure in a green dress, her attire resembled nature itself, deep, mysterious and beautiful.

She has never seen anyone that beautiful, even though she was a peerless beauty as well, but the one in front was something else.

"Don't bully our handsome Baron, play with me." Farrie Holaleth chose her target.

"How cute! I wonder what your face will look like after I burn it? Hehe." Reema chuckled, contrary to her smiling face, she was jealous and furious.

Meanwhile, Akkar Boldheart was looking at a baby faced youth named Karl, he was the companion of Rolo Aur from the upper realm.

"You are still alive after facing Carlo? Quite impressive for a midget." Said, Karl.

"Hoho, you fight with your words, huh? If not then come and let me enjoy the battle."

"Such one-sided defeat and you still want a go?"

Akkar guffawed. "Hohoho, they call me battle maniac for a reason."

At the other part of the coliseum, Victor Brownmane was looking at another apex genius, just like the werewolves of Bloodfang Kingdom, the person in front of him was his common enemy.

The youngest prince of Stripe Beast Empire, Leomord Tigerian.

"Aren't you ashamed that you knelt before upper realm invaders? Was your defeat so obvious that it left you no choice?" The words of Leomord were piercing like arrows.

Victor twitched his brow. "It was a mutual alliance, lower brained beings like you can not understand."

Leomord stayed silent and moved forward, Victor didn't hesitate a bit and did the same.


An explosion occurred as two mighty beastmen faced each other.

Amidst the chaos in the coliseum, a figure in white attire, slid his way, gashing the sides of people with his great white sword as he moved.

His feet stopped when he reached a certain place, his eyes stuck on an individual, iciness covered his scarred face.

"You wanted to kill me, here I am." Said the Fair Sword of Humanity as he continued. "There was already tension in our continent, you forced the future generation of our continent against each other. I can't spare you."

Rolo Aur sighed. "Three things for you to understand as quickly as possible... of course, for your own good.

First, I forced none, I gave an offer and your precious continent's new generation accepted.

After that, you guys are greedy, if given enough benefits, you might kill your father and fuck your mother on the same day. That's how greedy, Naran Continent's martial artists are.

Thirdly, for us upper realm people, you guys are nothing but disposable materials. What caught our attention was this spirity bailiwick, not you guys."

John Stark clenched the hilt of his sword tightly, he was furious but he knew whatever the man in front saying is true.

"There is nothing more to talk about." Fair Sword swung his sword at Rolo Aur. The former smiled and vanished from where he was before. Fair Sword's eyes widened.

"Fair Sword of Humanity, this man is my prey!" Said, someone.

John Stark quickly pivoted his head to gaze at the origin of the voice, it was a man with a scythe.

"Please, let me fight him." Requested John Stark.

"I can't, I have to kill him" Xyr was firm.

"Haha, did my brother sent you to kill me?" Asked Rolo.

Xyr looked at him and remained silent.

"There is no one who faced Carlo and came back alive, he must have made a deal with you. Isn't it?" Asked Rolo.

"The dead doesn't need to know anything!" Retorted Xyr.

All of a sudden, spiritual energy around Rolo Aur raised tremendously, and his grey eyes became terrifying.

He murmured. "Why brother? why? You think these punks are strong enough to kill me, how long will you keep disrespecting me, brother?"

Rolo stopped and gazed at Xyr and John before he spoke again.

"You both, come at me together."

There was sheer killing intent in his words, John Stark flinched a little. "This pressure... he is different from our previous encounter."

Xyr felt a familiar sensation. "He is the same type of monster as his brother, I underestimated him."

"Come on!" Cried Rolo.

The killing intent and intense pressure made the ongoing battle pause for a moment, every eye turned towards the powerful mana surging within the man in a loincloth, Rolo Aur.


The sound of thundering bolts echoed, dwindling the attention.


The steps of a certain individual made the tip-a-tap sound, diverting the focus to himself as black chaotic bolts flickered around his body.

Seeing the stunned expression of everybody, Ezra Zephyr grinned.

"That's the entry I always dreamt of, anyone here with good writing skills? I want a novel based on my story."

He looked at John Stark and Xyr.

"Why don't you both fight each other first? The winner gets the opportunity to kill that motherfucker. Until then, I will give him a sweet company."

Ezra turned his sight towards Rolo Aur and continued. "We have a lot to discuss with each other."

"Haha, you are a unique individual, prince of Bloodfang. You gave me numerous troubles yet I couldn't kill you. It's hard to believe that the one with the weakest cultivation is leading a group of apex geniuses"

Ezra chuckled in response, "Come on now, you are no less, you came from above and built the biggest faction as soon as you arrived."

"Tell me your secret?" Rolo asked, it seemed his peevishness decreased.

"You can say it's a perk of being a prince," Ezra replied.

"Perk of being a prince?"

"You don't know? You can ask your martial spirit, he was once a prince too. Rajah Soliman from the Kingdom of Bumbaran!" The evil grin uncovered itself.

At that very moment, for the first time in Spirity Bailiwick, Rolo experienced fear.

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