The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 86

86 Go make noise elsewhere

Zi Xingxi who had been enduring this senseless argument for the past ten minutes got tired of it so she said, “Go make noise elsewhere.”

Zi Han watched his grandfather and his friend stand up without any complaints. He suddenly saw his mother in a new light. This woman was terrifying.

“I got five. How many did you get?” asked Mr Wayne clenching his teeth in anticipation. If he wins this he would get Zi Feiji’s entire book collection. All that historic text that is considered priceless in the federation will belong to him. But if he loses, well, let’s just say his wife might make him sleep outside.

“Damn it,” yelled Zi Feiji while holding his waist like it was sore, “we are even.” He had a very good reason for going through with this bet and if he loses then his grandson would have suffered a loss for nothing.

Mr Wayne heaved a sigh of relief hearing this. He might not have won but if he lost he would regret it for the rest of his life.

“Don’t look so relaxed. We still have approximately four minutes and who knows what could happen in that short amount of time,” said Zi Feiji. He really wanted to get his hands on that mech so his grandson can use it but now.

“Dream on Ji Ji,” said Mr Wayne patting his shoulder but a pissed-off Zi Feiji dodged while saying,

“Don’t call me tha-.”

“Sorry um .... Master Zi..... can I speak to you for a moment?” said a sweet melodious voice breaking the tension between the two friends.


Mr Wayne suddenly felt a great sense of crisis so he said, “That Mrs Yi, his grandchild is a-,” but his face was shoved to the side and Zi Feiji stiffly smiled at Lin Ruoxi while gesturing for them to step aside.

Lin Ruoxi who had never thought she would have this kind of discussion with anyone gathered her courage and said, “I heard that you are trying to match make for your granddaughter... what’s her name again?”


“Yes..... um, weird name but um.... I was wondering if we could possibly set a date with my son. I think he is a little interested in her. I know your relationship with your junior is shaky but I can convince him to let this happen if the kids get along well,” she spoke in one breath.

Zi Feiji, “.....”

What a twisted turn of events. “Who is interested in what now?.... I am sorry but your husband is um.... a pain in the ass and if we were to become in-laws there is no guarantee they would be bloodshed at the wedding. But tell you what..... you talk to him first then maybe I will think about it,” replied Zi Feiji knowing fully well that it wasn’t going to happen.

Lin Ruoxi heaved a sigh of relief. As long as one party was willing to negotiate then it was indeed possible. “Thank you. I will keep in contact,” she said before walking away.

Zi Feiji wanted to skin someone with the initials YC but he had won his bet so he could only schedule the skinning at some other time. With a gleeful smile, Zi Feiji turned around intending to brag to grandmaster Wayne the greatest mech maker in the federation when he saw the guy trying to sneak out after picking up his granddaughter.

“You! Old man, stop for me!” he yelled disrupting the joyous atmosphere in the reception hall.

“Fuck.... run run run,” said Mr Wayne to his granddaughter but Zi Feiji was too determined to get what he wanted. Two seconds later the crowd was exclaiming as one old man tackled the other and robbed him of something.

The bride who had thought she would go through this day without drama yelled, “Not on my special day,” as she threw her bridal bouquet at them.

The flowers hit Zi Feiji’s back while Mr Wayne laughed at him mockingly. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the end for these ruined flowers. They bounced off Zi Feiji’s back and happened to be caught by Zi Han who was rushing to get his grandfather off Mr Wayne.

As soon as he caught it everyone cheered to Zi Han’s confusion. Zi Xingxi angrily took the broken bouquet from him and casually tossed it on the floor while whispering, “The fool doesn’t even know what it means to catch the bridal bouquet.”

That is to say, no one knew what happened to that bridal bouquet afterwards. It was forever lost and never to be seen again.


“Well that was quite eventful,” said Lin Ruoxi recalling the whole tackling drama at the end of the wedding, “where did you get that?” This question was directed to her third child who was holding a pink water gun.

“A big sister. Look, mum, it has a bubble setting,” she said before pressing the trigger and bubbles shot forth in the hovercar.

Lin Ruoxi swatted her hands popping some of them while reprimanding her, “Not in the car... You You, what big sister is she talking about?”

Yi Youxi raised his head abandoning his game. His expression was as bright as a light bulb as he began to describe this goddess, “She is so tall.”

Ming Ming, “Very tall.”

Yi Youxi, “She is pretty and has short hair.”

Ming Ming, “She was wearing a light pink dress. So pretty.”

Yi Youxi, “I am giving the description or you are?”

Ming Ming, “Sorry, sorry. Please continue.”

Yi Youxi, “She even taught us how to eliminate bullies.”

Ming Ming, “She stunned them and they rolled down the hill, hahaha.”

Yi Youxi turned his neck stiffly with a WTF expression only for Ming Ming to close her lips with her hand. She couldn’t help it.

“Oh and dage knows her. What’s her name?” said Yi Youxi throwing the pot at Yi Chen.

Yi Chen who had been silently listening with a slight quirk at the corner of his lips was suddenly named.

If he says he knows her then wouldn’t that result in his mother’s senseless interrogation. If Lin Ruoxi finds out that Hanifa was no Hanifa but Han, wouldn’t that lead the conversation in a direction he didn’t want?

“Not familiar. We are just classmates,” he said cutthroat and straightforward. If Lin Ruoxi hadn’t seen his expression when he followed after that girl like a puppy she would have believed it.

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