The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 72

72 Pitching a tent in public

“I thought you wearing a skirt would put things into perspective and you would reflect on your mistakes but no. Maybe I should just ask the Dean to extend your punishment to a month.”

Zi Han, “.....”

Fuck no. His balls were almost shrunk into his body from the cold breeze coming from the central cooling system in the lab. He wanted to speak up for himself when Yi Chen got up under Li Ran’s probing gaze and spoke to Professor Quinn. “I will sit with him,” he said forcing Hela to give up her seat.

Professor Quinn seemed to like this idea very much. If anyone could keep the black sheep of class one in check, it could only be Yi Chen. He’s aloof and cold face was enough to deter anyone from causing mischief.

Thus Zi Han was officially stuck with Yi Chen as a study partner. He wasn’t happy neither was Hela but do you know who was happy? Li Ran and the man himself, Yi Chen. This was the most perfect sitting arrangement but to Zi Han, it was more like unwarranted torture.

No one was disturbing him anymore but he was very uncomfortable. No matter how hard he tried to concentrate he still felt a great noticeable presence to his right. Soon he felt a piercing gaze searing through his skin causing an uncontrollable wave of goosebumps but he resisted the urge to turn around.

It was like his skin was getting burnt off layer by layer by a beast trying to expose his vulnerability. Zi Han wanted to ignore it but he found it extremely difficult. He licked his molars with the tip of his tongue as he glanced over in Yi Chen’s direction and asked, “Does it look good?”

But he suddenly put away his feisty claws when he saw that Yi Chen was staring at his shaft coupling that still looked like it hadn’t been repaired. Okay, he was wrong. Yi Chen wasn’t even looking at him. He was busy judging his pathetic repair skills. Zi Han lowered his head with his lips pressed into a thin line feeling a little annoyed.

“Do you need help?” asked Yi Chen but he didn’t even wait for Zi Han to reject him. He moved a little closer and explained, “You like mechs, right?”


Zi Han just wordlessly glanced at him and Yi Chen took his silence as a yes. “When you connect to a mech you inject your mental power into the entire system so that the mech becomes a part of you..... more like your extension. Now, take that same feeling you get from that experience and focus on the part of the mech that’s broken and replicate it but only on this broken part.”

Zi Han, “.....”

“Well, this might come as a surprise to you but the only mech I have driven was on the military virtual simulator. So..... I can’t do that unless the process is the same.”

Most kids in the slums of Saarilia had no access to mechs but still had to learn how to repair them and Zi Han was included in this bracket. He couldn’t repair mech parts because he hadn’t been in a mech in real life.

“That..... would you lik-,” said Yi Chen before he was cut off midsentence by the siren ringing indicating the end of class. Yi Chen was about to continue with his question when Zi Han got up abruptly like he had been granted amnesty.

But because he got up too fast he once again dropped the very same bolt.

Without much thought, he bent down to pick it up with his ass directly in Yi Chen’s line of sight. As he eyed the hem of that skirt gracefully moving with Zi Han’s movements Yi Chen gulped unconsciously with the tips of his ears heating up. His hand on his thigh moved slightly but he managed to stop himself before he could do something he would regret.

Yi Chen was a very restrained person but as the urge from earlier arose inside of him he found his self-control crumbled to dust. He imagined himself slipping his hand inside that skirt and rubbing that perky peach that was taunting him openly.

This thought was the one that broke his final resolve. His blood rushed down south in a matter of seconds and the person who was as pure as the snow on the peaks of the Himalayas mountain had his first-ever erection that wasn’t morning wood.

This erection was a result of his improper thoughts towards his classmate and it happened to happen at school. He immediately looked away in embarrassment as he leaned his upper body forward blocking anyone from seeing the tightness in his pants.

The culprit didn’t even look back. He smacked the bolt on the workbench before joining his three friends that were already waiting for him.

Yi Chen covered his burning face with his hands as he swore in a low voice, “Fuck.” For years nothing had aroused his interest even spring dreams were a foreign concept to him but now..... now he had just had an erection in public over a man in a skirt.

He couldn’t make sense of it but this wasn’t the time to analyze the situation. Since he had pitched a tent in the middle of the day in a public place he had to calm down first. Li Ran walked over to his friend with a spring in his step.

The smile on his face was suddenly wiped away when he realised something wasn’t right. Yi Chen’s face was a little flushed with the tip of his ears stained red. The way he lowered his head with a twisted expression brought forth an inexplicable sense of panic.

Out of all these years he had known Yi Chen he had never seen him this ill. The man could endure six hours of training and walk out of there on his feet while others need stretchers to leave the training room.

But the man who was fine twenty minutes ago now looked like he had endured a great tribulation.

“Are you feeling unwell? Should I take you to the infirmary?” asked a concerned Li Ran but Yi Chen shook his head and said,

“I just need a cold bottle of water. Can you get it for me?” Li Ran immediately ran out leaving Yi Chen alone in the empty laboratory.

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