The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 54

54 Carpool

“Hehe, not going to happen, buddy. How can this take precedence over your future? Now, the old steward will bring you dinner but you can start so long,” said Zi Feiji before exiting the room. The old steward shut the door behind him and then caught up with Zi Feiji,

“Sir..... do you think the young sir will be able to complete the task?” he asked worriedly.

“Not a chance in hell.....,” replied Zi Feiji before pausing his steps with a malicious smile that terrified the old steward, “that is why you need to prepare another set of uniforms. The opposite of the one he currently has.”

Old Lu, ‘QAQ’

The old devil lying dormant in Zi Feiji had resurfaced and it was out for blood. He was suddenly worried for the young sir.

Zi Han who had no idea that this was a set-up from the very beginning was at a loss as he sat there crossed legged with a vexed expression. After searching inkstone several times he almost cried tears of blood.

That’s because Starnet’s search results only brought up explicit content which he was barred from seeing by the teen protection software on his light brain. This was something controlled by the government. It had nothing to do with his helicopter parent.

Frustrated he banged his head on the coffee table a couple of times.

Bang, bang, bang..... bang.


Bang, bang, bang..... clatter.

Those were the rhythmic sounds of him banging his head on the desk until the calligraphy brush rolled off the coffee table and fell to the floor with a soft clatter.

He suddenly raised his head and took a look at the instructions but he hated reading manuals so much that he read the instructions half-heartedly. He had to repeat some sentences four times to get them in his head.

It took Zi Han half the night to come up with a decent amount of ink but it was at the expense of his face and fingers which were smudged with ink stains. Halfway through he messaged his mother again.

Mama’sBoy: QAQ

Mama’sBoy: SOS

Mama’sBoy: How do I use this thing? (Crying mouse.jpg)

Mama’sBoy: (Baby pouting.jpg)

He looked especially pitiful but his mother was still unavailable. He had no choice but to continue.

He was woken up the next day by those annoying voices. When he opened his eyes he wasn’t in bed but sleeping with half his face plastered on the coffee table with dark circles under his eyes. At least in his stupor, he didn’t sleep in the ink.

After hurriedly washing up he dragged his tired ass downstairs and saw his grandfather sitting on the dining table sipping on a cup of black coffee. “Good morning grandpa,” he whispered sitting opposite him.

“Mn.....,” replied Zi Feiji while watching him with the rim of his cup on his lips, “you look like you have been to hell and back.”

The old steward placed a bowl of nourishing congee packed with natural energy boosters in front of Zi Han. He had a feeling that this young sir didn’t sleep well tonight thus he pulled out an old recipe just for him.

Zi Han rubbed his eyes sheepishly as he raised the porcelain spoon to eat his breakfast. Halfway through his meal, the door was suddenly knocked and Zi Feiji panicked. He placed his mug down and yelled at his housekeeper robot, “Don’t you dare open that door!”

Zi Han, “...”

Old steward, “...”

But no matter how long they ignored the door the person persisted and Zi Han was also going to be late for school if this continued.

Soon the person changed tactics. Not only did they knock but they also blew up Zi Feiji’s light brain. A series of dinging sounds coupled with the knocks were quite alarming. You would think they were haunted by debt collectors here to seize their property.

Marshal Yi: Open up!

Marshal Yi: it’s time to pay the piper!

Marshal Yi: Your grandson will be late for school!

Marshal Yi: You will eventually have to open the door so give up already.

... long silence.

Wiseman: Scram!!

“Dad, did you really have to come here in the morning? I already said it’s fine it was an accident,” whispered Yi Chen who had stepped out of one of the hovercars parked in front of Zi Feiji’s penthouse.

Marshal Yi snorted coldly before saying, “When he robbed me of my classic GT mustang from old earth did he give me such courtesy.”

“It was a car model and not the real thing. Besides, you got it back?” asked Yi Chen wishing he could drag his father away. Fine, he held old grudges with Zi Feiji but why did he have to drag him into this?

“Stay out of it. You will understand when you have an arch-nemesis in the future,” replied Marshal Yi while harassing Zi Feiji through a barrage of messages.

“Then can I go to school?” asked Yi Chen but of course, Marshal Yi wouldn’t let that happen.

“No, you are not going anywhere. Watch you old man avenge you. I am going to make Zi Feiji miserable today,” he said only for the door to click open afterwards. The cause of all of this was standing in front of them his face looking like the walking dead.

Yi Chen’s brow furrowed as he stared at Zi Han who looked like he had endured great torment last night. He looked like someone had bullied him all night only for the cruel bastard to force him to go to school the next day.

“Go-good mor-, uh,” stammered Zi Han when he realised who was standing in front of him. He was in the presence of the great god of war who single-handedly destroyed the rebel army during the great resistance.

“Hello, now step aside kid. I have a score to settle with your grandpa,” said the Marshal before striding in like he owned the place. Zi Han who was star struck at this point watched the Marshal’s disappearing back with stars in his eyes.

Yi Chen’s brows furrowed even deeper feeling a little annoyed. He just turned on his heels and left without saying a word.

Zi Han only came out of his trance when the old steward rushed outside with a worried expression. “Young sir, I suggest you go with young master Yi to school in his hovercar. If I leave your grandfather and Marshal Yi alone they might burn the house down,” explained Old Lu while constantly glancing into the house a little anxious.

The two men were in the study, one was hugging the framed map while the other was trying to take it away. At this rate, their verbal war would soon turn physical.

“But-,” muttered Zi Han but like a ghost, the old steward had vanished. He looked like an abandoned child left in the rain. Like his grandfather, he had so much pride. How was he going to actively ask the enemy to carpool? Wasn’t that directly slapping his face.

“Going or not?” asked a familiar voice right behind him almost giving him a heart attack.

“Shit,” he swore startled like a cat caught in the dumpster inside an alley, “What are you sneaking around for? Ha.... my heart.” Didn’t this person go back to the hovercar just now? So why was he behind him sneaking around like a thief?

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