The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 281

281 “Your grandfather is really angry this time”

Subsequent beeping sounds echoed in the silent dim lit room with a carmine red light illuminating the young man’s face amplifying his villainous appearance.

His lips quirked crookedly, his eyes crazed as he stared at the person lying flat in a healing capsule affixed with several cables connected to a weirdly shaped ring with recognizable inscriptions written on it. This ring was a part of one of the arks that left old earth during the Exodus.

Onyx Federation kept the ark in a museum to commemorate their ancestors and the struggles they endured for a better future but in the Republic, however, their ark was stripped for parts and was now being used in this makeshift portal.

“*Sigh... it’s only a matter of time until I do what others couldn’t do... that is to burn the Federation to the ground,” he said as he leaned down with an evil glint in his eyes.

With his breath condensing on the glass case he laughed sinisterly, the kind of laugh that can send shivers down one’s spine. “I will avenge you... I will make sure the people who put you in this position in the first place will pay. Aren’t you happy... cousin?” he asked looking straight at the man sleeping peacefully. Weirdly, he looked like a sleep paralysis demon trying to suppress the sleeping man.

After two minutes of silence, the man leaned back as the smile on his face fell. His back straight he walked over to the computer light years behind the Federation’s technology and began to type a few things in the system.

Onyx Federation foiled his plans then he would make them pay greatly with an attack so extensive and make them feel his wrath.

“Let the firework show begin,” he whispered as he pressed a key and the healing capsule lit up with the person inside it convulsing.



“Your grandfather is really angry this time,” whispered Zi Xingxi as she stood in the shadows of an alley concealing her presence.

Zi Han looked outside the window of the cafe watching the raindrops streaming down on the glass window. He picked up the steaming cup of hot chocolate in front of him and responded, “He is very upset. I think this time he might kick us out,” before taking a sip with the whipped cream staining his upper lip.

He wiped the cream off his face and pulled down the hood of his jacket before taking a picture of the drunk hot chocolate and sending it to Yi Chen.

Hansome: (image.jpg)

Hansome: I miss you.

While sending that the sound of Zi Xingxi’s voice came through into his ear. She chuckled at first before saying, “You can resign from the army and join me. Honestly, you and he aren’t meant to be from the same world. You can date but...”

“Mum,” he said his voice stern, and Zi Xingxi immediately stopped talking about it.

“Uh uh I know, I know. I am just making you aware that you have other options,” she said with an invisible umbrella hovering above her shielding her from the rain.

Zi Han raised his head revealing a not so familiar face. His mother had introduced him to her extensive disguises. He resolutely picked a disguise that gave him a milky white weak appearance making him appear as though he wasn’t a threat.

Since Zi Feiji was mad at them they left and went on a hunt. The person they were stalking was the owner of a cafe in the middle class part of Capital Star.

He was known as a philanthropist helping the community and orphaned children getting them off the street and improving their lives but what plenty didn’t know was that he was a disgraced mech engineer and not just for anyone but the royal family.

According to the information extracted from Sheba he got a message from some anonymous person informing him that he was about to lose his certification and might possibly face charges of treason for misappropriating equipment and exchanging it with cheap parts.

Him losing his job was inevitable but if he swapped out one more part not only will he be able to avoid imprisonment but he would also be able to make a lot of money. Faced with expulsion and life in prison his choice was obvious.

He didn’t hesitate. A few weeks later when he heard that the combat mech he had deliberately tempered with crashed with the prince in it he suddenly became a whole new person. He stopped spending the blood money on luxurious things and sold his villa before moving here to start a small cafe while helping the community.

Seeing the man who sentenced his father to death just because of greed Zi Han sneered. The man was a hands-on type of owner actively preparing beverages for his customers alongside his staff.

If anyone saw him they would give him the holy mother award as he was a man doing everything for his community but in truth, he was a black hearted greedy bastard who just wanted to save himself.

After twenty minutes the man took off the apron and walked out from behind the counter bidding his employees farewell.

“He is leaving,” whispered Zi Han following the man’s figure with his dark eyes.

Zi Xingxi snorted coldly before responding, “You know what to do.”

Ten minutes after the man left Zi Han finished off the rest of his hot chocolate and tapped his light brain on the floating screen at the end of the table giving the service staff a generous tip.

When the girl taking orders at the counter saw the notification she instantly thought it was a mistake thus she called out to him. “Sir, I think you gave too...,” she said only for her voice to get caught in her throat when the young man pulled up his hood.

She was so mesmerized by his handsome looks that her brain short circuited. Zi Han smiled at her and said, “You guys need it more than I do,” before walking out.

When he stepped out he found that the rain had reduced significantly. In his earpiece, he could hear the sound of a man yelling but he wasn’t at all fazed.

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