The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 262

262 Mummy and daddy are fighting again

“Save it, mister. I know what the hell you are thinking ab-... shit,” he swore when Yi Chen grasped his arm and moved him away pressing him on the wall before closing Zi Han’s mouth with his hand.

Yi Chen placed his index finger on his lips gesturing for him to keep silent before pointing at the intersection ahead. Zi Han’s brows creased as he turned his head to take a look. It was an unconscious person being dragged by an invisible thing through the tunnels.

Zi Han glanced back at Yi Chen who was still staring at the end of the tunnel vigilantly. In the dark Zi Han could barely make out Yi Chen’s face but he could clearly see an outline of his Adam’s apple rolling as he swallowed.

Zi Han was still as angry as a pufferfish but faced with this man’s charm he couldn’t fend off the urge to take a bite of that apple and who could blame him? The man was built like a thirst trap ready to ensnare unsuspecting victims.

The sound of a body being partially dragged on the rocky ground filled the air giving off a blood-chilling aura but since Zi Han knew that it wasn’t the work of ghosts and spirits he was feeling a little playful.

Because he was so mad he decided to mess with Yi Chen in this tense environment. He stuck out his tongue and licked Yi Chen’s palm.

The unexpected warm moist feeling startled Yi Chen so much that he shifted his gaze towards Zi Han only to be met by a pair of teasing eyes.

His eyes deepened as he signaled for Zi Han to stop it but of course, Zi Han wouldn’t stop. He licked again and again and this time his tongue swirled around like he was eating an ice cream cone.

‘Fuck,’ swore Yi Chen internally before leaning down and pressing his lips on Zi Han’s kissing him fiercely. He had been thoroughly starved for the past two days so yes he took full advantage of the situation knowing truly well that they were meant to stay silent.


Zi Han who didn’t think he would be shameless enough to take advantage of the situation fought him off at first but who was he kidding? Yi Chen knew exactly which switch to flip. He might be able to resist but it wouldn’t take long before he was calling out daddy sweetly while begging to be fcked.

Zi Han bit Yi Chen’s lower lip as punishment and as Yi Chen hissed in pain letting him go the sound of something scraping the tunnel walls drew his attention.

The sound was low but Yi Chen was able to hear it thus he drew a sword, with a serrated blade on one side, and stabbed in that direction. A long line with thick blue blood appeared midair before the deadly phantom showed its true form.

Before it could alert the others with its horrible shriek, Yi Chen slashed its head decapitating it. Its head with an agape mouth rolled down to the ground before the rest of its body collapsed to the floor.

Yi Chen turned his attention back to Zi Han while explaining, “I think gunfire will alert the others so I could only-,” but he was suddenly clasped by the collar and pulled closer.

“That was so fuckin hot,” said Zi Han his voice hoarse and his breath hot like he was in heat.

Yi Chen, “...”

‘Who am I? Where am I? And the most important question... what the fuck?’ he exclaimed in his mind while Zi Han sucked on his lips. Despite the fact that Zi Han was angry with him he still wanted to do despicable things with him. Wasn’t it a little contradictory?

“Guys, I can still hear you. So can Zain and Omari. You two are nasty,” said Li Ran afraid that they would end up hearing the two of them tearing each other’s clothes off and doing grown people stuff.

Zi Han glared at Yi Chen while panting trying to catch his breath. Yi Chen pointed at his chest and Zi Han looked down only to find the green light coming from his body. “Fuck,” swore Zi Han under his breath, “why didn’t you tell me?”

Yi Chen struggled to suppress a smile while saying, “Baby, you were so sure it was me and I couldn’t even defend myself.”

Zi Han, “...”

AAAAAAAAAHHH he was so embarrassed that his face turned bright red. What made it worse was that he was so hard right now that it wasn’t even funny.


Meanwhile, across the city, Zain and Omari were giggling like little school girls after hearing some adult things in the team chat. “Mummy and daddy are fighting again,” said Zain trying not to laugh out loud, “and not the good kind of fighting.”

Omari wanted to laugh too but he couldn’t help but scold him. “What if Zi Han hears you say that? Don’t worry I will help you pick a coffin and come sweep your grave every year,” he said as they hid behind a wall vetting the situation inside the building they were trying to infiltrate.

“I do envy them though. My mother keeps calling me every weekend asking if I met any girl. At this point she is so desperate she wouldn’t mind me finding a wife in the army,” said Zain expressing his grievances.

Li Ran who couldn’t take it anymore interjected, “You do realize you are currently in a life-threatening situation yet you can’t stop talking about relationships. You are all as crazy as your mum and dad who were eating each other’s faces in a tunnel filled with freaking monsters.”

“Who are you fooling? Weren’t you the one yammering on about Hela the last time we were fighting off that bloody skorca,” said Omari only for Zain to interrupt him,

“What the fuck is a skorca? That was a fucking Slifer.”

“Well, yah but it looks like a fucking flying orca to me so sky orca hence skorca,” explained Omari not understanding why this was so hard to understand.

“Ah, guys. The target is on the move. If you don’t act now you might not be able to catch him,” said Li Ran seeing that the boy who was operating the screen was getting up and getting ready to leave.

The boy had probably realized that he couldn’t steal the military’s secrets from there and decided to go to the base directly using the tunnels. “If you fuck this up the squad leader will not let you go,” said Li Ran trying to figure out the boy’s possible means of escape.

Zain and Omari didn’t mess around anymore. That one sentence was warning enough. If Yi Chen wouldn’t even let go of Zi Han then what about them?

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