The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 222

222 Why did you cry?

Zi Han shuffled around and turned his body to lie down facing Yi Chen. Suppressing a smile he said, “It means that I feel like I am about to get fucked that’s what it means.”

Yi Chen lightly bit his lower lip his eyes deepening further showing inexplicable emotions. He lowered his head and asked, “Well, I am more than willing to accept that offer.”

“Of course, you will,” said Zi Han with a light chuckle before falling into silence.

Yi Chen gently caressed the side of Zi Han’s cheek with his thumb before opening his mouth to ask something but he hesitated. He decided to rephrase his question first before asking.

“Why did you cry?” asked Yi Chen his thumb brushing against Zi Han’s cheek. When he asked he wasn’t expecting Zi Han to tell him but to his surprise, Zi Han answered him.

“I saw..... I saw my dad but not like physically or anything like that,” said Zi Han with his brows knitted together trying to find the best way to describe the scene.

Yi Chen didn’t interrupt him. He carefully listened to the series of events. Three things he could conclude from this were that Zi Han’s father had something to do with those creatures, Zi Han had upgraded his mental power to SS rank, and that he had also experienced firsthand the pain of losing his loved one all over again.

Yi Chen comforted Zi Han in his embrace but something about this was still off. How can Zi Han’s father appear in front of Zi Han and have a conversation with him while controlling those creatures?

Something was definitely off about this but he chose not to tell Zi Han until he was certain. As soon as they returned to Capital Star, Yi Chen immediately went to look for his father. When he found him the Marshal was in the training room at the military headquarters inside Hydra.


As soon as he stepped out Yi Chen spoke in a serious tone, “We need to talk.”

Hearing this Marshal Yi didn’t think twice. He immediately abandoned his training and brought him to his office. After securing the room, Yi Chen told him about the attack on him at Dark Star and what little of the poison they found in his system.

Marshal Yi collapsed in his chair hearing this. He was aware of the prime ministers’ pursuits but he honestly didn’t think they would take things this far. He studied the medical report seriously before saying,

“You do realize that this type of modified drug has no antidote in our reserves so how is your mental power not crippled?”

Marshal Yi asked the question but he already knew the answer. He had personally witnessed firsthand the prince’s healing capabilities in the past.

That’s because the person the prince healed was himself after they had clashed with interstellar pirates when their fleets were still powerful terrorizing the entire federation.

He didn’t even touch him but the gush on the Marshal’s abdomen healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is why when the prince came to him for help he didn’t hesitate. Now it seemed Zi Han had inherited the same mental power as his father.

“It was cadet Han and his mental power ranked up to SS rank just like that.... He said it was his father,” said Yi Chen studying his father’s expression carefully.

The moment Marshal Yi heard that his body froze in place while staring at his son. “Did he really see him?” asked Marshal Yi his expression complicated.

Yi Chen nodded his head but he didn’t go into great detail. He didn’t mention the villa or the creatures nor did he mention the appearance Zi Han described about his father. He disclosed as little as he could so he can find out what the Msrshal was hiding.

“Tsk, when he asked me to help him fake his death I honestly thought he would take Zi Xingxi with him. He always talked about how he had built a home in a place were he could be happy and free from the federation.”

“But he just vanished after that. His royal highness is definitely alive somewhere. Knowing what I know now about his relationship with Zi Xingxi I don’t understand why he never came back for her. That’s why when she threw a fit I refused to help her take down the culprit. The plot to assassinate the prince was real it’s just that we made it look like it succeeded. The person himself didn’t actually die.”

Marshal Yi put on a brooding look as he carefully thought it through before continuing, “But the fact that he appeared before Zi Han and vanished without taking him means wherever he is he is being held against his will.”

“No one knows this but the royal family’s ability to perform space jumps isn’t because of some intricate advanced technology. That was just a cover.”

“The emperor and each other person who sat on that throne before him were the technology. They were men and women who could jump fleets through space with their mental power. I never understood how it worked but why try to understand it, right?”

After offloading everything he had been holding back the Marshal leaned back in his seat looking like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

Yi Chen on the other hand had more questions than when he came to look for his father. Rubbing his forehead he asked, “Before you didn’t want to tell me all this so why are you being open now?”

Marshal Yi looked into his eyes for a second before saying, “That’s because you have proved yourself. You have proved to me that you know when to open your mouth and when not to. This title comes with that.”

“It’s the ability to rationally approach a problem and analyze it to find a solution with the lowest risk and then execute it. And you have just proved to me that you have reached that level despite emotional involvement. That’s why I think you are ready to know everything.”

Yi Chen’s chest tightened hearing his father commend him. He felt bad about it. He wanted to tell Zi Han but his father was right. According to Zi Han’s personality, he would go off the rails knowing certain things but that didn’t make Yi Chen feel any better.

“So the portals... do you think his royal highness has something to do with it?” he asked trying to shake off the guilty feeling in his heart.

“If I were to make a guess.... this had the Republic written all over it. They are using him to get back to the federation and it’s most likely against his will.”

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